Swix DAO AMA With The Chainlink Community

in #leofinance3 years ago (edited)

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The following is an AMA that occured on May 13th, 2022, in the official telegram channel of the Chainlink Community, some community members interactions within the AMA had been edited for readibility, you can see the video of the AMA here if you prefer:


Tatiana Polivoda: https://twitter.com/PolivodaTatiana Swix Bob: https://twitter.com/swixbob Swix King: https://twitter.com/SwixKing Swix Stucco: https://twitter.com/senor_stucco Swix Midas: https://twitter.com/SwixMidas Swix Duke: https://twitter.com/DukeSwix


Arranged as text for wider publication by @swixshepherd https://twitter.com/SwixShepherd

Tatiana Polivoda: Hi guys, prepare your questions for SwixDAO - we'll begin our AMA in 8 minutes!


Swix Bob: Hello everybody

Swix King: Hello great to be here

Tatiana Polivoda: OKLG
please welcome Bob, Stucco, and King of SwixDAO
thank you for coming today! how are you guys doing?

Swix King: Really great thank you

Swix Bob: All great, excited to share the Swix vision with the chainlink community!

Tatiana Polivoda: Welcome welcome

Swix King: Hi Tatiana great to meet you

Swix Midas: Hi all

Tatiana Polivoda: Great to meet you all! Before we begin, please tell us a bit about yourselves - how did you start your journey in crypto and blockchain?

Swix Stucco: Thank you for organising Tatiana and great to be here

Swix Duke: Hello everyone!

Swix Stucco: Happy Friday to everyone!

Swix Stucco: The founding Swixie team is made up of an ex-defi fund founder and two global real estate investors and operators.
Our in-house tech team consists of 5 full-time solidity engineers and full-stack developers with experience from working at Polygon to building several Ethereum-based apps. The founders met in one of their London properties and are fulfilling the vision of a web3-native property rental ecosystem through SwixDAO. Book amazing properties all over the world while being rewarded through SWIX, which you can either use for more stays or stake to retain staying power.

Tatiana Polivoda: wow, sounds great!
Tell us more about Swix, how does it work?

yeah and go for short dates after July cuz many people have been booking lolSwix Bob: https://test.marketplace.swixdao.com/#/ Check out our beta here with our first 4 London properties.

Swix Digi: GM, GM

Eric: Swix is a global property collective which earns yields on its properties by providing them for short-term rentals through our own booking app which is built on Polygon; as well as top external traditional platforms like airbnb and booking.com. Swix converts guests coming from external platforms into loyal Swixies through an unrivalled home stay experience and our tokenback mechanism.
The yields generated by the properties are generally reinvested to expand the property portfolio or growing the on-chain SWIX-USDC LP in proportion with Lease-Under-Management value growth, as per our well thought out community and management discretion. Through our Bonding functionality, investors can exchange liquidity ($) for locked SWIX tokens, and Swix invests that liquidity into acquiring property leases and furnishes each property to the 5 Star Review Swix quality standards.
Stakers can stake SWIX and earn SWIX token rewards which are backed by the real world home stay property and experience revenues
Sorry Bob, bot hates links, got you covered though

Swix Bob: hah thanks Eric

Tatiana Polivoda: thanks, Eric, I guess, move over Airbnb, Swix is coming for ya!
you've already tapped into what's so special about your project, but perhaps there's more to it?

Swix Bob: There is so much that makes Swix special! One of those elements is to have developed a unique disruption of the traditional lease ownership contract through the creation and solution which we call The Metaleases; enabling us (and virtually anybody) to visualise all of the real world property attributes on-chain. Each Metalease embeds the financial values & metrics of the properties, a scanned version of the ownership contract only accessible to SWIX tokenholders, and a 3D interactive model of the property, as well as standard images already featured on the booking dapp.
We are also developing Swixie NFTs which we'll distribute to our communities as well as partner ones, which grant special discounts and free nights on Swix properties. On top of this, we enable holders of SWIX to retain staying power towards rising rental prices as the SWIX token accrues the value generated by the underlying properties

Swix Stucco: Well not quite actually! We see Airbnb as potentially great partners and a great customer acquisition funnel!

Tatiana Polivoda: even better!
Please tell us more about how Swix is using Chainlink technology?

Swix Bob: Swix is currently leveraging Chainlink Keepers network for the automation of on-chain booking data maintenance. The bookings in Swix's on-chain booking platform store funds paid for said bookings by platform users. These funds are kept locked in our "BookingManager" contract until the refundable cancellation period passes, at which point they are released into the DAO's treasury and the user is granted tokenback rewards paid out in SWIX. Using the Chainlink Keepers network Swix continuously monitors the active bookings based on release eligibility criteria and, if found, automatically trigger necessary transaction, removing the responsibility to claim SWIX rewards from platform users. An extension of that implementation to clean past bookings and auto-refund security deposits is currently under development.
We are also planning on developing a custom solution which involves Chainlink oracles verifying property availability data across the booking calendar APIs of off-chain booking platforms and the Swix on-chain booking app.

Tatiana Polivoda: ok, our bots are overly protective, so i'll share some photos from Swix for them.


Swix Stucco: This is one of our 4 starter properties secured in central London, bookable now!
Swix looks to upgrade the short-stay rental market and fill the gap between hotel and homestay

Tatiana Polivoda: What is the best way for someone watching today to get started with SwixDAO?

Swix Bob: Right now, Discord and Twitter! You'll be able to access the waitlist to test our fully functioning booking platform on Polygon and earn Swix rewards for doing so! We are also working on setting up dedicated Swix Telegram, Youtube and Reddit channels
Invite link for discord: https://discord.gg/Z3HJ9t2cZw

Gigi Art: this is stunning!

Swix King: Thanks we are very proud

Tatiana Polivoda: stunning property indeed!
What’s next on your project’s roadmap?

Swix Bob: Release our unique Metaleases to the world through a strategic partnership announcement in the next 2 weeks, hand out another 500 WL spots to more Web3 communities allowing Swix to have a wider interest span/audience for our IDO, which will happen in the next 2 weeks as well.
Booking Platform Alpha release with working booking functionality for polygon native token payments will be released after smart-contract audit by Certik in the next month.

Swix King: We are also currently working on the next cities Swix will open more home stay properties.
Its data lead in the Real Estate Mansion so its super techie and exciting.

Tatiana Polivoda: You guys are busy!
It's awesome that you're bringin real world things on chain
Where can the audience follow you and your project?

Swix Bob: Discord and Twitter! Keep tuned on Discord where we will be giving out some very special Swixie NFT passes as well as additional WL spots!

https://discord.gg/SwixDAO https://twitter.com/SwixDAO

Tatiana Polivoda: some funky cartoons out there!
thank you guys so much for coming today
Best of luck to you and your project!
happy weekend!

Swix Midas: Thank you!

Swix Bob: thank you! Keep updated through our Discord and see you all soon.

Swix King: thank you to Chainlink