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RE: A Simplified Taxless State: A Proposal (part three of three)

in #liberty9 years ago (edited)

Realistically, you'd need a lot of political capital and a desire to move the entire state construct in this direction

Create a blockchain that works so well it takes care of this on its own. I can only see this working if all the leasing and expenditures are done on block-chains (or better) under smart contracts. The state as we know it has got to change too, paying the state is sickening thought to me. The idea of paying smart contracts might be something we can tolerate.

A Universal Basic Income would be ideal here too so people without an income would always have the right to occupy and farm land too. Smart contracts could ensure this money is not mis-managed.


Create a blockchain that works so well it takes care of this on its own. I can only see this working if all the leasing and expenditures are done on block-chains (or better) under smart contracts

That's a feature of this proposal: it very much encourages a reconstruction to more efficient market technologies like smart contracts as you describe.

I am a smart-contract developer, and this is my biggest 'dream scenario' for the way 'government' funds are 'handled'.

Ties nicely into what I call "cooperative agorism", which is both sort of a "gradualist" (that's a socialist term though) approach to implementing and maintaining anarcho-capitalism in spite of potential natural tragedies that could strike any society; Such as for example a sudden draught, a spike in unemployment or some instances of child poverty, which If left unchecked even just for a short time, could lead to an increased demand for the state.

The implementation of capitalism and the prevention of such a crisis is accomplished by entirely volountary cooperatives, that ideally would make money from their support for the markets; their agorism. These organizations must "outbuild" the state in the white, grey and black markets, so that the state becomes visibly obsolete.

A cooperative and its members could be backed by a decentralized currency with an inbuilt UBI / similar solution, or such a cooperative could "outsource" such concerns if they/someone else came up with a more nimble market mechanism for "commoditizing" unemployment. (I'm thinking bond markets etc)