Determined to write a catch-up post....

in #life3 years ago

.... but first, I need to untie a double mattress from the roof of a car.

Ok that's done, picked up a few more mosquito bites during the rope removal, but that's cause the ladies like me. ( The males don't bite, and to the person who told me that only the males make a noise... what? do the females not have wings? Idiot.)

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm around six months overdue a post that has words and no tables or charts. It's just.... I dunno. It's wrong to say I've got better things to do - an hour at the keys for some tokens likely to be worth hundreds of local currency in the future, it a fair rate, without taking into account that it's good for the soul to get things off your mind and onto paper, or a blockchain.

New home

So I've moved again, and it's temporary, again. This time to the north of the Island of Mallorca, and to a rather lovely Finca (where you can book a place to stay directly, separate beds of course

I'm at the end, spying on folks at the pool ;)

I'll likely dedicate a post to Finca Can Cap De Bou, but I just want to say thanks to @isabel-vihu for putting me up, at least until the rental market cools off here, which should be in a month or so. For now though, I'm working with some slow internets, but surrounded by nature including 300+ olive trees, plenty of palms, cats, ducks, chickens, and even a donkey called Tatiana.

Being greeted in the car park


I have been lurking around Hive though, and of course doing the mostly autopilot Splinterlands tasks of playing games for tokens and more cards. Staked SPS, a node license, and bunch of duplicate cards rented out bring in further tokens, and I'm happy with how things are looking here. If Hive and SPS stay as they are (a boost would be nice) prior to the 15th September when the RiftWatchers presale starts, I'm looking at grabbing 2000 packs (plus the 400 bonus packs). From what I hear, this should give me a max deck, and I'll of course be playing (and renting Life and Death out) as I have been doing since the middle of 2018.

No HiveFest or Splinterfest :(

A friend, who's already turned 42, planned a 40th in Marbella back in 2020 and due to you know what, that didn't happen that year and was booked in this year for the exact dates of HiveFest. I had to decide on seeing school friends, or seeing Hivers. It was fairly close, but yeah, I'll hopefully make it to HiveFest 2023.

Summertime, and balancing is easy...

Probably my favourite thing I've been doing this summer is learning how to stand-up paddleboard, or SUP for short. Aldi, my local supermarket at the time, stocked a board that I had to walk past each visit, and in the end I buckled and bought one.

Blue, like my car, bike, eyes, the sea, and 90% of my t-shirts

This board ended up being too small for an 80kg 188cms person, but I'm glad I got to train on this first, in the sea, before buying another, bigger board just a few weeks ago.

POB - Proof of balance

This newer board, being a foot longer and an inch or so wider, is so much easier to balance on, I look like a pro at times! Many people tend to learn on slow moving rivers, or likes that reflect the sky - boring! Try two swells, wind, and jellyfish down below. I'm enjoying getting out on the waves so much that I'm considering investing in clothing to stay warm during the colder months. This says a lot as I'm usually in 4 layers at certain times of the year - we'll see.

New roots

To finish for today (hopefully I'll do better than the 6 month gap in writing next time), here's a Palm and some old git in a cheap-ass t-shirt (light blue and sweat stained).

Hopefully the tree is 10x bigger in 30 years, I'll be a few inches shorter at best :/

Before planting, at least 3 hours work over multiple days has taken place to dig up the old palm tree's roots, mostly in temperatures approaching 100c. And so it was pretty satisfying today to finally stick the Archontophoenix Alexandrae in the ground.

Looking through my phone, there's plenty of personal content there, I really should write more....




So lovely to hear from you Asher. So much so you almost inspired me to write a catch up (more like a restart it's been so long) post of my own.

I've been wondering how you were getting on and have asked you many times via Discord. Just always in my head rather than online. 😁

Last I heard you were buying a property with your excellently timed Hive gains but since you'vve just moved into a rental I'm now wondering if I got that wrong.

