There are 4 pages

We Boomers...

They call us "The Elders". We were born in the 40s-50s-60s. We grew up in the 50s-60s-70s. We studied in the 60s-70s-80s. We dated in the 70s-80s-90s. We got married and discovered the world in the 70s-80s-90s. We ventured into the 80s-90s.
We stabilized in the 2000s. We became wiser in 2010. And we are firmly moving beyond 2020. It seems like we live in eight different decades... TWO different centuries... TWO separate millennials...

We have gone from telephone with a long distance operator to video calls anywhere in the world.
We've gone from slides to YouTube, vinyl records to online music, handwritten letters to email and WhatsApp. From live game radio, to black and white television, to color television and then to 3D HD television. I went to the video store and now I watch Netflix.


Boomers are a generation that, like any other, deserves respect, and in particular, admiration for everything they have experienced and are still experiencing.

1/ It should be a blog post. I really love this articulation. Apt and par excellence in the context of romance in content. I'm loving it.

2/ Indeed, your generation has seen the wider view of a world and its evolution. We can only read that in history books but you have lived those episodes.



We met the first computers, punched cards, floppy disks and now we have gigabytes and megabytes on our smartphones. We wore shorts all our childhood and then trousers, oxfords, rockets, full shells and blue jeans. We dodged infantile paralysis, meningitis, polio, tuberculosis, swine flu and now COVID-19. We used to ride roller skates, tricycles, bicycles, mopeds, gasoline or diesel cars and now we drive hybrids or electric cars.

Yes, we've been through a lot, but what a life we've had! They could describe us as "exemplars", people born in that world of the fifties, who had an analog childhood and digital adulthood. We're like "I've seen it all"! Our generation has literally lived and witnessed more than anyone else in all dimensions of life. It is our generation that has literally adapted to "CHANGE." A big round of applause to all the members of a very special generation, which will be UNIQUE!

--*-- From Alicia Paz's wall

you are a living synopsis of continuity; a witness of different fleeting changes that occurred all along aftermath of WW2.

So, as a millenial, you're my parents.

📊 Top 5 NFTs By 24hr Vol :

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Writing a new Blog post, today about the Premium accounts! :D

Let's see if we can get more people joining.

Noticed, that there are 240 Premium members. Imagine if all of us come at least with 1 post on HIVE related with #inleo

How many new people would we be able to bring in?

Sounds like a good idea to promote #inleo.


I might be a little pissed off now. Cause when i was doing some final edits on the post. Here on inleo... I lost the

Acredito que os assinantes devem levar em conta ser vantajoso manter a assinaturas e eu não estou convencido disso ainda.

Porque nao estas convencido ainda?

What's with this? I am IN if it is for the #community

you haven't checked the premium tab on the page?

🧵/1. I want to share my personal experience regarding loan settlement and increasing credit score in a short time.

#outreach #threadstorm #crypto

Keep taking loan like 25k or more and repay and close the very next month. rise and repeat it for 6 mo nths, your credit score will rise dramatically.

ya that's true but when your credit score is already low then no one will give you a loan

That's true. In that case first settle the existing loan, that will improve your credit score.

exactly that's what I shared in this post. thanks for comment bro...


🧵/2.there are many third-party platforms available but you should not use them because they are taking higher charges of that you can do by yourself easily

Yesterday, to be more specific, for some reason a thread I created didn't send and it wasn't possible to view it after a certain time.

Fortunately, today I realized that I can send it and appear in the feed. But the things I tried to create yesterday went into limbo.

I managed to submit a long post.

#feedback #inleo

#feedback My First Multi-step #Leodex Swap

Managed to send HIVE to ETH (Arb) to my Binance account so I can spend it. I got $1 of extra profit compared to using Simpleswap. Totally recommend this experience. #freecompliments

Finally!! FINALLY, I can post through #leothreads!!!

