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RE: The Driverless Car - Just Give Up Control of Your Freedom

in #libertarian8 years ago

Hello !! you totally nail this subject in your post !! thanks for writing it really !! i would love to see this trend. That people talk here about it and what it truly means. Did you know that anybody who refuses to follow the lemming crowd on this one will simply see their insurance premium triple and becomae even unpayable as this is how they will force everyboy to comply and give up their " right " to drive and control their own life. So come on everybody give it all up, suck on that governments teet to the end. When they pull your cold dead hands from your steering wheel. Ask the journalist who had a date with a palm tree in Los Angeles while driving his surely hacked Mercedes, he was called Michael Hastings and no longer here,Oh but wait he had a serious problem with somebody in a high up office in D.C, so i guess that is a special event, or maybe not !!


So true. The government loves to make things so expensive that no regular Joe can afford it anymore. It's one of the easiest and least direct ways to control things. Just tax the hell out of anything deemed 'harmful' to society. Smoking and alcohol. Soon to be anything 'bad' for us. Candy, soda, meat.

Driving your own car? That's dangerous, up goes that insurance premium.

Plus, how many convenient 'software errors' are going to happen with these cars? Like Hastings.

yes you see my point then ? its how they will do it, they will just say that driverless cars are less dangewrous and yoiu driving is a danger to others. What crap eh?? But its how it will go sadly for sure. Why because most people are dumb and just don't understand what driverless cars will mean and represent. So as for Hastings, I saw a post on Youtube with two geeks openly saying that to hack any car was a piece of cake, I truly believe it was them that was hired to do this murder ! But then so many people are dying right now defending truth and LIberty in this world.

Of course we all drive manual transmissions don't we? And manually set the timing the, the choke, spark advance as well as the carburetor mixture? We want CONTROL! Auto-magic stuff takes that away from us.

i see no magic in sitting in a thing that propels us down the road at 100 clicks without control !! The thought of it sends goosebumps down my spine. Give me control or death comes to mind !!