Feel free to ask whatever! That is exactly why I posted this, the open opportunity.
While I still hold the right to answer with, "I'm not comfortable answering that or too personal," I'm yet to actually use that.
And thank you! While it's been somewhat exhausting since I try to be thorough with my answers and not just copy and paste, it's been extremely gratifying.
I very much with you hoping this can be very useful to others! :)
Do you pee standing up or sitting down? And if you're post-op, which did you prefer in the past?
Personally, I prefer sitting and peeing - especially if I'm drunk. Its just so much easier and the dribbles don't hit the toilet for later cleaning.
Hehe, I can say I've only been asked this a couple times in the past.
I am pre-op and I've pretty much peed sitting down for a while now. Sitting is easier, just have to make sure nothing dribbled onto the seat. :)
I will admit once in a blue moon get that 'fuck it' attitude and stand. But that's pretty rare.
I would add that while I have absolutely no problem answering this, other transpeople may not care to.