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RE: The Driverless Car - Just Give Up Control of Your Freedom

in #libertarian8 years ago (edited)

Well if this madness takes off, which sadly due to the Idiocracy that seems to be taking over this world looks like an inevitability. Do you think motorcycles will be allowed to be driven ? I doubt it as their maneuvering will be to random and extremely difficult for theses junk mobiles of tyranny to judge as i see it !! I think the powers that be, will remove your right to use this and motorcycles and the beautiful muscle cars will become a thing of the past !!


Seems like the cost of driving a vehicle yourself would go up drastically. Since the government will throw you in a cage if you don't have insurance, you will find yourself paying very high rates to drive yourself.

That seems the most likely way that they will coerce people into the driverless cars, through their wallets. That, or some type of grandfathered system.

yes this is totally how it will work. The herding of fools over the cliff by their wallet, like always ! Plus if you drive a car your neighbor's will say you are insane and a public danger. you watch !! Seems weird to think that now, but i just know that,s how it will be !! People generally now are just so dumb !!