Single Issue Voters


It’s so easy to dismiss single issue voters but they may be the key that will help skyrocket the Liberty Movement forward. When someone acts like their life depends on a single issue, believe them because it just might. Think of some of the most common single-issue voting blocks; abortion, marijuana, prison reform, healthcare. Rather than only thinking about the issue itself, think of the “why” the person may view it as a life and death issue.

One belief we stress all the time in the Liberty Movement is that we have to reach hearts if we’re going to change minds. Or as Dale Carnegie says, “people don’t care about what you know until they know that you care.” You have to show at least some level of honest curiosity or care about that person in front of you or why they heck are you even there?

How does this translate when we’re out talking with voters? It means that as much as possible, we ask questions to understand the person’s most important issue or issues, and why. Once you understand that, you are in a better position to effectively describe how our platform or agenda will benefit them.

If you’re speaking to a group, generally, you’ll know what issues their group cares about and why and from this, you’re able to build a coherent basis as to why voting for you, or voting for your ballot issue is already in line with that they already believe.

There are many candidates or Parties that would just overlook single-issue voters, assuming that the single issue voters already support them because they support their issue, but it really doesn’t necessarily work like that. Just like multi-issue, or platform voters, single-issue voters need just as much attention and consideration when you’re building your coalition. With a single-issue voter, it may be just as important to understand the “why” they believe that way about their issue as to know which way they vote with regards to that issue.

Two of the biggest mistakes a candidate can make when talking with single-issue voters is to try to diminish the importance of their issue to them, and to try to get them to change their minds on their issue. These approaches imply that you don’t take them seriously or that you think they are wrong. It’s absolutely ok to agree to disagree in some cases. If you treat that person with respect and leave the door open for future discussions, eventully, that person will come around and renegage with you. That’s how you know you’re “moving the needle” towards liberty.

Most of us that came into the Liberty Movement came one book, one podcast, one debate, one unanwered question at a time and immersed ourselves in all the different iterations of the Libertarian Philosophy. This is exactly how we will win hearts, minds and votes

We start with the single issue and we respectfully, consistently, show them how much better their life can be when framed in the light of liberty. We provide the cognitive dissonance they need to challenge their own thinking and just as importantly, the support they need refill the gaps with truth and freedom.