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RE: Whatever: If This Hardfork Fucks Me Over As A Content Producer...

in #life6 years ago

There are really too much changes to predict. I would like to see SMTs out first. I like Steem Engine Tokens, but are we creating a rival Steem Inc.?
I figure it will harm tipping behavior which does add up. It will help stop those 'hello here is a picture of my shoe' posts amd other mild abusers. It will likely concerntrate power and delegation in curation bots. Actually who knows? I've monitored how much roi I can make across several types of behaviors. It takes atleaat an hour or two to write a post I am not ashamed of promoting. If that changes I'll quickly figure out something to do with my time.
Inflation is around 10%, Just delegating to bots is around 17%. Simply upvoting yourself (or trading) is around 22%. After we start getting into content creating and engagement up to around 25%+. Ive never tried only curating, but I imagine it is around 15% from accounts I've analysed. Maybe it will go up to 20% for the small guys and 25% for the big bots (and exclusive clubs or pools or persons that pretend they are individual actors)

Posted using Partiko Android


I just want a place to perform my little show, and a large audience. I don't need to worry about all that other ROI stuff.