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RE: Letters From Darwin - The Religion Of Evolution

I do not see any evidence of finding the missing link.
I see lots of people trying to claim so, but their evidence is spotty at best.

There is a device that will be invented in the future that will allow scientists to see the aura. This will show, conclusively that man didn't evolve from apes, even if root stock did evolve from proto-apes. Something amazing happened about 40,000 years ago.

And the problem with finding any evidence of the 40,000 year history/evolution of man, is that each advanced civilization was destroyed. We have remnants of the last advanced civilzation, and a bit of the one before that, but i doubt we will ever find anything of the four before that.

The pryamids and other advanced tech previously buried in Antarctica will be indisputable evidence of previous advanced civilizations. But, we will probably have to wait for The US to collapse a lot, before people start divulging all they have seen down there.


There is a device that will be invented in the future that will allow scientists to see the aura.

It's statements such as this,

The pryamids and other advanced tech previously buried in Antarctica will be indisputable evidence of previous advanced civilizations.

and this, that make any kind of rational conversation extremely difficult.


Yes it does.
Because in my realm, they are all real.
In your realm, they are not even science fiction, they are fantasy.

So, your facts, to me, are a fantasy
And my facts, to you, are a fantasy.

But, i am not here to convince you. I am writing these replies so that any readers may know that there is something else out there.

And further, these two inventions/exposures are going to happen in most people's lifetimes. And it will change science, archaeology and anthropology soooo much,... that i consider it important to crack open the door just a little. People being aware that such things "could" exist makes the coming reveal less harsh.

I wish i could easily show you what is going on, but most people trained in the old school of science are repulsed by any of this information. They just don't want to see it. And because of free will, they never have to see it.

But, this is not the first time that humanity has run into such reveals. However, this lifetime is going to see more changes to science than anything the renaissance through at us.

I wish i could easily show you what is going on, but most people trained in the old school of science are repulsed by any of this information. They just don't want to see it. And because of free will, they never have to see it.

Is that code for; I can show you a bunch of maths that doesn't make sense, unless you have faith that I'm telling the truth.?


I have actual concrete proof of all of these things I'm saying, which anyone with the requisite mathematics/physics/biology degree would be able to verify is true. However everyone who has ever seen this does not want to become famous and co-publish these results?

Because I have to admit, I'm tending towards the first; however I retain an open mind, try me. Trust me, I will never be repulsed by scientific information, show me and I promise to use my free will to see it.


This is hard to put into words, because you believe that reality is fixed. And that there is physics (and metaphysics be damned).

I believe in a world where two people can witness the same thing, and tell two different stories.

And, if you add a camera along with the two people, you will either get the camera showing a third thing, or showing nothing at all (usually some type of camera failure)

This is easier to talk about on the emotional level.
A person who is down will notice everything that is bad and horrible about the world.
A person who is up will notice everything that is good and wonderful about the world.
Although they walked along the same path.

And such is free will. With free will you can literally not see something.
Person A says: Look at that flying saucer.
Person B says: I don't see anything.

And, if you had a completely omniscient being there and asked them, who is correct, they would say both and neither. Because, there really is nothing there. But, there is also a flying saucer and hundreds of other entities all in an intertangled web of now-creation. Most people don't see anything. Some people see the flying saucer. Some people see the angels. Some people see the fairies. Some people see the earth spirits.

OK, say I accept all of that, how do you use that to prove or predict anything of any significance? Like say for instance an aura detector being one day invented?


Well, if i remember your previous writings correctly (that they are yours, and i am not mistaking them for someone else) you believe strongly in the past being the past and the future being undefined.

To me, the past is mutable.
There are many things you can do that change the past.

But, in the same breath, we are all creating the future. There are points in the future that are very much set. Like, we have built a train track to that destination, and now are driving our train down those tracks. We, all of humanity, would have to tear up the train tracks and move them to avoid this destination. So, we are heading for these specific destinations. (things like no more war, abundance mentality...)

Lets say you knew about IR light. The only thing required is to build a detector. So, it is only a matter of time before you built such a detector.

Lets say you had an ancient text that talked about IR light and the detector they built. Now, you are even more sure, that all you have to do is find a way because it has already been done, now you just have to repeat it.

And such it is with this quantum aura lens.

People can already use their third eye to see this. And there have been many scientists who have created devices that have helped many see (but not all). There is definitely something there. And there are ancient texts about how such a thing can be built. Now, it is just a matter of time before one is created.
