Review of Pizzeria Oggi, Taipei

in #letseat7 years ago

Lazy to cook, just come to Oggi Pizzeria. Here we can enjoy Pizza with delicious chicken wings. Suitable for lunch, for those of you who do not want to eat heavy menu.

Bytheway...this place is close to my house, and also near to Shilin night market. It's recomended for you who Pizza Lover💖

Restaurant NamePizzeria Oggi, Taipei
AddressDistrik Shilin Kota Taipei, Republik Tiongkok
Location25.0950492, 121.52460769999998
Type of FoodInternational
Time of DayDaytime
Price Range


I love pizza@ettydiallova

So do I.
Love it!

I like pizza now i am hungry

then, please come to eat..
or you can find Pizza shop close to your place.

Kelihatan enak sekali mbak...
Jadi laper..hehee

yuk makan dulu Mas😊Uda Habis Mas @zaimrofiqi..

wow, kasi mbk hehehe

Sini Mas @doyanphotography..Nanti
saya delivery yah,..hehee