I was also waiting for this moment lol. Almost a day without threads just decreased my activity on chain

Yeah, stuff like these is what makes me say Hive isn't ready for mass adotion yet.

i heard that #inleo will be bug-free (99% at least) on June 1st. Let's wait for it.

Patience is a virtue as they say.

heck yeah. we've come all to this way, let's wait for it.

I don't see the poll in the main thread but I see it when I reply.

Same issue here. I'll make a feedback entry for it a little later today

Oh! The poll displayed when I clicked on the thread to comment. Good video editing. 👍

This is so sweet, how did you create this please?

Appreciate the feedback! I used a platform called

Ever wondered how to truly succeed on Hive? It's not just about random engagement — it's about treating your Hive account as a part-time business. Think of it as a flywheel. At first, it's hard to get moving, but with consistent, dedicated effort, it gains momentum. Show up regularly, engage meaningfully, and treat it like a job. This consistent activity is key to building a sustainable presence and eventually monetizing your efforts. Remember, the more you invest your time and energy, the faster your flywheel will spin, leading to greater success on Hive.

Hi kids in #hive👋 Happy children's day to y'all #gmfrens


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It's world children's day, and my elder sister is asking me to gift her, how can a grown adult be asking for gift on children's day 😂😂

Her inner child must feel lonely.

Rain earlier, but now we are back to all sunny and warm weather 😎

Okay so I think everything is fine now? I can't post for more than 5 hours. It's good to be back sharing #threads.


Being a blogger and online hustler, I spent most of my time sitting in front of my PC and as I am not currently doing any job, I don't have to go outside every day unless I want to.

#threadstorm #outreach



hahaha.. we keep hustling man!

But recently, I have been experiencing some health issues in my body, like getting weak after walking, sweating like melting ice which I have been experiencing since this summer, lacking energy to do any activity, mood swings or getting irritated for small reasons.


power's out & i've still asked Google to turn 2 different lights on...

we're cooked without technology lol

Did you forget to feed the hamster?

had to eat him to survive

Google is in charge of your house lighting? It reminds me the guy who's been prevented for days to come back home, by an Amazon's "intelligent" doorbell 😆.

haha not entirely but I do use smart light bulbs

Alright. The State or the #GAFAM companies will have to nuke me to implant #IoT devices in my house, lol.

Yeah, I have seen all the movies about the end of the world where we can't survive without it. And that is probably real.

I will never swap my city for any other place. We are still full of greens in our forests, and our seas are still very well protected.


That's so peaceful and serene

Thank you for liking it.

You're very welcome.

It's beautiful and I believe that spending time there must be enjoyable and I wish to visit the place someday.

Indeed, pretty serene it is.

There's no place like home they say :) It's good that nature on your side of the world is protected.

Yay! that's how well said. Nature is pleasing everywhere worldwide.

The life in mega cities turns into a torture 😢

I am experiencing it right now living in a metro city.

This is my go to coffee during my 3rd year on University if I need go grind overnight.

This #coffee will wake you up until 3 am.

#student #inleo

Do you also drink coffee? ☕

IMHO, this is NOT coffee

Real coffee is only from coffee beans, grinder a minute ago.

Oh maybe an instant coffee? What do you call it?

I think drinking coffee can't create any impact on my sleep. I tried it several times and it was ineffective for my body.

Maybe it depends on how our bodies react. I know someone who fell sleepy when drinking coffee.

What do you do keep alive during midnight when you need to finish your assignments?

coffee does not keep me awake aanymore.

What's your alternative way to keep you awake?

Stress and depression

LOL. That won't really make you fall asleep.

Yeah. That's usually how I look like every night at home lol

Just #thread, I hope you're doing fine!

Have you seen the reward of a single daily challenge submission below?

Check it out winking 😉


Interaction with the little friend at work today. These fellas are trying to rest in shade as the temperature is above 43° C.

