As dangerous as possible

in #leofinance9 months ago

As a man, your main mission in life is to become as dangerous as possible.

You don't know when you will need it, but you have to be ready.

Yesterday, mi wife was in a car crash.

My son was in the car.

She called me immediately, she sounded upset.

My instant response was "Where are you? I'll be there in a second".

The crash happened two miles away from my house.

Now, we only have one car, we go everywhere together and she takes care of daily chores because I stay at home working, so we don't need a 2nd car.

I checked Uber.

15 min arrival. No way I was gonna wait that long.

Uber killed the Taxi business so I knew I'd have to wait a while to find one.

No way of getting there fast by car.

It's Mexico, anything could happen.

  • The other driver could get aggressive
  • Cops would arrive and try to coerce my wife or get money from her
  • Potential robbers passing by would see a window and exploit the situation

So I grabbed my cellphone, wallet, locked the house.

And started running.

I got there in 8 minutes.

I arrived to an old lady calling her insurance, my wife laughing with a friend who was passing by, and my son asleep.

But it could've gone entirely different.

And I would've blamed myself if I didn't get there on time.

A man's mission is to be as dangerous as possible, not because of normal days, but because of days like this one.

A day where you will have to run 2 miles at full speed, and arrive ready to get in a fight and win.

Or not.

But if that day comes, would you be ready?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Shit really? Glad they were okay. Sounds dangerous there. Here everyone stops and helps.

I couldn't even run a mile...

It's all good now!

Well, what are you waiting for, start training fren!

Damn man. Thank God they were safe.

That feeling that you aren't there, right at the moment she called must have been insane.

All good man! Hyperbole is a great tool, but I guess I overused it this time lol

Wow, I don't think I can run two miles, of course I'm not a dangerous man either jeje. I'm glad to hear that everything turned out well, what a relief you must have felt. 🚗🚙🛻

Everything turned out well in the end, but it were definitely stressfull few minutes haha!

Glad your family is safe. You are a very cool husband and father.

Thanks fren, it was a short post but very emotional, glad you liked it

I am happy to hear that you family was fine. Thank goodness. A man must be ready indeed. You certainly were. You were ready in many ways - your fight or flight instincts kicked in. Luckily all was fine. I notice that you are also fit enough - not many people could run like that. You just reminded me of when I ran for my son (a storyfor another time).

Glad the family were safe.

Man! You got fire in your bones. The post though short have a lot of lessons for every man to learn from. Taking action at the right time, taking the extraordinary route when the conventional routes failed, and a show of love and commitment to family well being.

Those are the lessons I learned from this short story.

Aquire all diseases and spread them. Be patient double 0.
Sigma grindset ftw.
Only read the title and skip content.

i don’t know if I should take this as a mocking comment or you’re just having a bad day. Either way in text form it’s impossible to know so I’ll just go for the second one

saw the post in my feed, wrote a silly comment on impulse.
title looked like some of that sigma shit that youtube suggested to me for a while.

Yeah nothing to do with that, the content is short but very relevant lol

Always be on guard, ready for whatever happens.

Glad to hear that they're fine and you arrived shortly after the call. Those moments can really be intense.

Gotta stay ready man, especially when other people depend on you for safety and wellbeing.

Wow, in such an environment, gotta man up! I am glad your wife and son are okay, and we can see you are a true loving father and husband 👍🏼

The third world forces you to man up xD

Hard times make real men 😌

Wow, it's always good to keep fit at all times in case of any eventualities,

you really ran so fast to have gotten there in a giffy, thank God they were sound and perfect. That's an experience. Life is full of many of such experiences.

You bet on it I would be there for my people and give it my all!

Great story mate. Glad it had a happy ending.