Machine Learning Latest Submitted Preprints | 2019-07-08

in #learning6 years ago

Machine Learning

High-throughput Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression with Ground-based CNN Reconstruction (1907.02959v1)

Diego Valsesia, Enrico Magli


Compression of hyperspectral images onboard of spacecrafts is a tradeoff between the limited computational resources and the ever-growing spatial and spectral resolution of the optical instruments. As such, it requires low-complexity algorithms with good rate-distortion performance and high throughput. In recent years, the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) has focused on lossless and near-lossless compression approaches based on predictive coding, resulting in the recently published CCSDS 123.0-B-2 recommended standard. While the in-loop reconstruction of quantized prediction residuals provides excellent rate-distortion performance for the near-lossless operating mode, it significantly constrains the achievable throughput due to data dependencies. In this paper, we study the performance of a faster method based on prequantization of the image followed by a lossless predictive compressor. While this is well known to be suboptimal, one can exploit powerful signal models to reconstruct the image at the ground segment, recovering part of the suboptimality. In particular, we show that convolutional neural networks can be used for this task and that they can recover the whole SNR drop incurred at a bitrate of 2 bits per pixel.

Detecting and Diagnosing Adversarial Images with Class-Conditional Capsule Reconstructions (1907.02957v1)

Yao Qin, Nicholas Frosst, Sara Sabour, Colin Raffel, Garrison Cottrell, Geoffrey Hinton


Adversarial examples raise questions about whether neural network models are sensitive to the same visual features as humans. Most of the proposed methods for mitigating adversarial examples have subsequently been defeated by stronger attacks. Motivated by these issues, we take a different approach and propose to instead detect adversarial examples based on class-conditional reconstructions of the input. Our method uses the reconstruction network proposed as part of Capsule Networks (CapsNets), but is general enough to be applied to standard convolutional networks. We find that adversarial or otherwise corrupted images result in much larger reconstruction errors than normal inputs, prompting a simple detection method by thresholding the reconstruction error. Based on these findings, we propose the Reconstructive Attack which seeks both to cause a misclassification and a low reconstruction error. While this attack produces undetected adversarial examples, we find that for CapsNets the resulting perturbations can cause the images to appear visually more like the target class. This suggests that CapsNets utilize features that are more aligned with human perception and address the central issue raised by adversarial examples.

Fully Distributed Bayesian Optimization with Stochastic Policies (1902.09992v2)

Javier Garcia-Barcos, Ruben Martinez-Cantin


Bayesian optimization has become a popular method for high-throughput computing, like the design of computer experiments or hyperparameter tuning of expensive models, where sample efficiency is mandatory. In these applications, distributed and scalable architectures are a necessity. However, Bayesian optimization is mostly sequential. Even parallel variants require certain computations between samples, limiting the parallelization bandwidth. Thompson sampling has been previously applied for distributed Bayesian optimization. But, when compared with other acquisition functions in the sequential setting, Thompson sampling is known to perform suboptimally. In this paper, we present a new method for fully distributed Bayesian optimization, which can be combined with any acquisition function. Our approach considers Bayesian optimization as a partially observable Markov decision process. In this context, stochastic policies, such as the Boltzmann policy, have some interesting properties which can also be studied for Bayesian optimization. Furthermore, the Boltzmann policy trivially allows a distributed Bayesian optimization implementation with high level of parallelism and scalability. We present results in several benchmarks and applications that shows the performance of our method.

A Framework for Automated Cellular Network Tuning with Reinforcement Learning (1808.05140v4)

Faris B. Mismar, Jinseok Choi, Brian L. Evans


Tuning cellular network performance against always occurring wireless impairments can dramatically improve reliability to end users. In this paper, we formulate cellular network performance tuning as a reinforcement learning (RL) problem and provide a solution to improve the performance for indoor and outdoor environments. By leveraging the ability of Q-learning to estimate future performance improvement rewards, we propose two algorithms: (1) closed loop power control (PC) for downlink voice over LTE (VoLTE) and (2) self-organizing network (SON) fault management. The VoLTE PC algorithm uses RL to adjust the indoor base station transmit power so that the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of a user equipment (UE) meets the target SINR. It does so without the UE having to send power control requests. The SON fault management algorithm uses RL to improve the performance of an outdoor base station cluster by resolving faults in the network through configuration management. Both algorithms exploit measurements from the connected users, wireless impairments, and relevant configuration parameters to solve a non-convex performance optimization problem using RL. Simulation results show that our proposed RL based algorithms outperform the industry standards today in realistic cellular communication environments.

