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RE: Why I am Not a Patriot

in #libertarianism7 years ago

you got a vote from me, I don't agree with your definition of patriotism tho. I am what ppl would consider an oath keeper, that doesn't mean I follow the "government" blindly. I follow the constitution word for word tho. I am a Vet also, who fought for you to write this piece, so please consider that next time you view Veterans Day as Statist.

I don't, it's a day for me to reflect on ppl in my life that I shared very dangerous situations with. Ppl that I had to sew up, call in med flights, etc.

As for the rest, pledging loyalty to something or someone with out regard to what they or it stands for (what it really stands for)? Then yes I agree completely.
Relax and have a beer and some good grill time.



Thanks for reading. We voluntaryists see the Constitution not as something that protects our liberty, but the document that erected the vast state we have today and which was obviously incapable of constraining its supposedly limited nature.

We would suggest people dump their infatuation with such a document that binds no living men. It is an invalid contract. And we would respectfully disagree that what the U.S. government does is fight for our liberty. Quite the contrary.

Again, however, thanks for reading and commenting.

It sounds more of a stance of sovereignty, rather than voluntaryism? The constitution is a document that is "supposed to be followed, and many contributors warned of what we have today. I cannot fault the words or the paper they are written on, but completely hold fault with the ppl who claim to be constitutional scholars! Especially the last one that held office... I digress.

I see value in the sovereign movement, and there was a time where we held alluvial (edit allodial --- auto correct) title, names printed in title case, so on an such. If I am mistaken I apologize, actually I do so now as I am not attempting to place a "label" on you. Regardless, good luck and thanks for not lighting me up :)

Its good to agree to disagree...
