Crypto Portfolio Daily Dose #34

in #leofinance5 years ago



Today was interesting since I finished my research for the article, wrote it, and published the article called "BetFury Dividend Strategy". Not a very creative title I know, but I tried to keep it short and straight to the point. So if you're trying to earn BTC, TRX, BTT, and USDT everyday. I recommend reading it.

Converted some crypto into BTC, SCC, and ETH today. I'm sure another ETC deposit will be ready for me to dump into ETH when I wake up in the morning. My focus on getting BTC and ETH to 40% of the portfolio each, is slowly showing in the portfolio screenshots. BTC at 13%, ETH at 2%, and I'm sure to see a nice jump tomorrow when I receive the mining payouts from today's mining.

I've decided to track the website's ad income only for the given month. Since today was the 1st, I will count today's payment as the average for this month so far. Don't worry, it wasn't some randomly huge payment. It was only 1 sat. I don't know who visits the website right now as I don't promote it. Just the random article talked about in these posts from time to time. Have a great night everyone.

Current Goals

Short Term1,000 SCC148.61 SCC
Long Term1,000 DASH0.76 DASH
Website Ad Income0.0005 BTC Daily1 Sats Daily