I'm probably the only person on the planet who is happy to hear you're not going to Hive Fest. Sooooo selfish! 😁 Tha's cuz I'm in a similar position and not going either but at least I know I won't be missing meeting up with you again. I already had a holiday booked that had been shifted 3 times due to Covid. I did think about changing the flights, yet again, but couldn't summon up the energy in the end. Especially as I've been to Amsterdam a few times already.

Splinterfest was just way too expensive. If I was paying tht sort of money for a trip it definitely would not be to go to Las Vegas.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're happy and well.

We spent many a happy hour on the beach this summer, watching people, like yourself learn to paddle board. Most entertaining!

Hope the "40th" is fun.

"See you" in 6 months perhaps?

Hi Gillian!

You were up rather early this morning? Is that to get a prime position at the beach to watch the Paddleboarders? :)

Last I heard you were buying a property with your excellently timed Hive gains

I would say quite well timed, but not excellent, or else I could well have bought a place by now. Hopefully the next run (2025?) will provide me with the funds to do so. A lot can happen in this time though, recessions, ww3, etc - yikes!

For those outside the US, Splinterfest is pretty expensive. Just a month or so in rentals though for you eh? :D

Hopefully you'll 'see' me before, thanks for the message!

Not up too early. I'm in Greece currently and 2 hours ahead of UK time.

I'm not finding rentals particularly lucrative any more. The old cards don't rent as well as the modern ones and I only have the former spare for rent.

In that madness last year I think they actually hit $3K one month. Last week was $58 and I've added more cards. Bit of a contrast. 😂

Better than a kick in the teeth though and better than just sitting there earning zero.

Tatiana's like, oh yeah, whose this bloke coming to muscle in on my territory?

Hopefully it'll not be so many months until your next personal-content post.

Could be, or it could be that I've turned up with plenty of decent leftovers and even fresh fruit n veggies at times 😀

I conced, I'm a lazy ass. Let's see..

I'm a lazy ass.

It's ok to be that, I am too at times. I guess the best thing is to do what you want to, as often or infrequently as you want to. It's meant to be fun, not a chore right?

Have a great weekend mate.

Fun not a chore indeed. Thanks dude, I hope the Monday grind has started alright :)

It's only 17:10 Sunday night...I've got the Monza F1 Grand Prix and some sleep before Monday...Don't wish my life away. Lol.

You've got half the weekend left, enjoy!

Lol...Just about, and the most important thing...Dinner! A roast tonight. Hmm, goody!

Hahahaha, life is all about fun, i love your contribution. Hope your weekend was splendid.

Dude - You should write more!

Is that just the sun, or are you a little snowier up top than the last time we saw?

Yeah, I know, I'll try a bit harder...

It's the sun! And plenty more grey hairs, 44 coming up you know!

44 coming up you know!

I know all too well!

Add a few more by the time we are around the next corner, I think things will be looking pretty decent by then.

I hope so - if this keeps up, I will be all grey, not salt and pepper. Have a good weekend with your mates.

It's all good, cheers!

I just told him that he needs to write more.

Wow, this is really the first time seeing a post from you that has no charts and tables, hehehe and it was just so fun and beautiful reading through.

Leaving close to the beach, that's a good one, the spying becomes easy, lolz. I wonder what you are spying at though 🤔.

Your new environment looks cool by the way, and that plant by your side is surely going to grow taller, it's a normal thing though, hehe.

It's really so nice leaving a comment under your post outside congratulations, thank you and all 🤓.

I'm very sure you are having a great weekend 🥰, I hope to read more of this, it just feels so right ❤️.

Thanks :)

Yes, I've wondered if the newer EL folks thought I just did that post and nothing else, it's been a while since I wrote.

I think you know what I'm spying, but I won't admit :p

It's really so nice leaving a comment under your post outside congratulations...

And it's nice to reply to comments with more than a thank you. Of late, I've not even managed to do that, but I am very grateful for the comments the post receives!

