Legit Illiteracy: Is A 'Flawless Blockchain' The Solution? Can Blockchain Tech In All Its Beauty Become "Ordinary"? Will It?

Since i became aware of blockchain, i have seen 'many', declaring their desire to fix certain flaws that they have spotted in blockchain. Many hardfork(s) happen to this effect as people seek the perfect or flawless blockchain.

This is popular even here on steem, where people see 'flaws' with steem and want to proffer solutions etc 

As seen in the image above, TRON CEO appears to have found some solutions, for ETH and EOS, perhaps, on the assumption that these blockchain(s) have flaws. (I didn't read much from the article).

Perhaps, the more powerful question is, "was there a flaw all along" and if there was, have you really spotted the very exact flaws. Don't forget that as powerful as 'blockchain tech' maybe, it will host humans. Perhaps, the more powerful question (when it comes to developing solutions) is, "have you come to really know humans?".

I tell you, many times, the problem wasn't the tech.... an yes, many times, the solution isn't the tech-guru.

Earlier in the day, i saw two people react to the post above and i shared my quick impromptu sentiments with them. 

A powerful young man in the person of @tojukaka (located in Nigeria) asked a powerful young woman in the person of @ankarlie (located in the Philippines), if she really believes that TRON CEO has the capacity of doing as he says...

Below was my own quick thoughts, the thoughts of a 'Legit Illiterate': 

I was responding to @tojukaka

agbero creates a blockchain, you will see me there. If you (@tojukaka) say you will rescue it, i will believe you better. There hasn't really been anything wrong with these tech(s). It has been humans all along. The world of tech is reaching its 'CAP' in evolution, till  humans begin to evolve. If you created a blockchain (referring to @tojukaka), you will see me there! An

Till date, the world as a whole, don't know of the difference between 'a motor' and 'an automobile'. They don't know of a 'ceiling fan' that calls your name, "Uwen,  Uwem, Uwem". They don't know of a car that laughs at its owner. 

The world is still very novice in deep truth and curriculum(s) have kept it in that same cycle. Schools teach 'the same', recycles 'the same', the internet does 'the same'. 

Next time i want to quote someone, i want and prefer to quote a @tojukaka that sent steem to my wallet without my asking, a tojukaka that cares, that i know, not a Steve Jobs that the internet tells me of. It is that simple. 

With ulogs.org  i am simply shifting from 'proof of brain' to 'proof of human'. Brain, talent etc is generic, 'human' isn't. Else, the world would have touched on simple concepts like #untalented, #ulog, #teardrops that rewards 'proof of tears' but again there are tons of routes that the world in its wells of literacy, don't know of. 

At this point, the world needs balance, 'legit illiterates' must begin to emanate or humans must "mine the human" and begin to evolve into their "awesomest version". Even so-called tech waits on us to do just this. We turn to tech to fix us, 'we' who created tech. 

I tell you even blockchain will never attain its true beauty, if we don't evolve to where 'humanity is the brother next to you' and yes it can fade and ever stay ordinary. We can turn it into a 'reward distributor' and if that is its use-case, it will stay ordinary. It is even more powerful a tool as a 'mentality adjuster'. So, we can decide to recycle all existing tech(s) on blockchain again and the blockchain stays ordinary, with ofcourse an extra use-case in 'distributing rewards' or we can tap into unknown simple down-to-earth, un-heard-of ventures and reveal these things to the world by virtue of the transparency blockchain offers. 

While the world in general thinks the issue is 'money', i tell you "money is the smaller things". Not a soul made in Jehovah's image is truly even capable of being poor. I can speak on this forever, but just as simply as 'take ownership of your cookies' and money itself will seek you out. I am dead broke now, about to crash and without a dime but i tell you, i am not poor and lorry-loads of money won't change or move this terry.

When you say you are not financially rich, google, facebook etc simply takes tiny elements of you, "your cookies", love it for you, process it and make billions from it and rule the internet and shake you, make you you and that is just one evidence that we can't be poor. 

Ulogging is simply the art to reveal this! 

At least a day, "mine the human" some more, with the sole aim of not resourcing from the internet but gifting to it instead, to reshape it (by ulogging). Then, use 'ulog-subtags' to remove 'hashtags' from the ranks of ordinary, by using the 'ulog-subtags' to encode  your ulogacies into existing hashtags as you ulog (per day) and real world adjustment begins to ensue 

e.g ulog-quotes: freshly create these ulog-quotes per day, then serve the search engines with it and soon i will be quoting you, a "true  celebrity" and this is surpassing google, through google itself; "testimonial". 

but the plot has to be an underlying one! Simply take fun and give it more testimonial essence by infusing ulogacies into it and that is simply what ulogging is. 

I am too weak now and Jehovah help me to keep on living to see these things come to life but at the very least now, while i am weak and i want the model to be out there, "my ulogacy", so it can be seen and someone out there can push it forward. 

Jehovah help me though to live and us all and see the beauty of this simple down-to-earth thing. The answers  to world adjustment can't be in outer-space. These are the words of a 'legit illiterate', the un(dis)talented and most importantly, your boy terry, 'unshaken bulls or bears'. 

Your Boy Terry


Join the conversation here:


Many times, solutions may lie in understand how the real world really works. And yes, there are cycles and yes, blockchain can do wonders in breaking this cycles or it can fade because we simply replayed those cycles all over again on blockchain.   

