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RE: Let's Talk #5: Putting Up With A Narcissistic Partner And An Abusive Relationship.

in #lets-talk7 years ago

We appreciate all your efforts (our wives) but we bring you in our home so as to make things easier for us (men)
Like my uncles wife always rant

I don't need a female house help

My sister if you can't trust your husband on ordinary house help what makes you think he gonna trust you by bringing male house help.
So it's better she Cary her cross since she don't need a helper
I'm just asking though it's not my hand writing


Well I would simply say women who say that are suffering insecurity which is not meant to be. Trust is very important in a marriage or relationship, if it is not there I don't see any reason why anybody should be there in the first Place.

Lols.... Glo, you wouldn't blame these women because a lot have had their 'sweet' husbands stray into the arms of their house maids. Especially with the randy breed we have around, one cannot be too careful, so you don't end up like the proverbial wife who got visits from the lizards for bringing home maggot-infested firewood.... Hahaha