Oh, how sweet. That is crazy hot. I had to find a converter to know what it was in farenheit.

ohhh poor babies. Even for them it must be really hot. :D

While every city has its own inconveniences, life in Port Harcourt is entirely different, with its own atmosphere, people's lifestyle and vibes

#threadstorm #outreach

if you haven't been in an environment like pH you will find it difficult to cope unless you adapt. That is the only way I will say that life in port-harcourt is survival of the fittest.

If you’re looking for a city where people live and yet peace is very hard to find, Port Harcourt might be a perfect definition of it. #gosh

Creo que todos extrañaremos esta rivalidad tan especial ❤️⚽/I think we will all miss this very special rivalry ❤️⚽

#futbol #soccer

Thread Day #78

Segunda-feira já chegou de novo, e, por aqui, veio a primeira frente fria de verdade do outono. Vocês preferem frio ou calor? Boa semana, brs!


Pergunta: se a jornada de trabalho fosse de 4 dias, vocês prefeririam folgar no meio da semana(quarta feira) ou emendar 3 dias(sexta, sábado, domingo ou sábado, domingo, segunda) ?

Eu consideraria o último dia como um dia de folga para mim

eu preferia folgar na quarta, que geralmente é o que eu faço quando fico de plantão no fim de semana e tenho folga durante a semana pra compensar. dá um gás pra aguentar os outros dois dias de perturbação kkkk

Eu gostaria do processo de trabalhar de segunda a quinta e folgar sexta sabado e domingo. Em alguns lugares do mundo já estão fazendo muitos testes com essa configuração e os resultados são promissores

Provavelmente folgar na quarta-feira.

Uma boa pergunta.... eu acho que a princípio eu preferiria emendar 3 dias direto. Acho que seria mais produtivo tanto no trabalho quando no descanso.

Isso quer dizer que você está tirando o último dia de folga

Pessoal ficou bem dividido nessa

Bom começo de semana, brazucas e lembre-se: Frio é vida!

friozinho chegando finalmente, melhor epoca do ano em fim dps de uns 2-3 anos sem saber o que era frio

fiquei até feliz quando consegui usar minha jaqueta no sábado kkkkk

Bom dia

Essa frente fria já tá aqui há alguns dias kkkk. Eu prefiro frio, mas com um solzinho lá fora.

eu amo dias nublados. sol só de vez em quando pra secar roupa e deixar minha doguinha feliz, pq ela ama ficar torrando

Equilíbrio é tudo.

Mais um mês quase chegando ao fim, já nos aproximando da metade do ano

Já estou ouvindo aquela versão da Simone de "Então, é Natal". 🤣

Nossa, gosto nem de imaginar 🤣

O terror natalino. 👀

e eu, o jingle da Leader.

'Já é Natal na Leader. boas compras!!' hahahah

Malditos marketeiros, haha!

Eu amo frio :D

Quem diz que ama calor são pessoas amargas.

Pronto, falei.

Concordo e apoiado

Quem discordar, que discorde lá no calor. 👀

kkkkkkkkkkkkk boa, concordo plenamente e novamente. Quero neve no Brasil todo se possível :D

Saudades, neve.

Bom dia. É só pra mim que o tempo tá passando rápido d+?

tô dando graças por isso


Ouvi uma frase que nunca me esqueço: "Os dias são longos, mas os anos são curtos."

Muito real... já estamos praticamente na metade do ano e parece que foi ontem que estava estourando champanhe na virada

Então é bem verdade isso. Estranho porque o tempo é o mesmo, mas algo mudou...

Hello my friend! welcome

Thanks very much 😊😊😊🙏🏽🙏🏽, I almost missed the threadcast for yesterday 😂😂.

Alguém já comprando milho?

Comprei um tanto

Faaz parte do meu plano alimentar então é sempre bom ter

Opa, aí sim. Healthy food.

bom tardes aos lindos 🙃

É por isso que eu digo: se a vida lhe der um limão, jogue fora, há frutas melhores!

