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RE: Recommended Reading

in #liberty7 years ago

I guess just like when the internet was new, there are terms to wrap our head around. E.g.:

There's censorship resistance, which is bigger than the hippy "I can say what I want" kind of censorship resistance. It's a component of blockchain that keeps it from being suppressed by state or private attackers who want to get rid of it.

There's the immutable ledger, which is the notion that messages go onto the blockchain and cannot be removed.

There's cryptographically verifiable, which is the assurance that the person who wrote two or more messages is one in the same. It also relates to consensus data.

There's consensus, which is the idea that data is processed in a deterministic (pre-arranged) manner.

These are many of the primitives that make a blockchain useful. There are others that people think are important like scalability (performance under load) and governance (the ability to adapt).
