Why Are Employers Ditching Weed Testing?

In recent years more companies have decided that they are not going to be testing their employees for weed any longer.

As Access to recreational and medicinal cannabis around the United States has expanded we have also seen use of the plant expand just the same.

There are millions of people in the U.S. that turn to cannabis for a variety of reasons and for some employees they might have trouble finding talent or keeping good employees if they do engage in such testing.

Some of the companies doing the most weed testing allegedly include those industries like utilities, construction, transportation, warehousing, and other areas of business.

States like

  • Wyoming
  • Mississippi
  • Georgia
  • Alabama

These are just a few of the regions that are likely to be doing some of the highest percentage of drug testing for weed, while others such as Colorado and California (for obvious reasons) do a bit less.

recruiting talent with reformed testing policies

For some companies that are struggling to hire they might just ditch the policy completely if they think it might help them to recruit and maintain people in the position that they need.

Meanwhile, there are others who likely would never make the change for a number of reasons.

Previously, recent polls have found that more Americans use cannabis than smoke cigarettes.

Tens of millions of Americans are using cannabis and there are thousands of people employed within this industry too.

There are many jobs being provided within this industry around the country.

This includes jobs like farming, delivery, marketing, real estate expertise, product creation, cashiers in dispensaries, tourism positions, and security.

It has been said that this spread of legalization has helped to make those changes with companies choosing to relax their stance a bit on testing. There are many cannabis users who are still highly successful and productive individuals and the policy to test could easily keep those individuals from working within certain industries in which they could provide value.

How long might it be until federal reform is seen and an even larger number of companies move in the direction of reforming their drug policy positions? Given the widespread support with Americans around the country it is curious why that move hasn't already been accomplished but that doesn't mean many haven't been busy trying to make it become a reality. Some regions despite that widespread use and support still seem comfortable with maintaining the war on drugs and keeping up with an arguable infringement on what many see as freedom and personal choice in this matter.

Posted for information purposes only.