Desejo uma boa segunda feira para todos, apensar desse dia geralmente não ser bom para ninguém. "Dia de voltar a trabalhar"

O frio é uma dádiva, calor é lá de baixo.

Bom dia galera

boa semana

Pooo acabei de perceber que tem feriadinho essa semana


Oloco, nem tô sabendo. Quando?

30 de Maio - Corpus Christi

Ah, é verdade kk

O ultimo que cai no meio da semana, daqui pra frente é tudo no fds =/

Pra nós aqui de SP ainda temos o 9 de julho pra dar uma salvada

Mas depois desse, o próximo é só 15 de Novembro :(

9 de julho é feriado local em SP?

Realmente o 15 de novembro é uma sexta kkk, os patrões estão so alegria com esses feriados no sábado kk

É sim mano
No estado todo, ou na maioria dele. É a data da revolução constitucionalista de 32

pra mim, dia 15 de agosto é feriado tb, mas eu tô de plantão kkkk depois tem dia 13 de novembro, 15 de novembro e 20 de novembro e folgo em todos

Nossa, feriado em agosto é uma benção! Pena que vai ficar de plantão

É feriado estadual/municipal?

aham, é aniversario de Cabo Frio.

né, não, po. dias 15 e 20 de novembro são no meio da semana tb

Olhei aqui, 20 de novembro é consciência negra, aqui em Goiânia não é feriado não. Até onde sei trabalharmos normal rs

agora é feriado nacional. foi decretado esse ano


Olhei no google é nacional! IRRU valeu Lule alguma coisa boa alem de imposto tem que vim ne kkk

Hoje é feriado nos EUA, que é onde ficam a maior parte dos meus clientes. Dia bem tranquilo

Praticamente 2 feriados na semana hahah bom demais

Só bençãos! 🤣

Tá chique clientes no exterior kk

kkkk sim mas infelizmente ganho em real

meus chefes que ficam felizes... eu faturo tudo em dolar mas eles me pagam em real

kkk aí é tenso, mas é entendível que os patrões vão ficar com a parte "boa" do processo. Por isso seguimos na luta, bom trabalho aí para você man!

Que doidera a disparidade de preços na saúde.... tenho que fazer uns exames mas por terem sido solicitados por nutricionista meu plano não quer cobrir então tive que cotar particular....

Em um lugar, o orçamento ficou em 390 reais. No segundo lugar ficou em 900 reais e no terceiro ficou em 2800 reais o.o

pague uma consulta particular com clínico geral e peça para ele pedir os exames. Me siga para mais dicas.

Esse era o plano B, mas no fim consegui um pacote de descontos em um laboratório e acabou ficando mais barato do que a consulta 😎

tem alguma coisa errada entre o teclado do Google e a interface InLeo, ou será que os xiaomi que são problema?

I am so pissed right now that my head spins. I ought to be in an online training but could barely hear a thing the instructor is saying.

I have contacted HR and they tell me they are working on it. I have ended the training from my end and just seated here angry and doing nothing.

#inleo #thread

That sucks…what was the training for?

Data Analysis.

I contacted the MD an alternative has been provided.

Data analysis is definitely a good field to get into

Yeah, a lot of things to learn and get on, are you in the field?

Not really. I've just taken a few sql courses so I was keeping up w/ the field

Nice 🙂. I just started need to get accustomed to the materials sent. Busy busy 😅

Oh.. sorry about that.

Threads are going through now but replies to threads and votes are not?


So this comment doesn't show?

it does, but my replies to anonymous02 and moretea don't

Los Dodgers de Los Ángeles han decaído en la punta de la división oeste de la liga Nacional...

1/5 🧵

#outreach #threadstorm #mlb #baseball #fulldeportes hilar una racha de cinco derrotas, permitiendo que los Padres de San Diego y los Gigantes de San Francisco se acerquen peligrosamente al liderazgo...

