This is video sheds light on the dishonest use of statistics surrounding analysis of the so called gender pay gap being something that is caused by systemic sexism.
Uber has done a very detailed and accurate study of the gap which has developed for between male and female drivers. It is very accurate because the data is so well logged by the Uber system, such that specific instances of areas where sexism can occur is measured and analysed. This can be done right down to whether customers are choosing male over female drivers. It turns out there is no bias here even for that metric.
As these areas can be so well defined and measured, the analysts can get a extremely clear picture of why the female drivers are earning less than the male drivers. Essentially it has come down to experience, hours of working and locations for working. It is shown that time behind the wheel using the Uber system translate to higher earnings.
This study is quite relevant because in this case all the necessary metrics are able to be monitored and analysed, where as in other work places these areas can not be so easily measured and therefore assumptions (sometimes ridiculously broad ones) are made about certain aspect of the work done.
It is also interesting to note that even though they found no possible way or evidence that sexism can be contributing to the earnings gap, suggestions were provided to try and reduce it. However the suggestion was not to "do more work"!
Why this is important?
It is important because a lot of western countries are implementing more onerous laws and policies in response to the myth of the pay gap, which will ultimately effect those people who have achieved their salary through hard work and demonstrable ability, having their pays cut on the basis of establishing equality. I can't see how anyone could consider that fair treatment.
interesting video