The Good Old Days - Being a 60's /70's kid.

in #life7 years ago

Modern Technology has made us lazy!

I recall when I was young, me: "Mom can I call my friend?"

Mom, "Your friend lives 10 houses away, go walk to her door and knock on it. Your not using the phone to call your friends".

Do you recall your parents telling you this?

There were no such things as video games. If you wanted entertainment you had to go outside and create it.

The days when were were only allowed to watch TV on the weekends and only for an hour. Having to get off the chair, walk over and actually change the channel.

If you wanted to play Arcade games, you couldn't just plunk yourself on a couch and play them. Nope, you had to get on your bike, ride about 30 blocks and get to an arcade were you had to stand to play.

When we needed information, a walk or ride to the library and check out a book. No internet to sit at a desk and do the research there. Once your date came up you would have to bring the book back, not just flick a computer off.

School buses were only brought in for kids who lived out of a 2 mile radius. So if you lived within that area, rain, snow, winds, you walked to school. There were no such things as Snow Days either. My parents would wake me up earlier, make me shovel the driveway then go to school by foot. I can recall on one hand how many times I got a ride to or from school. It usually was when I have a dentist or doctors appointment.

And let's not forget this one. Having to actually get off the couch to change a channel. Remote controls were far and few between back then, if they were around I didn't see one or knew they existed. I was the remote.

The years have gone and the days of having to get up and do something for yourself are pretty much dead. We have become so complacent with all this new technology that we are not getting up and doing the things that we did back in the days.

Yet, here I sit, in front of a computer screen, using google to look things up. I will then move to the living room, sit in my chair, pick up the remote and surf the TV for something to watch.

I am not going outside to jump in puddle or build a snowman. If I want to see what the weather is doing, I check it on the internet.

When did the Jetson's Show become reality?

I am sure a lot of you can relate who were raised in the 60's and 70's. The new generation have no idea how less complicated things were back then. Entertainment was self made.

If the internet or cable goes down today, you would think someone was dying.

Let's get back to basics, walk to a library (if you still have one in your area), ride your bike or make a snow fort. There are so many things we could be doing other that sitting in front of screen.

Do you agree?


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