The Case for Guild Reduction Costs to Start & Level 2 Upgrade

in #leofinance4 years ago


A stunning increase in dark energy crystal (DEC) value in The Splinterlands game has come with many substantial and shocking developments without question.

Now the game needs to adjust, in a little way, but in a major way affecting a vast majority of the newest entrants in the game. Full disclosure I am in a guild (Team Possible) that has a max level (Level 10) member base. I still think the following proposed ideas would be a great addition to the game and will not devalue those who were earlier to guilds and leveled up buildings prior to the above-mentioned explosion in DEC to north of 5x the original peg dollar value of $0.001/DEC.

First, simply reduce the cost of starting a guild from 10,000 DEC to 1,000 DEC. Yes, I said cut the cost by 90% of starting a guild getting into guild brawls. This will have some effects in possibly bringing down the DEC value temporarily with the game taking in DEC for this expense to the players that are new to participate in guild brawls. That is not necessarily the point at all for doing this, but it may slow down the value and possibly help eliminate a DEC value getting out of control in the time to come with so many new events in game rolling out at a fairly close period of time.

The idea is to generate "roots" to the game in participating in guilds for the lowest level player, or entry level player in the game. Camaraderie to its highest levels have accomplished many amazing things in history, let alone what a feeling of realized team and community has done in gaming history. "Epic Victory" phenomena is real and needs to be taken full advantage of by the game.

So yes, a radical cut in cost for the Level 1 initial guild formation is a topic that I would need a lot of convincing that is not necessary. The other adjustment can also involve the leveling up of that initial level to the "base" guild hall from 10,000 DEC to 2,000 DEC (maybe even also as low as 1,000 DEC).

In cutting this cost as well an additional member of the guild can be added to the continued growth of the guild. That is a bigger deal than it seems. Instantly your guild gets an instant boost of about 6.7% immediately in additional human capital by raising the max number of members from 15 to 16, making all further improvements less costly representative of your guild total.

Adding an initial leveling up is a major psychological bump in these players that would be wise enough to take advantage of both these "in game relief for newbies." At the moment there is a great deal of challenge in improving your situation in the game, which has in no way harmed the game--but I would argue has made it much more substantial in the eyes of the eyes of the public. Nothing worthwhile is easy and this game is no exception to that rule in life.

Having more players allowed to take advantage in Guild/Brawls as a game feature is a must for the game. Getting newbies installed and rooted in groups of 15 and/or 16 in a common cause is a powerful factor in keeping game momentum and building for the future.

This is the only thing in game I would adjust at the moment. No other relationship with the player and the game with DEC swaps would necessarily need to be worried about. Just these two leveling options would be a great start and stop adjustment to allow these flocks of newbies to become affiliated with one-another making them a force multiplier that would make any other game envious of its inherent power.

No human being is (rightfully) horrified of a single bee flying their way. Worst case scenario you get a nasty sting that goes away (assuming the human has no allergies) in a few days. But messing with a hive of bees, totally different story. A hive of bees can bring a living thing tens of thousands of times more massive than the group to its knees if the entire hive is alerted to strike all at once in maximum strategic benefit to the hive. It's a powerful force of nature that I think the game can take advantage of with many benefits without the possibility of dwindling any other costs or lessening the value of all the guilds that had the foresight to level up while DEC was much lower in relative value at the time.


couldn't agree more, it's hard to level up a new guild with newbies as members, no +% rewards, no arena, not easy to ask for contribution too. it will be nice if we have discount to level up at least half of it.

Great minds think alike @cicisaja 😀 Whether or not it is important for a brand new player in the game to find a guild immediately, they seem to think so mentioning it in the discord chat more times a day looking for one than I can count. Sometimes it's smart to simply give the customer what they want. At a discounted price would be even better, I totally agree. Thanks for replying and it's always great to hear from "The Good Sage Splinterlands Queen of the East."

what sage... 😂, thank you.
the new players want to be in a guild so they can learn and play together, so they think there'll be benefit to be in the guild. while they don't know what is it and how to be part of guild.

I admitted that im afraid to spend the dec for the guild atm, I created 2 guilds for the newbs and now we're struggling to pay 10k for the lvl 2 (and they want to have arena too) while the other one also need 20k to lvl 3. we have 14 players in the waiting list (preventing them from going to TP😁 and nag mieke🤭), if there's no discount, I think it will take ages to have them in the guild🤦🏽‍♀️

spending 20k to open a guild for 16 players (no additional rewards and no discount) or level up a guild which only open for 1 player. when they know, there's no use to be in a lvl 1 guild, they'll leave or someone can take advantage of them too.

I'd start a Guild if the cost was just 1,000 DEC. Heck I might even start two.

That could be an option, but if something like this happened setting up "piker" or weak bot army accounts might not go as well as some would think. Playing difficulty is getting more and more prevalent at all levels. Also it might even force bot armies to do this if they haven't already and invest even more in the game of their earnings to stay relevant. Good stuff, thanks for the comment @rentmoney keep up the good work!