I trust my inner knowing to navigate through the twists and turns of life.
The High Priestess.
Inner voice, unconscious, hidden talent, divine feminine, intuition and mystery, wisdom, secrets, subconscious, silence within, passivity, yet revealed, divine insight, introspection, hidden knowledge.
Embrace the intuitive wisdom of the High Priestess as you affirm, "I trust my inner knowing to guide me through the twists and turns of life". As we gaze upon the High Priestess card, we are immediately captivated by her mysterious presence. She sits on a stone throne, draped in flowing blue robes that represent the depths of emotion and the unseen realms of the subconscious. Behind the High Priestess stand two pillars, one black and one white. These pillars serve as gateways to knowledge. They represent the balance of opposites - light and darkness, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious. They remind us that all aspects of existence are interconnected and harmoniously intertwined. Upon her head, the High Priestess wears a lunar crown, symbolizing her connection to the moon and the intuitive powers that lie within. Through the gentle guidance of the moon, the High Priestess taps into her profound insight and spiritual wisdom. Held in her hands she holds a sacred scroll that represents the vast wisdom and esoteric knowledge she possesses. This scroll can be seen as a vast book or even a gateway to ancient teachings, the mysteries of the universe, and the universal truths that lie beyond the veil of reality. The High Priestess is the guardian of this sacred knowledge and invites those who seek her guidance to embark on a journey of self discovery, inner reflection, and spiritual growth. When the High Priestess appears in a reading, she invites you to listen to your intuition and trust the whispers of your inner voice, reminding you that the answers lie not in the outer world, but in the depths of your being. She urges you to embrace the mysteries of life, explore the realms of the subconscious, and tap into your feminine wisdom. In a relationship context this card shows the need to navigate the emotional depth between partners, and understand one other's secrets, desires, and hidden feelings.

I think anyone who regularly reads the Tarot for themselves should choose a personal Tarot card as a sort of "patron". In theory, this card will hold a very deep personal meaning and should resonate as an essential aspect of you or your calling. Choose one that feels most representative of who you are, even the part of yourself that no one else has seen, or the inner part that you wish to bring forward into your outer experience. Your patron card may change over time, but it should feel relevant to your current circumstances or personality traits - and the deeper meaning of this card will relate to your life in some tangible or spiritual way. Choosing a personal tarot card is a highly subjective process and may even be a personal secret, but the idea is for it to become a unique point of reference that guides and offers individualized insights, inspiration and encouragement whenever it comes up in a reading. You can think of it as a nod from your higher self, acting as a symbolic representation of your journey, providing a sense of direction and grounding when needed. The right card serves as an anchor and a compass that resonates with the core of your being.