
Have you been paying attention to the Libertarian Party? The news yesterday was a slap in the face.

We are planning to be in New Orleans for the LP convention in June. As delegates.

No, haven't been following LP; sad news.

Read a really neat book recently though which I really enjoyed, "Super Accelerated Life" by Bentinho Massaro, after reading "Health and Light" which I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago.

Fairly mind-blowing stuff; putting it into practice.

Good luck as delegates!

It is very different this time, approaching politics as a voluntaryist makes it less personal. I don't expect to "win" anything or really even change anything, although now I understand how far a little ripple can go. I am going to use the political theater to educate people, like RP told us all along...
Thanks so much for your generosity, I think you more than bought the books even with steem down lol!Lol! We just ordered the two you recommended to @longsilver, I will have to go order these.

The two videos I saw which convinced me to learn more about sunlight, and order "Health and Light", were by Dr. Jack Kruse and are here:


I like that your focus has changed. Were I to get back into the political arena, I'd be less invested in it. Like I am here -- even though I reversed the power down earlier today.