Why Focus on Principles?

Principles are paramount to building a strong system of ethics.

When you have weak principles, you easily lose sight of staying true to your core values.

When that core is lost, people try to make the ends justify the means. People trade utilitarianism for principled virtues. People initiate violence because they think it justifies stopping some greater possible harm.

In libertarianism, it’s important to remember that the goal is to maximize consent while minimizing the initiation of violence.

Don’t be like the state and make exceptions to the foundations of liberty.

Be true to your virtues.

 Cheers, to the spread of liberty and peace,
~The Pholosopher

Philosophy is my core. Reason is my foundation. Phở is my sustenance.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaPholosopher
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The pictures are a great way to make your point.

Followed you here from FB via Anarchyball. Well said.

Awesome, thank you <3

I like your mantra. Does evidence have any room in your mantra? I always say that I base my principles in reason and evidence. Do you find this to be true or do you think they are mutually exclusive?
As for Phở, do you prefer Hanoi or Saigon style? I prefer Hanoi, as it is less sweet.

Thanks, I like it too! That's awesome, yes I base my beliefs and principles in reason and evidence - I don't think they are mutually exclusive. As for Phở, I think I've only ever had Hanoi since I was a kid. My mom makes it the best ;)