...entretanto, los Orioles de Baltimore siguen luchando para dar alcance...

2/5 🧵

...a los sólidos Yankees de Nueva York, en la azotea de la división este de la liga Americana, donde ya los Medias Rojas de Boston parece que nada...

3/5 🧵

...tienen por buscar dada su situación.

Y en la división central de la misma liga, los Guardianes de Cleveland están enrachados con nueve victorias seguidas para no soltar la punta de la división..!

Así las cosas, les invito...

4/5 🧵

...a leer una crónica especialmente redactada en #InLeo, para la comunidad @fulldeportes, dentro de la blockchain de #Hive, haciendo clic en el enlace:

5/5 🧵 👇 👇 👇

"Big Bang" was originally used as an insult to the theory. The opposing side had many good points. Science grew through these debates.There is no #stem without testing falsifiable hypothesis.

believing theory is always bad but we have no other choice

hmmm... this damn thing always ends so quick...

I know you're read for more! After all, the bOOms can't be stopped! 😅

Too much and you have to be investing in it, it should last longer.

Good things always ends to soon. Luckiliy with premium there is always the option to renew ;)

the month ends so fast!

Indeed it does

Yeah, it does.

it really does, I can't believe how fast it is

cause you are having fun

Most times what we live to regret are those marks and moves that we didn't take, it's a new week, go in there having the mind of a conqueror, smash the week.

#Motivation #Quote #threads


Good morning to everyone on INLEO. Happy monday

The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing that you’ll make one. —Elbert Hubbard

#thoughtoftheday #quotes

Have a nice week..

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Happy Monday and start of a brand new work week. Let's be productive this week 😀


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

That feeling when you get to sit out and watch the sunset. This was yesterday's display.

#serenesunday #sundown

😍 The beauty of nature. At times I just want to gaze into the sky and admire.

Nice shot.

I feel you. Nature displays are amazing. Thank you :)

They really are. You're welcome dear friend.

It's beautiful and relaxing. I believe that anyone wants to enjoy the sunset.

Yeah, although some people prefer the sunrise :) Thank you.

Stunning view!

It's been a while since we had a view of the sunset.❤️

Such a blessing.

Such a nice view on your place! Where is that?

It's in the mountains of PH (Philippines)😉 Thanks

Still a nice and good look even after the typhoon

Yeah, you are the luckies Lion 🦁

Nature is free hehe. Thank you.

See and then I see photos like this from the Philippines. It makes me want to be tthere

The country is welcoming :)

I have heard so.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Yeah, nature's displays mesmerize.

That right there is a lovely view 🤗🤗🤗🌹

Thanks :) Nature never disappoints

You're welcome.. 💯

It has been raining since last night and till now many areas in my country have gone underwater. All of us wanted to see the rain and because of the typhoon it appeared and now it has become trouble for many people. The good news is in my place there are no electricity issues till now.

#newsinleo #weather #update #typhoon

Oh the dilemma. It's hot when it doesn't rain but when it does, it causes flood and traffic in our country as well as property losses and in some cases, fatal incidents.

Whatever we get, it's too much for us and it's not good. That's why it says that everything should be balanced.

It seems that the typhoon is now in your place. I hope everything will be fine soon!

I also hope so. Although I am still safe but everyone are not.

To keep a positive mindset, I'd start with coffee hot or cold depending on the weather. I usually avoid the news since most are stressful. Then I'd plan how my workweek would look like for the rest of the week. 😀


good food and rest revitalized our body for greatness

Starting the day with a reminder to myself that I have to get my next Premium month! #inleo

A new #splinterlands #giveaway is here for SPS enter for your chance to win via the article in the comments. Good luck!


1/ Hive is a compounding machine. This means we have to adjust our thinking to how we earn. The future is not likely one of a single income source.

2/ Micro-earning is one factor to consider. This was not really possible before #crypto. Now we are seeing it start to emerge with Hive. There are many layers where this applies, serving up the potential for many streams to start flowing.