Data Poisoning against Differentially-Private Learners: Attacks and Defenses (1903.09860v2)

Yuzhe Ma, Xiaojin Zhu, Justin Hsu


Data poisoning attacks aim to manipulate the model produced by a learning algorithm by adversarially modifying the training set. We consider differential privacy as a defensive measure against this type of attack. We show that such learners are resistant to data poisoning attacks when the adversary is only able to poison a small number of items. However, this protection degrades as the adversary poisons more data. To illustrate, we design attack algorithms targeting objective and output perturbation learners, two standard approaches to differentially-private machine learning. Experiments show that our methods are effective when the attacker is allowed to poison sufficiently many training items.

Visualizing Uncertainty and Saliency Maps of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Imaging Applications (1907.02940v1)

Jae Duk Seo


Deep learning models are now used in many different industries, while in certain domains safety is not a critical issue in the medical field it is a huge concern. Not only, we want the models to generalize well but we also want to know the models confidence respect to its decision and which features matter the most. Our team aims to develop a full pipeline in which not only displays the uncertainty of the models decision but also, the saliency map to show which sets of pixels of the input image contribute most to the predictions.

An Approximate Bayesian Approach to Surprise-Based Learning (1907.02936v1)

Vasiliki Liakoni, Alireza Modirshanechi, Wulfram Gerstner, Johanni Brea


Surprise-based learning allows agents to adapt quickly in non-stationary stochastic environments. Most existing approaches to surprise-based learning and change point detection assume either implicitly or explicitly a simple, hierarchical generative model of observation sequences that are characterized by stationary periods separated by sudden changes. In this work we show that exact Bayesian inference gives naturally rise to a surprise-modulated trade-off between forgetting and integrating the new observations with the current belief. We demonstrate that many existing approximate Bayesian approaches also show surprise-based modulation of learning rates, and we derive novel particle filters and variational filters with update rules that exhibit surprise-based modulation. Our derived filters have a constant scaling in observation sequence length and particularly simple update dynamics for any distribution in the exponential family. Empirical results show that these filters estimate parameters better than alternative approximate approaches and reach comparative levels of performance to computationally more expensive algorithms. The theoretical insight of casting various approaches under the same interpretation of surprise-based learning, as well as the proposed filters, may find useful applications in reinforcement learning in non-stationary environments and in the analysis of animal and human behavior.

ByRDiE: Byzantine-resilient distributed coordinate descent for decentralized learning (1708.08155v4)

Zhixiong Yang, Waheed U. Bajwa


Distributed machine learning algorithms enable learning of models from datasets that are distributed over a network without gathering the data at a centralized location. While efficient distributed algorithms have been developed under the assumption of faultless networks, failures that can render these algorithms nonfunctional occur frequently in the real world. This paper focuses on the problem of Byzantine failures, which are the hardest to safeguard against in distributed algorithms. While Byzantine fault tolerance has a rich history, existing work does not translate into efficient and practical algorithms for high-dimensional learning in fully distributed (also known as decentralized) settings. In this paper, an algorithm termed Byzantine-resilient distributed coordinate descent (ByRDiE) is developed and analyzed that enables distributed learning in the presence of Byzantine failures. Theoretical analysis (convex settings) and numerical experiments (convex and nonconvex settings) highlight its usefulness for high-dimensional distributed learning in the presence of Byzantine failures.

Improved local search for graph edit distance (1907.02929v1)

Nicolas Boria, David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun


Graph Edit Distance (GED) measures the dissimilarity between two graphs as the minimal cost of a sequence of elementary operations transforming one graph into another. This measure is fundamental in many areas such as structural pattern recognition or classification. However, exactly computing GED is NP-hard. Among different classes of heuristic algorithms that were proposed to compute approximate solutions, local search based algorithms provide the tightest upper bounds for GED. In this paper, we present K-REFINE and RANDPOST. K-REFINE generalizes and improves an existing local search algorithm and performs particularly well on small graphs. RANDPOST is a general warm start framework that stochastically generates promising initial solutions to be used by any local search based GED algorithm. It is particularly efficient on large graphs. An extensive empirical evaluation demonstrates that both K-REFINE and RANDPOST perform excellently in practice.

Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings (1905.10674v3)

Avishek Joey Bose, William L. Hamilton


Learning high-quality node embeddings is a key building block for machine learning models that operate on graph data, such as social networks and recommender systems. However, existing graph embedding techniques are unable to cope with fairness constraints, e.g., ensuring that the learned representations do not correlate with certain attributes, such as age or gender. Here, we introduce an adversarial framework to enforce fairness constraints on graph embeddings. Our approach is compositional---meaning that it can flexibly accommodate different combinations of fairness constraints during inference. For instance, in the context of social recommendations, our framework would allow one user to request that their recommendations are invariant to both their age and gender, while also allowing another user to request invariance to just their age. Experiments on standard knowledge graph and recommender system benchmarks highlight the utility of our proposed framework.