A Day in a Dull Life

I've been up since 7 a.m. First, grind the coffee beans fill the carafe, and switch on the machine. The aroma keeps me motivated to stay up. It's not a work day, lucky me, so the temptation to go back to bed was very strong; however, the collection of various papers on my desk needs to be demolished TODAY.

So, first things first, I did my usual blogging here: https://lindasbiblestudy.wordpress.com/ and here: https://lindaswritingblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/24/stinky-socks-but-not-roses/

While I was writing that last sentence, I decided to check Markdown Styling Guide to see if I can make a quick and easy link such as I do in WordPress. I found it, but can't figure out how to use it yet. I'll have to do some playing around with it. Terry, my wise first husband, wondered aloud why on earth I'm starting something new in which I have to learn a bunch of new stuff. Beats me. Glutton for punishment, I guess. Maybe, to be honest, it's because of the possibility of---well, you know--money!

I've followed a few people, and now I'm trying to figure out how I know if/when they've posted. Another thing to learn. I don't know if my old, tired brain is up to all this. We'll see.

And inserting images? I know how to select them from my pictures in my computer, but dragging and dropping? Nope, never did that. Does there have to be a special tool for that? Can you drag and drop anything from anywhere to here?

I'm going to try that: pennycandy.jpg

Well, it copied the label under the picture plus a big long "steemit" address. I guess I'll have to post this to see what comes up in the final edition. Oh! The preview shows the picture! How cool is that! There's a story behind that picture that I'll share at some point.

See how exciting my life is? Are you running to keep up? Well, get your rest today because tomorrow is my marathon Tuesday. I'll be seeing nine clients if they all show up. By the end of my day, at 9 p.m., I'll be completely worn out.

Finally, I promise that not every post will be a rather humdrum description of my daily life. I did this post mostly to recognize some specific things I need to learn.


Have a Nice Day. :)

On the Main Page of Steemit. "HOME" shows the posts of the people that you follow. "NEW" shows everyone's posts. Hope that helps a little bit. I'm new also still trying to figure it out.

Thank you! That's pretty easy, even for me :)