interacting with customers in sales and marketing management.

in #leofinance5 years ago

it is important maintain good contact with the customer at all time, putting smile on customer face will encourages them to tell you their need and what they interested in seeing.

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actual interactions with customers will encounter many situations during selling situations. skill are not easy for most people, they reqular praticae to implement effectively is requires skill to achieve these ideas and not have customers feel interrogated.

you most learn about this following.

  • use probing questions to draw out information from the customer and identify their need.
  • present prouct featuews and benefits to the customer.
  • direct customers towards making positive choices.
  • handle customer objection.
  • use effective techniques to close a sale.
  • handle customer complaints.
  • use effective sales communication.

you have learned about some new ideas that will give you a new perspective on the selling process and how it relates to your job functions with this ideas to sharpen your skill so that you will find the challenge of presenting and selling you products and services more fun