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RE: New Hive-enabled site! First impressions and feedback

in #leo3 years ago

Okay, so you must comment on every single persons post who use Facebook, Instagram, and other social media websites. I am not affiliated with steem, so again I ask, why post on that on my page and unfollow when I actually did nothing wrong and don't even have to do what you are talking about. If you have an issue like stolen tokens, that's a legal issue that you can take up with the law, and not take it out on an innocent user. But I shouldn't be telling you this, it seems you should already know. But I do NOT appreciate you coming to my page trying to say I'm doing something wrong by crossposting. In fact, everyone should be crossposting for their own best interests in mind.


I'm letting you know. And it seems in this instance, crossposting to a scam network isn't serving your interests much at all.