My impressions after being a few weeks on HIVE

in #leofinance3 years ago


I spent a few weeks on the HIVE blogging platform already and during that time I learn more about people, applications, and the whole thing in general. I spent more time learning all the ropes than actively writing.

There are a few things that engaged my inner monologue about the HIVE the most.

Freedom of expression

The thing that impresses me the most is the freedom of expression. Because HIVE blogging is blockchain blogging - my texts are permanently stored. I do not need to worry about the longevity of my content. It will not get deleted and ownership of my account is my own and very safe.

Numerous applications

Second, I like being familiar with the numerous front ends and it is great to have so many applications. A person can see how much time and effort people invested.

Twitter community

Third, a community is connected and unlike others, I saw they are very active on Twitter and I like it. Mutual support on a huge public platform like Twitter is more than necessary and a very nice thing to see.

Ways of earning

I do not have a deep insight about earning, because I just started. We need Hive Power to vote and earn from voting, and we can make income thereby receiving votes on our comments and posts from other participants. 50% whatever a post or a comment makes is an author's reward.

Opportunity to learn from others

In the previous week, I was concentrated more to learn how to make a solid and simple post, what are the rules and how to make a post appealing to the audience.

Rewarding communities

Various other communities will additionally reward a piece of content if found interesting, inspirational, or relevant to the community members. There are possibly many communities that so far I don't know about. So far I know about palnet, leofinance, neoxian, archon, and creativecoin.

I made the best impression on an audience in Leofinance because so far I can see there is the biggest reward achieved on that front end. I don't mind the slow start, there is a lot to learn.



Hi Marshall, welcome to the community! Glad you like it, hope you can continue to write and stick around.

Another community that's much newer is #proofofbrain; you can use to earn POB (like LEO on

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome Marshall.

One of the important keys to success is enagagement . Not only posts , commenting is also equally important :)

Hope to see you around :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta