
in #liar6 years ago


  1. The US lied about a Spanish mine sinking the USS Maine to trick you into a war with Spain. Fact.

  2. The US lied about the Lusitania not carrying Military cargo to trick you into WW I. Fact. (The diving team estimates that around four million rounds of U.S.-manufactured Remington .303 bullets lie in the Lusitania's hold at a depth of 300ft.)

  3. The US lied about Pearl Harbor being a surprise unprovoked attack to trick you into WW II. Fact

  4. The US lied about torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin to trick you into the Vietnam war. Fact

  5. The US Lied about the USS Liberty attack to protect a foreign apartheid nation.

  6. The US lied to you about 9/11 to trick you into war on the Arab Oil Nations. Fact

  7. The US lied about WMDs & nuclear weapons to trick you into the Iraqi War. Fact

  8. The US lied about the Attack on the USS Cole in the Gulf of Aden, to start the Yemen war.

  9. The US Lied to you about a Libyan Revolution to trick you in to a war to destroy Libya. Fact (btw they now sell slaves in Tripoli at the market)

  10. So you can trust the US when it says Assad used poison gas on his own people. Honest

  11. Not to mention the invented Hollywood Oscar performers like: The White Helmets, Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, Boston Marathon, the Night Club Shooting in Florida, Oklahoma City, and many, many more.They Lied.jpg