Thanks for the reply, have a nice Sunday :)

You're welcome Sir :)

Hehehe, I too wonder what we wonder, lolz... That was not how it should sound though (funny). I'm happy you finally gave us something new after a long time.

Oh yes I do but I just want to know in details from you, I might still be getting it wrong you know 😉.

Yes I noticed that too, well I think you should try to do more replies next time, I think it's fun, hehe.

I did have a nice Sunday although I had some disappointments but I'm happy it's getting better again. How is your Sunday over at your new place?

What a lovely place. You looking good :)

Hola Marly!

Long time no blockchain!

I'm sorry to hear about your friend Linnet- she obviously means much to you for you to return to the chain. Wishing friends and family well.

So, any chance of a more long-term return, or is family life keeping you busy enough?


It's been a long time you wrote a post as this. It's saddening you'll not make it to Hivefest, I guess it's a dilemma and it was definitely a close but hey.... Tough call. There will be many Hivefest in the future and I haven't given up on attending any either. Maybe that of 2024, who knows. Good to see you've moved again and settling down somewhere different, I guess Mallorca had it good times.

March 3rd 2022 was the last 'writing' post, seems a while.

I did SF in Lisbon and then Krakow, and would really like to attend a HiveFest - there will be more chances for us both I'm sure :)

Yeah, absolutely, more opportunities to attend more HF in the future. You should write more as well.

I should, you and Taraz are two setting the standard for sure :)

Hola amigo!! You look awfully happy and that can only be a good thing!! A post a week, that would work out alright wouldn't it?

The finca looks magic. I have always fancied trying one of those paddle boards but it's a different prospect over in Scotland 🤣🤣

Estoy feliz hombre!

One a week would do nicely on top of the two I'm doing Monday and Friday. Really though, there's enough going on in the world to try for more.

There is no way I'd consider risking falling into Scottish waters at any time of year! You could always hire one for the day whilst on hols over here though, or borrow mine :D

Hehe, I am going to Ibiza in a couple of weeks. Will try one then! Can't wait for a bit of sun!! It's wetsuit city of you do anything in the water up here!

Ibiza! Just next door, and I've not been over yet. Enjoy!

It's lovely but I reckon not different enough to visit. United you are going for the mad clubs. I will be in the North for the mad beaches 🤣🤣

House looking damn cool!

How about posting a video of that POB, until then I think it's been photoshopped! 😁

Fair enough! The photo is a still from a vid so I'm sure I can sort something out 😁

This and that, that's why I haven't seen you posting recently. I thought it was because I'm not that active for some reason but I was wrong. Anyway, you still have a nurturing life I guess. The internet might be slow but look around and I think it will be fine.

This and that, enjoying the summer and less of the screen. Let's see what the colder months bring..

You look good! Spectacular to be honest!

Really happy for you. I am in India, heavily jet lagged and can’t think straight. Your post and picture came in as a nice breeze off the island. I think you are slowly but steadily progressing towards that villa by the beach :)

I am still counting my invitation!

Thanks :) I think that photo shows me as happy but tired, and greying as @tarazkp kindly points out!

Slowly progressing yes, hopefully I'll get there in the end. Invites will be sent if/when the time comes!

Have a safe trip in India, I hope you are ready for RiftWatchers and get your timing right :)

Timing for RW will be a major challenge!

So cool to see a normal post from you Asher 😎
I know all about moving around. We do the same in southern Spain. I can’t even remember the last time we stayed anywhere longer than a year. The rental market is indeed crazy…
Have a great Sunday!

Thanks, it was long overdue!

Southern Spain, I'll be visiting next week :)

Are you in a campervan then or just renting and looking for the best deals?

That’s cool, what area are you going to? Will you stay long.
We have a holiday to the US planned the 23th for 2 weeks.

Just rentals… some were crazy priced some are just fine. We found a great deal now and moved in last Monday. It will be either until the end of June (end of contract) or our move abroad comes sooner. So we know we move again soon hahaha 🤣
I’m close to 50 moves in 5 countries at the moment.