3/ There are also different components. There is content creation, curation, and infrastructure. The latter is getting easier to partake in over time.

4/ Here is where we will see a massive transformation.

To read full article:

I got this from Facebook and I feel it's worth sharing.

In case anyone of you wants to travel this year, you might want to try one of this places. Someone said, invest your money on travel instead of material things. You might lose the fancy things you buy anytime, but the memories you create traveling with your loved-ones will always be cherished.

#freecompliments #leotravel

Have you visited some of those countries?

Maybe Singapore or Thailand for me if I have the budget for it. 😀

Excellent they are.

yay, buy experiene.


wishing you all a great week

gm! what are your plans this week?

Just work, keep eating healthy acroding to my new diet plan and work out.

I started working out again last week after a long time of inactiveness. My body is completely destroyed LOL

But I know it will feel better once I get used to exercising again

What about you?

Sounds a healthy plan!

Well, my plan for this week is to complete all the requirements in the University for intersem. Write more #threads and long-form posts.

Maybe I should also focus on my health.


WHats intersem and what do you study at Uni?

Intersem is more likely a summer class. We will having internship this summer. I'm studying civil engineering.

Ohh nice! I'm a chemical engineer

Good luck with your internship!

work :(

Are you work from home/freelancing or on site job?

This was on the weekend. I work hybrid

Still a nice setup I guess

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I promise the post about the premium inleo is still coming out today. But now i need a coffee to get over the fact I lost the post after being all written 🙃 lol

Coffee before work is like a booster medicine to me.

Some water boiling in the kettle while I reply to this ehehe

Have some Coffee.

I had it... This time did not really helped much eheheh but hey... we keep on going.

Keep going!!

Will AI Surpass Human Intelligence Forever? Cognitive Horizons Explained.

#ai #technology #future

Even the CEO of Stellantis realizes that the tariffs by the EU against Chinese EV makers is going to kill the European auto industry.

Why would it kill the european auto industry? Is it dependent on chinese labour?

What incentive is there for the European companies to cut costs and increase their competitiveness? There is none.

Protectionism stops innovation because the protect, at least temporarily, are covered.

What happens? The Chinese build a plant in the EU, get around the tariffs by importing the parts from China and then assembling in a country like Hungary.

Then the EU companies are in a heap of trouble.

Think you underestimates how large the european market is still. The world is becoming more segmented and we arw going to shield ourself from countries like Russia and China.

I think its an idea to consider to tariff countries who state sponsor their domestic industries because we can never compete with that

Think you underestimates how large the european market is still.

Seems like the CEO is Stellantis is the one who thinks that. So what does he know?

Protectionism always ends the same way. So if you think you are protecting your industry, you are end up killing it.

How is the Australian auto manufacturers doing?

The CEO of Stellantis says that tariffs on Chinese EVs might destroy the European car sector and that a quick review is necessary.

What is coffee?

Describe it here.

The best reply picks a bOOm

The fuel that developers' brains desperately need. There would hardly be any Intrnet without coffee.

It's a hug in a mug 😊

My former boss claimed it was the 2nd most traded commodity in the world. To me, it's one of my favorite beverages (80/20 Arabica/Robusta blend). I'd sip it while threading or working. 😀

Coffee is the summit point of Daybreak.

Coffee is as dark as the nipple(s) and as lovely/sweet as the bOOb(s). That stimulates the mind to give a bOOm vote. But for that vibes to generate you might need a wide balcony with lush green sight surrounding it.

Coffee is one of the favourite drinks for me. Many people prefer it to stay sleepless but it's not effective for my body as I can sleep after taking coffee.

A kick that starts the day.

The most effective "Energy Drink."

The black gold that makes society run. I think there would be a larger conflict about coffee than oil if it started to run out 😅😅

It is the essence of life through a unique, incredible and delicious drink.

