Earning Passive/Active Income through Hive/Leofinance and CUBdefi

in #leofinance3 years ago


I’m sure you must have heard of active and passive income. Well let me give a brief explanation of active and passive income.

Active Incomes just as the name implies, are incomes gotten from your activities. Your income stops flowing when your activity stops. These incomes are seen in the case of employees and one man’s business self employed

While passive income is a situation where your money works for you. Your activity doesn’t determine your income. You still make money while you sleep. This manner does not require much efforts. But sometimes before one can start earning passively, he will need to put a lot of efforts at the initial stage. For instance, like developing a blog or leasing a property.


With Hive/Leofinance you have the opportunity of earning both actively and passively. I will start by explaining how to earn actively.

You can earn actively by creating content and curating contents.

When you create contents, you get curated for your content which has a time window of 7 days. Meaning that after your 7 days period , you don’t earn from that content anymore. You need to create more content to earn more rewards, so your activities (creating content) needs to be constant. You stop earning as an author when you stop creating content.

When you curate contents you earn a reward known as curator’s reward. The more you curate, the more you earn. You stop earning when you stop curating.

Let’s move to how you can earn passively through Hive/Leofinance. You can earn passively through, staking, delegating and my best CUBdefi. Don’t worry I will explain them

So when you stake your Hive/Leo you get passive % income ( not really sure of the actual %). When you delegate your Hive/Leo power to an author/curator, you earn when the author curates. So you earn while you sleep as long as the curator curates. The last and my favorite is CUBdefi, CUBdefi is a defi (Decentralized Finance) platform that allows you stake, and farm but in CUBdefi, it’s called farm, den and kingdom.






These are the varieties of ways you can earn passively with CUBdefi

Now you know this, I hope you make a smart decision and start earning both actively and passively.


I agree that there are soome good passive investment income opportunities on Cubfinance. The Kingdom Den is paying handsomely if you have capitol. I am realocating mine at this time.

I wonder how the curators are doing return wise, as fewer Leo chasing content means higher rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The kingdoms is the best right now. Watch out for my article about some sweeet benefits of using kingdom in cubdefit