Crypto Portfolio Daily Dose #31 - Reached 50 LEO!

in #leofinance5 years ago



I finally reached 50 LEO. I can't wait to reach 100. Growth is the only way. Onto other news, I am switching mining pools tomorrow for some QoL upgrades. Its going to make things a lot easier but I won't be renting out my rig anymore. I guess there's a trade off there.

I received some LTC from a faucet. I converted the card rental income from HIVE to DOGE as always. I didn't do any trades today as I was focused on research for my next article on the website. Good news, I got my card in the mail today. I put $20 on it to cover the website monthly bills.

Now about yesterday, the thoughts on doing something good like renewable energy. I plan to put away 10% of all the ad money into a hardware at some point. Until then when I hit the minimum account to withdraw. I will put somewhere to gain interest but I will keep a spreadsheet on what was made from ads and count 10% for saving towards something amazing.

I expect tomorrow to be better when it comes to making some gains as today wasn't much going on as far as adding to the portfolio today. Good night everyone I am headed to bed.

Current Goals

Short Term1,000 SCC148.06 SCC
Long Term1,000 DASH0.75 DASH
Website Ad Income0.0005 BTC Daily9 Sats Daily