Why I am Not a Patriot

[Originally published in the Front Range Voluntaryist, article by Steve Long]

This July, we will once again see American flags waving and people rallying and celebrating the anniversary of the date that a group of colonists declared independence from the British Empire. Not unlike other statist holidays such as Memorial Day or Veterans Day, Independence Day is a day where people all over the country and expected to be patriotic and drool over how great “their” country is. Everybody expects you, on this day specifically, to be, first and foremost, a patriot. I cannot claim to be a patriot.

What is a patriot, exactly? Simply stated, a patriot is a person that vigorously loves and supports their country and its government without question. Essentially, it is nation worship.

First off, why would anybody love and support something without question? That is dangerous thinking.

I do not understand the smugness or sense of unwarranted pride that comes from where you were born. I don’t see how a person can be so boastful about something as arbitrary as where they were coincidentally birthed. Okay, you were born in America. So what? How can a person express some sort of sense of accomplishment about something they had no control over?

And how can a person feel some sort of sensation of superiority over other nations? This nationalist exceptionalism is unjustified and narcissistic. The idea that you are a better person that lives inside one set of imaginary lines than a person that lives inside another set of imaginary lines is absurd and, if I’m being perfectly honest, a bit comical. “Look! I live over here so I’m better than you!” If this is what being a patriot is, please, leave me out of it.

I do not support anything without question, especially not a geographical area inside a set of invented borders.

I do not pledge allegiance to the flag. It’s a flag; it’s nothing special; it’s a piece of cloth. If you’re ignorant enough to swear loyalty to a piece of flag, you might as well wake up every morning and pray to your socks. Aside from that, even if it is a symbol of what America “stands for” why would you pledge unswerving devotion to it? What does America stand for anyway? Don’t see freedom because America jumped off the liberty boat years ago. Democracy? No thanks; I’m not into mob rule. Justice? That’s a laugh. Talk about justice to the families of the hundreds of innocent people that are killed every year by America’s thug force. Nope, America doesn’t stand for anything worth standing for so there is no reason to devote yourself to that cause.

I also do not get all choked up when the national anthem is played. It’s just a song; it’s nothing to get terribly excited over. It’s not even a good song as far as songs go. And why do they have to play it at every single sporting event? It is terribly annoying. I’m there to watch a game, not to spend my time standing up, putting my hand over my heart and facing that piece of cloth that everyone likes to deify. To be perfectly honest however, when this shit show happens I do stand up. I will even remove my hat. I do not, however, put my hand over my heart and sing my praises to statism. The standing up, the removing my hat if I’m wearing one. I don’t do that out of respect for the flag or for the country. I don’t even do that out of respect for the others around me that have been indoctrinated into believing that this whole farce is mandatory. I do it because where I live, if I don’t do it, it’s highly likely that I will get the shit kicked out of me. I wouldn’t even have time to explain why I’m refusing to take part in their charade of madness before I end up getting accosted and ultimately thrown out of the venue.

Call it subversive or call it whatever you want but I am not a patriot. Patriotism leads to national exceptionalism and national exceptionalism ultimately leads to blind loyalty. It leads to a citizenry that believes in everything its government does without questioning it. Of course “my” government doesn’t do the bad things those other ones do. It leads to the acceptance of infinite wars to “preserve freedom” or to “protect American interests abroad”, when the real reason behind them is never revealed and completely unknown to the public except for the minority of people that have a brain and think for themselves.

So, come this 4th of July, go ahead and wave your flags. Go ahead and light off your fireworks. Go watch your parades. But when you wake up the next morning with any sense of guilt, remember that greeting that morning with a statism hangover might not be worth all the pomp and splendor of our country’s birthday.


Nice post my friend. Dropped you a follow <3 Looking forward to your future posts!

Wow, finally looking at "new" pays out. I feel the same way :)

you got a vote from me, I don't agree with your definition of patriotism tho. I am what ppl would consider an oath keeper, that doesn't mean I follow the "government" blindly. I follow the constitution word for word tho. I am a Vet also, who fought for you to write this piece, so please consider that next time you view Veterans Day as Statist.

I don't, it's a day for me to reflect on ppl in my life that I shared very dangerous situations with. Ppl that I had to sew up, call in med flights, etc.

As for the rest, pledging loyalty to something or someone with out regard to what they or it stands for (what it really stands for)? Then yes I agree completely.
Relax and have a beer and some good grill time.


Thanks for reading. We voluntaryists see the Constitution not as something that protects our liberty, but the document that erected the vast state we have today and which was obviously incapable of constraining its supposedly limited nature.

We would suggest people dump their infatuation with such a document that binds no living men. It is an invalid contract. And we would respectfully disagree that what the U.S. government does is fight for our liberty. Quite the contrary.

Again, however, thanks for reading and commenting.

It sounds more of a stance of sovereignty, rather than voluntaryism? The constitution is a document that is "supposed to be followed, and many contributors warned of what we have today. I cannot fault the words or the paper they are written on, but completely hold fault with the ppl who claim to be constitutional scholars! Especially the last one that held office... I digress.

I see value in the sovereign movement, and there was a time where we held alluvial (edit allodial --- auto correct) title, names printed in title case, so on an such. If I am mistaken I apologize, actually I do so now as I am not attempting to place a "label" on you. Regardless, good luck and thanks for not lighting me up :)

Its good to agree to disagree...


I say, be true to your family, your friends, and yourself before pledging allegiance your entire existence to a country that is most likely arbitrarily chosen. It boggles my mind how emotionally invested people can get over sports teams too :)

Great post. You might try being an anarchist if you agree with the reason here.: https://attackthesystem.com/2010/01/23/ten-reasons-why-i-am-an-anarchist/