The Libertarian National Convention (online segment) continues after nominating Dr. Jo Jorgensen as our first female Presidential Nominee.
While Jo is great, she's no Jacob Hornberger who would have provided an unapologetic Libertarian message and been aggressive against Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the general election.
Jacob Hornberger was who we were pushing through the LP Mises Caucus.
Remember to keep a proper perspective, everyone:
The Libertarian Party Mises Caucus has yet to exist for a presidential election. Heck, the Mises PAC hasn't even seen a national LP convention! But look where we are, with the party's establishment so terrified of us that they are alienating longtime allies and fellow-travelers in their desperation to stop us.
We are already a serious threat to the craven & corrupt swamp in the LP, and it is responding accordingly. More to the point, we have shifted the party's Overton Window enough that Weld was chased out and the Pragmatists endorsed Jorgensen over Chaffee or Gray. Finally, several state parties have been practically taken over by Mises recruits.
To have reached this level in such a short time is frankly miraculous, and it will only get better so long as we stay the course.
No matter what happens in the next few months (including this weekend), don't lose heart. Our trajectory is upward. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Low time preference builds civilization.
Our approved Agenda for the next two days:
Sunday, May 24th – Business resumes at 11AM Eastern Time. Nomination process for 2020 Libertarian Vice-Presidential Nominee
We are proudly backing Spike Cohen for Vice President.
Party Business will take place in Orlando, Florida but the intent of this weekend's portion is to get the nominee for President and Vice President completed now. This allows them to start nationally campaigning and securing ballot access for all 50 states.
Orlando's schedule:
Tuesday, July 7th – Pre-registration, early check-in.
Wednesday, July 8th – Registration, check-in, committee meetings, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Thursday, July 9th – In-person business opens. Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Friday, July 10th – Business continues. Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Saturday, July 11th – Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors. Ticketed Gala event.
Sunday, July 12th – Business concludes. Break-out sessions, exhibitors. Close with a campaign rally for POTUS/VPOTUS candidates.
For those delegates needing support, go here.