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RE: Looking at my grandmother today I realised that in this life you only get one shot.

in #life7 years ago

That's life, as they say.

My grandad is ninety, and we think he'll be in the care home shortly. I remember him in his 60s - being a brick layer all his left made him look tanned and strong.

It's tough to see people not how they were, but yeah, shit happens. Speaking of that:

and that drop of pee that sometimes appears out of nowhere even though you double dried the bastard.

that made me laugh out loud, only cause i'm suffering from the same shit these days! ok, a few years haha

Enjoy the ride, and remember to wipe that up before Bianca steps in it and gives you a bollocking!


I'm glad at least someone could relate :)

sadly, yes, that's me - the guy turning fking 40 this december!