Have a great Sunday Asher!

Ooooh.. this looks gucc! I have never lived in an area like this but sure would love to try. It looks like a nice area and cool looking houses too!

Mallorca is pretty sweet, wherever you choose to call home for a while.

HiveFest in Palma in the Summer, that would be sweet!

Sup’s are fantastic, can’t wait for summer to get back out on mine.

Summer is drawing to a close here, gutted!

Been loving the board, exercise and the world from new angles :)

been waiting for this sort of update for a long time. Was also hoping for some hot chicks to enter the picture :)

Just received permission to post this one from the beach last week 😁


that's more like it :)))

The water looks great eh :D

absolutely splendid :)))

And only female ducks quack as well. Males make other noises.

I read "New Roots" as "New Boots" for some reason and immediately went on a search to find a specific gif for the occasion before reading the paragraph below the title 😆.

Nice palm. Sounds like a decent amount of work.


They are some nice boots 😁

It's fair work digging up roots with old tools in this heat, surrounded by hungry mosquitos!

Yeah I bet.
I heard that Mallorca is an amazing place though. I wanted to visit before we move out of Europe but we never got a chance to. Do homes have screens on the windows there so you can open them at night without getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes?

I'm sure you can visit with a negative PCR, not sure on the current rules though.

Do homes have screens on the windows there so you can open them at night without getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes?

Some do yes, but the odd mozzy usually finds a way. Here there are no screens and windows are generally left open in summer. I wear repellant, sit in front of a fan, and have a can of mozzy killer on the desk. Combined they do ok, and then I go outside...

I see. Im not a fan of mosquitoes so whatever works 💪

Nor am I but they love me. The bites also linger for 4/5 days and itch like mad. I have an execute on sight policy!

And your catch-up post did catch my attension, you'hv got some a nice plant and the sun seems angry with you. 🤗

The sun is becoming less angry each day, phew!

Am I the only one feeling this post seems a bit odd to me because there is no charts and table in it ☺️

Looking through my phone, there's plenty of personal content there, I really should write more....

Yes. Yes you should. Happy to see you've planted yourself somewhere lovely for the moment though. 😊

You really should write more often. Who am I kidding? Go out and enjoy your life. You look happy and healthy and good in blue! Who doesn't love blue? I love your new place, speed up the connection and it would be perfect.

A Archontophoenix Alexandrae? Oi! You have become downright adult. Stop it!

Great shot on the board. Frame it. Yes! Get a dry suit. That way you will be able to do most of the winter. I can dive in the mid-Atlantic region (where winter is real) in the winter and not die of hypothermia.

Looking good dude! We only go around this place one time, so milk the enjoyment out of life. Sorry about HiveFest/Splinterfest, but, you know? 2023~

I know this is beyond late, but, I had to drop a line when I saw it.

Tatiana! What a cool addition to your life. :)

Your write so seldom of late, a week or two late in reading, Oh well not bad considering we seldom have electricity to even relax to read or write!

Temp place looks a great old stone building, love donkeys expression of surprise, a little slice of heaven for a couple of months.

I am glad to see you are alright Asher. Damn that tree looks so small in comparison with you.
Moving can be exhausting, especially when you have to take all of your stuff with you. Hopefully you are a minimalist.
it's good for the soul to get things off your mind and onto paper, or a blockchain.

I used paper. Then notes on my phone. Then blockchain. Hive has this charm of being a secret little place where one can spill their inner emotions without feeling like it is wrong to do so. Few would make the same posts on other social platforms. I guess it is a sort of safe authentic environment where being vulnerable is ok.

You need to write more, your post is lovely and lively. You know I couldn't remove my eyes until i finish reading and looking at those beautiful pictures. Your welcome at the park is second to none. Do you know in the next 30 years i will ask you how big is the plant now.c a