You can support the Fundition post for Steemgigs Development here:


Quick sIDE-note

If you are a programmer and you have time on hand, i still have some open task requests (with bounties):

Special Note

If you are a developer or anyone who passionately loves these projects e.g ulogs.org, steemgigs.org the teardrops SMT etc and would like to help build it and see that it comes to life, kindly send an email to uloggers@gmail.com
There is a lot to build.

If you are a potential advisor and one who can help with directions, suggestions and connections, please join in too by sending an email to uloggers@gmail.com

When it comes to raising some capital, it is not very defined yet what we will do but again, with "a truly solid community of brothers", nothing is impossible. It is highly likely that there won't be an ICO, even though our primary project ulogs.org is aiming to "surpass google"  and would require a real budget. We will look for ways to accomplish our goal without an ICO, taking the more testimonial harder route. 

When a team is in place though, these are things that we will discuss.

Another Special Note

In the upcoming task request for ulogs.org, you will really see how massive the #ulog project is and where it is headed. 

It is world adjusting and it will need solid hands. 

Kindly vote for the "steemgigs" witness. 

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and upvote "steemgigs" or simply click Here to do it on one click!  

 If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 

 Subscribe to us on YouTube: UloggersTV   

Become A Certified Ulogger 

Disregard if you have participated! 

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human"modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers".   and will be used also as a token of influence on 3   steem-based interfaces i.e steemgigs.org, ulogs.org and @macrohard; all of which are

It is time to grow this list and gather now. 

Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds" too.  The @teardrops token should be loved and succeed, "bulls or bears" because "human" is involved

Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities", who are also "true fans" of human and of the "teardrops token", which  is "an emblem of human".  

It is time to gather now. 

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and   filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these  tags: #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.  


If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier  above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up: 


Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv 

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.  

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account. 

This can be difficult to understand.

You see, the blockchain is an attempt at solving the Byzantine Generals Problem. And, there are real problems with the current solution. Such as 51% attacks on networks that have few miners.

There are real problems with EOS, and there are real problems with ethereum.

And, they really need to be solved.

Such as, last year with the kitty kat ethereum app. Ethereum didn't have the throughput to handle all the transactions desired.

EOS has problems where you can have your account suspended, and your EOS taken from you by a majority vote.

These are very serious problems. One is a technical issue, the other is a governance issue.

Both need to be fixed in code. (not in the humans using it)

I don't disagree at all. What i am saying though is, some of these code issues may not have existed at all, if humans where flawless. Perhaps, wanting too much to seek a flawless blockchain or one that fixes it all and we may not see the entire picture and be attempting to provide solutions to flaws that never existed. Perhaps, we will have better tech solutions and draw closer to a flawless blockchain, if we as humans involved to where we really understand "humans" will we build blockchains for. Yes, like the governance issue with EOS, that you mentioned, i didn't know of it, i have looked at EOS but once you mentioned it, it is very obvious to me instantly that there is an issue there. Recently too, upon starting to look at eos signup, i noticed that it requires you to get a 12 character username, which i can easily spot as a hassle not only in my case but perhaps in the case of many humans. What i am saying is, perhaps we will create better tech solutions if there is balance, to where we code with a broader understanding of life and humans and the real world too. My third interface is called Macrohard and will be built around this. Many times, the solution as i have noticed even when it comes to coding, is easier to see, if we look at humans and in some cases more than the code itself.
Many times in the development of say ulogs.org, contributing developers may get stuck and for days, the project development stalls, then we find out that the solution was in a simple chat conversation. Perhaps, code is simpler when we break it into very mini-pieces etc apply simple solutions that very down-to-earth and easy to overlook. This is what i want to explore with macrohard and more. Many times too, solutions aren't in the actual code but in this logic that forms the code and this can take the "human" behind the coder into account.
I am not very coordinated now in my thoughts. I do hope it comes out well even a bit. I certainly agree with what you have said.
But looking even closely

Ill never take anything Justin Sun says seriously his just a hype man and does it more for the PR than anything else! His got an ego and too much money to inflate that ego which is dangerous!

I don’t think there will be a perfect blockchain nor will we have a singular block system! Each one will find their niche and Co exist together just like centralized services for every iOS theirs android for every Linux there’s windows for every Facebook theirs twitter and so on!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I get. I wasn't after the man. I don't know him really. I mostly spoke in general in the sentiments of a 'legit illiterate', just a topic or niche i am trying to explore. Overall though, like you mentioned, there can't be a perfect blockchain and yes other blockchains can co-exist to compliment flaws etc. Deep down, i think if we humans continue "mine the human", evolving it into its awesomest version, we can flourish in the midst of flaws better. and i think then, even tech and blockchain tech in this case, will begin to find its own beauty. I feel that if keep on focusing on tech to solve everything, we may miss out on tech's beauty.

Hi @surpassinggoogle - I've sent you friend request on discord :)

You are right on it. The flaw is the "human factor", not really on evolving into a caring nation, but more to say; once upon a time, it existed, it was small scaled, it tried to expand, but then it was squashed by you and I know what that is, since you have mentioned before in one of your videos.
"perfection" of that scale has to involve on rooting out that human flaw not by technology, but by those who are willing to stand in that gap.
Thank you, despite of your pain and suffering, you push on.

Posted using Partiko Android

honestly i'm a bit frustrate and looking for motivation to be in it

The problem cant be figure out and once you dont know what the problem is, you cant solve it!

Unshaken bulls and bears. Yes, nothing can expand or change until we humans evolve. And through the Legit Illiteracy we'll will move towards an path where everything is balanced and without any judgement. And yes, to create the balance in this world, the essence of real humans should be there because real humans are the examples of love and kindness. Keep up brother.@surpassinggoogle,

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android