Better Me Fitness App: A Review!

in #leofinance5 months ago

I'm rather partial to doing a few circuit training sessions a few times a week, but it can be difficult keeping up with the motivation, especially when my local gym is a good 30 mins walk away and the times of most of the circuits classes just don't fit with my schedule, let alone my circadian rhythms!

So I've been doing my own thing up until now, mainly my own bespoke work-out incorporating push ups, chin ups, presses and curls... I have some weights, a chin up bar, and now dip bars!

However I still get a bit bored with doing the same old thing over and over so I thought I'd dig around for some apps, and the Better Me app offered what I wanted: Calisthenics as well as a whole range of other stuff.

If you go to the website you get asked to input your sex, age, training goals etc. and then you have to pay around £15 for one months access, with the usual £5 for a second month if you cancel and decline twice. After that it's £30, no chance of me paying that much, but £15 for one month was OK.

What you get...

You get a plan of workout videos and meals with progressive workouts month by month...

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NB you can access ALL the workouts immediately, and there is A LOT of variety for that £15!

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  • £15 for one month of variety is fine, but I wouldn't pay more after!
  • I like the daily challenges.... it's motivational for a little while.
  • You get access to ALL the workouts straight away, even if your plan only releases them day to day, there's another way in!
  • There's A LOT of variety of different workouts!
  • You can record the workouts for later use!


  • It is rather expensive if you carry it on! £30 Is way too much compared to what you can get IRL for only double that!
  • It's all a bit samely... For calisthenics it's basically a few people doing exercises in their front rooms on video. And the different work outs are just those cut and paste together! Good for keeping pace, but otherwise a really cheap and naff experience.
  • The meal plans feel a bit cheap, hardly anything experimental or exciting in there.

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Get used to this guy, you'll be seeing him doing the same thing in several videos!

Better Me: Final Thoughts...

Cheers! I've had a good month with you, it was worth £15, but no more! So fare thee well, thee has served thee's purpose!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello brother, also a workout bro majorly in calisthenics, I do love the fact your putting in your money for fitness, although I don't aside equipments. I do believe you can create a more helpful or healthy program from calisthenics videos on youtube which are totally free, to make your workout fun, try calisthenics skills such as; L-sit, bent arm planche, handstand, front lever etc, things will get crazy trust me, I'm three years in.

Hey cheers! Great advice!

Wow this App is pretty good 😍It's great finding an app like this for workouts, especially with a variety of exercises. £15 for a month seems reasonable too, but £30 is a bit steep for me😁