(now, you can give my bOOm 😅)

Hello friends👋👋, Let's Let the music play!!! with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans. The party is yours!!!

Hello #partytime people.

I have a bonus day off for Memorial Day.

It's time to party. 🎶🥳🎉

@caleb-marvel @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @oldmans.

You are welcome sir, happy memories 😂😂😂.

Congratulations John for celebrating this date. Have a nice break!

Thanks, Tiago

Greetings Sir 😊.

Howdy, Caleb


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@partytime.inleo! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Memorial Day weekend is considered the start of the summer season.

Who better to usher us into summer than the Beach Boys!

Its a nice memory 😊😊

Anyone with a popsmoke playlist/link on hhere?

Let me check

Feel free to click on the glossary playlist and check for any activities of your choice, if you don't see it there, you can embed your favorite musics from YouTube and post as an open thread with the hashtag #musiconleo so that @mightpossibly and other glossary official will see it.

Okay ill do just that. And btw how do i embed videos on mobile, or is it not possible?

is very possible, presently am on mobile because am out for some activities

i can't seem to find the embed option on here

Here is a guide:

  • Search for anything on YouTube app, click on the share option:

  • Share it to the chrome browser or any browser of your choice:

  • Copy the Title and also copy the link of that video or music directly from your browser and paste on threads with the nessasary tags.

i hope it will help you .

Have you tried it?


This is not really music, but it's a very cool documentary about musicians that are not actually part of bands but are hired by bands or artists to play with them on tour. That's quite common in the music business but those guys are often forgotten

There is no problem, it's all welcome in the party room 😄😜😄. It's a free party so you are free to do whatever you does when you go to a party 🥳🥳🥳.

Cool! I hope people enjoy if they decided to watch that

Why won't they?
😂 Lol

I made it on time this time. Whats up @caleb-marvel? Hows it going on your end

GM Party people!

Greetings to you sir, how is your day going?? 😎😎😎

Going well so far! What about yours?

In honor of Memorial Day, as we remember those who have served and sacrificed to protect our freedoms in the USA

This is my favorite patriotic song.

I also served in my country's army and I know very well how patriotic you are.

I really admire that about you. It's a good song.

Thank you, Tiago.

and God bless you for serving your country.


Below is the party candy contest, please feel free to check it out as we continue in our engagement...
Congratulations to the winners 🏆🏆🏆


Hello friends, good day to you and happy new week 😎😎😎.

We are starting this week by tell you to forget all worries...


Hello @ijebest, it's party time..

Waoh beautiful kids, dance on!! today is your day.

You are welcome Mom, feel free to drop you funny threads..

My brother my friend, it's been a while, how are the kids and your precious?

More fun ☺️ ☺️




I always use third-party specifically MS Word when writing then edit them on here after writing so I still have a soft copy in case it disappeared (like in your case).

I usually copy before press publish, just in case. But this time i was still doing some last edits to the post and it was just gone.

Too bad, I experienced the same during the alpha version of InLeo. I had to move on and rewrite it haha. Maybe that's the only solution too.

Yeah for sure. I have to let it all go and do it again.

Sorry to hear bro. It takes me hours to make a long form post so I know how you feel losing it. May I suggest using peakd which autosaves your drafts and then posting it to inleo when done.

yeah. That could be an idea. I had it happen to me once here. But the auto save in inleo worked and I was able to recover it. But tOday when i press to recover. The last auto saved is my previous post for some reason :(

what ?
this is most horrible feeling in the world

indeed. I had a headache already before. Now it is even worst and I am so pissed off and so not in the mood to write it all again

in this case, you should take rest for now

there is no rest for the wicked. We have to keep on pushing.

I Write with my notes, then put on peakd which autosaves and before pasting and posting it in here...

Yeah might have to do something like that until they work out all the bugs

Dogs can fly !!!
Interesting concept
It is expensive though.

Perfect example why not to leave anyone in the car.

article from 2017


There are 4 pages