Hello SPIers,
What are XV tokens?
The basic idea is to sell XV tokens for 10 weeks, ending 10th May at 23.59 pm BST. We invest all HIVE from issuing tokens into a basket of 15 top-ranked crypto tokens and wait for the next bull run to happen. When the time comes, I will convert the basket back into HIVE and offer a buy-back wall on the hive-engine exchange letting investors to cash out with juicy profits. The overall risk is not high but the potential gains that can be had are amazing based on the market switching from bear to bull.
It's that simple, BUY/HOLD/SELL. XV tokens are not an "I'll buy a few and see what happens" token. XV will never see a 50x return. The risk is so low, you should look at XV as a serious investment and buy alot and then sit on them for 2 years. Would you invest $2 into a serious investment? What good will that do?
If we bought BTC in 2015 and sold it in 2017, would that have been smart? The same could be said for buying in 2019 and selling in 2021.
Now it's 2023 and we're buying BTC, what do we predict for 2025?
What's in the basket?
Below shows the past 9 weeks of XV token sales and how the funds have been split and allocated into 15 different cryptos. The allocations are weighted meaning the higher the markcap, the less the risk and the higher the allocation.
The basket is rebalanced weekly to bring everything back into line. Rebalancing is a disciplined, unemotional investment approach that can reduce exposure to risk. Rebalancing will create less volatile growth by forcing us to sell crypto when it's up and buy when it's down. Ideally, we will finish with more of each crypto than we started with as each crypto has its boom and bust days. Our sample of 2 years is plenty to ride out and smooth the variance the markets will make.
5 Reasons to take a punt!
The basket is made up of all top-ranked cryptos. If something falls out of the top 50 ranked by marketcap, it'll be replaced. We're not carrying dead weight. As far as crypto investing goes, investing in 15 of the top 50 ranked cryptos should be one the safest plays we can make. When we factor in the market will switch from bear to bull within the next 2 years, XV is a doozy investment.
There is nothing else like XV on HIVE. There are investment tokens but none are based solely on a basket of investments like this. XV is the only token on HIVE that offers this exposure to the overall crypto market to HIVE users.
There's an end date and this is another unique thing for XV. In June 2025, the basket of 15 cryptos will be converted to HIVE. This HIVE will be used to buy back all the XV tokens in circulation from the Hive-Engine exchange and hopefully for an inflated price of at least 3x.
You as an investor buy and sell in 2 years. In the meantime, I will be rebalancing the basket weekly and putting out weekly reports to keep everyone informed so investors can track their investments.
Anyone could do this, anyone could invest in a basket of crypto and hold them for 2 years but would you? The answer is no unless your doing it with $1000+ because it would not be worth your time. The XV token USP is me, my experience, knowledge and discipline. I have proof of concept on the model from the last market cycle and im confident we can make a good return for investors.
Click HERE to buy XV from hive-engine
Will XV tokens pay a dividend?
Nope, because HODLing does not generate an income and any yield is 100% based on the cryptos we buy increasing in value.
Can I cash out early, before June 2025?
You will be able to sell your XV tokens on the open exchange where the price will be determined by the market and pool of buyers at that time.
How can I track the progress of my XV investment?
Weekly reports will be uploaded to the @spinvest account showing the crypto we hold, their allocation to the basket, month to month and overall growth charts to be as transparent as possible.
Can investors decide which crypto to invest in?
No, the basket will be decided on by @silverstackeruk on behalf of SPinvest. I have seen from past results that public voting is not the best form of selection for investment. Im not Warren Buffet but I think I have a level enough head.
Are there any fees to pay?
SPinvest will collect a small fee of 5% at the buyback stage in June 2025. This includes all crypto conversion and transaction fees related to rebalancing the basket. For an actively managed fund, 5% for 2 years is decent and SPI has to get a cut🤑
Why end in June when crypto peaks at a year-end normally?
The make a long answer short. Paying out in June lets me pay out more HIVE back to investors.
Smaller market cap tokens will see their price increase harder toward the end of the bull run so BTC could 5x and HIVE might only increase by 50% in the first 9 months of a bull year. When BTC growth slows to increase say to 50% in a month in the last 3 of the bull year, HIVE might be hitting its peak momentum and could 10x.
So I'd like to pay out HIVE earlier so I can pay out more. Paying out more is what investors will remember in the future. We all know how much HIVE we have earned from this and that but we rarely remember what the $ value was at the time.
Can I take my crypto at the end of 2 years instead of HIVE?
Nope, all conversations will be done in as little numbers of transactions as possible and sending out 15 crypto to each investor that requests it would cost an arm and a leg in fees and be alot of manual work. We buy in with HIVE and we cash out with HIVE 🤑
Are XV tokens legit?
As far as the HIVE blockchain goes, SPinvest is the gold standard for investment tokens with almost 4 years of experience and 4 successful projects under our belts. Everything released under SPinvest is backed by assets and in this case, 15 top-ranked cryptos. You can take XV to the bank 🏦
Token Name | Main Account | Link to hive-engine |
SPI token | @spinvest | SPI |
LBI token | @lbi-token | LBI |
Top XV token | @spinvest | XV |
Eddie Earners | @eddie-earner | EDS |
EDS mini miners | @eddie-earner | EDSM |
EDS micro miners | @eddie-earner | EDSMM |
CUBlife | @lbi-token | CL |
Bought some more today - looking forward to seeing the updates as the months go by !!!
Hoosie... you have GOT to be from Indiana? 😹
Lol - no, I'm from Scotland!
Please elaborate, because HOOSIER is a word meaning someone from Indiana 😹
I may have stumbled across a new connection??
Hi, I have no connection with Indiana, and Hoosie is actually my childhood nickname, related to how we pronounce the word house in the far north of Scotland (hoose) - so thats it !
Maybe I can trace the etymological connections to the true meaning of the word Hoosier! No one in Indiana even has a good answer for what it means!
THANKS, @hoosie! It could be a piece of the puzzle! My family traces back to Scotland and/or Ireland. I consider those My People, too. 👍🏻
Should be a fun project to run for me and make good yields for us all.
90 of my goal of 100 are done - that will be tight :P
You have 25 hours left, time is ticking away 😀
Made it.✌🏻

Glad I saw this, just in time!
Unless hive engine is still borkt on my end, I'm dropping all my liquid Hive on this. It's not a lot, but over 100 is at least a good little bankroll for now.
He has made me more money than old Buffay EVER WILL 😹😹😹I was the first SPInvest Whale, cashed that out to Gold and then bought more later. So I KNOW that @silverstackeruk is basically better than Warren Buffett when it comes to Crypto 👌👍🏻👆
Happy days, glad you seen this as well and got some.
Buffet missed out big time skipping on crypto, lol
Yes he did, Mr. SPINVEST!
I ended up with 424 XV at the introductory price. Here's to MANY MORE!!
I promise to HODL until Maturity this time!! 💯
Buying the top 15 coins and selling them when they drop out of the top 50 is a buy high and sell low strategy. Have you done a backrun analysis for various periods in the past? If you want to be cautious, it's easier to simply hold BTC and ETH. A fund would be useful for investing in many new low market cap coins.