Daily News Roundup: April 1st 2019

in #lgbt6 years ago


This article in The Jerusalem Post caught my attention. It's titled ISRAEL PRESENTS ‘ROAR’: A NEW NON-LETHAL CROWD DISPERSAL MEANS. It's quite short so I'll quote it in full:

The new device, named ‘Roar,’ was used during Saturday clashes along the Gaza Border. Israel had developed a new non-lethal method to disperse crowds called ‘Roar’ [in Hebrew, Sheaga], Arutz Sheva reported on Sunday. The device uses radio waves. Not much had been published on the new system. It is likely to be derived from existing Long Range Acoustic Devices [LRAD] which emit warning tunes at a very high frequency humans cannot tolerate and may cause long-term damage to hearing if exposed to over time. LRAD has been used since 2009. Non-lethal methods to disperse crowds include sticky riot foam and high-impact water cannons.

A check of Arutz Sheva revealed no reference to either 'Roar' or 'Sheagal' and so maybe it has been deleted. Israel's image internationally has never been worse and the news of this latest crowd dispersal tool may have been deemed unhelpful. I'm sure that shooting and sniping at unarmed protesters still will remain a popular tool of the Israel Defense Forces.


I noticed this news item (also from The Jerusalem Post) titled BRITAIN’S CHIEF RABBI SUPPORTS LGBT STUDENTS WITH SCHOOL GUIDE. The title more or less tells the story so I won't delve any further into it but it resonates with another JP article that I read yesterday reporting on a new social media campaign that begins:

Everyone is born free, except for Gaza’s LGBT,” reads an ad with a rainbow flag dripping with blood. The ad is one of the Strategic Affairs Ministry’s new campaign pieces, running wild on social networks throughout Europe. The campaign started last Thursday and will be live for around two weeks, according to a ministry spokeswoman. 

This is a rather sad and desperate campaign and further evidence that the global hostility to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is beginning to bite. In both cases, Israel and prominent Jews in other countries clearly want to be seen on the supposedly "right side of history" as they embrace the LGBT movement and portray Muslims as being hostile to those who identify as LGBT. However, it is not only Muslims who are hostile to this manufactured movement.

It's beginning to dawn on me how organised and well-funded this movement is. It's worldwide and quite relentless in the pursuit of goals that have nothing to do with improving the quality of life of individuals who identify as LGBT. The intention seems to be to weaken the hold of family, religion and culture over a generation beset by gender confusion and fearful of a coming climate apocalypse that it feels earlier generations are ignoring.