I have the confidence to seize new entrepreneurial opportunities as they arise.
Three of Wands.
Embrace the visionary energy of the three of wands as you affirm, 'I have the confidence to seize new entrepreneurial opportunities as they arise'. The three of wands represents exploration, enterprise, and the anticipation of new horizons. This affirmation will give you the self assurance to take hold of fresh prospects as they present themselves. Just as the figure in the card gazes outward ready to embrace new ventures, you must build up the confidence to explore and seize your own opportunities. The three of wands teaches us the value of having a broad vision and setting our sights on the future. Trust in your capabilities and boldly step into the realm of entrepreneurship with foresight and strategic planning. Welcome this affirmation into your heart, and you will find that in taking hold of new entrepreneurial opportunities you will be entering into a new realm of innovation and enterprise. The three of wands suggests that you prepare for what lies ahead in career, relationships or personal development; and be brave about taking leadership and taking initiative. This could be a period of waiting for the right opportunities to come forward - but in the meantime make goals and get ready to take the next step. You might also be looking to expand your business with more of a global or international outlook. Have faith in the success of your plans.

The thoth tarot deck was created by aleister crowley and lady frieda harris, while the rider waite smith deck was designed by arthur edward waite and illustrated by pamela colman smith. Both are influential tarot decks which are worth exploring for their differences in symbolism, structure, and historical background. The waite deck was developed with a focus on christian mysticism and hermeticism, and is known for its vivid, picturesque scenes that carry the essence of traditional medieval imagery; it is considered more accessible and relatable because the cards are linked closely to everyday experiences. The thoth deck was heavily influenced by occultism the kabbalah and other esoteric and philosophical systems, and the art is more abstract and incorporates surrealistic and geometric imagery; it has even deeper symbolic significance and is a bit more complex to interpret for beginners. Both decks follow the standard tarot structure of 78 cards, are divided into major and minor arcana, have the suits and retain many of the usual tarot titles. But keep in mind that the imagery on thoth might not always align with the general waite interpretations.