On this day, President Yoon, during the fourth hearing of the impeachment trial at the Constitutional Court, said to former Minister Kim, "I remember you brought the draft of the proclamation to the residence on the night of December 2nd."
President Yoon continued, "When I saw the statement and the proclamation you wrote, I thought there were many legal aspects to review and amend, but martial law is difficult to maintain for more than a day, and the national emergency situation was caused by the dictatorship of the National Assembly. So, although it was somewhat abstract, I said, 'Let's just leave it as it is' for its symbolic aspect. Do you remember that?" he asked.
Former Minister Kim replied, "Yes," and added, "I felt that President Yoon was not as meticulous as usual. Normally, the President's work style is to always refer to the law first, but he didn't this time." President Yoon summarized, "Anyway, this proclamation had no feasibility or executability, but it had symbolic significance, so I suggested leaving it as it was."
President Yoon also asked, "Do you remember when I laughed and asked why you included the part about the residents, and you said it was to enlighten them, so I laughed and left it as it was?" Former Minister Kim replied, "I remember now that you mention it."
On this day, former Minister Kim testified as a witness, stating that he had advised President Yoon to declare martial law and had written the martial law proclamation, the proclamation, and notes related to the 'emergency legislative body.' Former Minister Kim said, "The President made the decision with a heart full of blood."
Who bears more responsibility, the person who approved the document written by a subordinate or the person who wrote it?
Laughing while talking, but saying it was with a heart full of blood—such contradictions.
At this level, they could almost debut on a comedy show.
This is the extent of their level.
Therefore, it seems they cannot tolerate those who are more competent than themselves.