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RE: Open letter to fellow Investors

in #lif7 years ago (edited)

I will write very short answer from an investors point (investor in other startups and companies, not Steemit)

There are several huge problems over Steemit project that may destroy it.
I won't mention all of them, but:
Steemit plays the "God" strategy while depending on the bitcoin success.
Let me explain that...
The God strategy means that Steemit needs blind faith, it needs people who will believe in it, preach about it and attract new blind believers.
Which in a long run can't succeed in any business, especially when money is at stake.
Currently whole cryptocurrency world depends on Bitcoin success.
Every single token wants to be like Bitcoin (go from nothing to $20k value), and they pray on new victims that missed the Bitcoin era to invest in those other tokens hoping to hit the jackpot...which will never happen by the way.

Truth to be told, huge investors have gone when Bitcoin reached $15-16k and they are not getting back in this world. Their wallets have grown, media attention has faded and it's time to find something else to boost.

Depending only on your investors money (big or small) is not a good way to run a business. Some other guys tried to do it and ended up in a jail.
There's no real value for end user...also called :Huge Problem"
Other open blogging platforms with a revenue share program offer real money, not some token/coin which doesn't worth anything,but you may hope some investor will buy them from you for good amount of cash.
By the way, the system where you depend on new investors to cover the investment and profit of previous is called Ponzi scheme and it's a crime.

If you want to predict the future of cryptocurrencies, you must understand what helped Bitcoin to gain that value which they had and what brought it down. If you don't have any understanding on that, please don't try to argue with me, you'll just waste your time and mine too.

PS: I am one of those who played successfully with BitCoins, in a large volume. And yes, I am talking with a good knowledge in a investment and business world. It also happens that I know several large scale ex-investors in Bitcoins and they all left cryptocurrency world for a same reasons.

Although cryptocurrency is on a sure way to be gone, the blockchain is something totally different and has a huge potential in various areas. That's something that will gain on expansion in the next period, 100%


I agree, your comments are very good. I'd like to know which platforms you mentioned that offer real money. All the best @lammis