everything taught to kids should start at home

in #learn2love7 years ago

Hi guys and girls ..as a 37 year old man living in London it has come to my attention how much damage a single parent family can do to society.
Now I'm not saying single parents are crap at mother or fatherhood not at all...but in my observations of life...the choices there parents make while children are young could be so damaging...For instance..in London over the last month there have been a number of stabbings by teenagers on other teenagers..and I don't see it stopping any time soon. As a father myself I can imagine how the parents of both the attacker and the victims feel ...only imagine..
Now most of these teenagers are in a single parent family...not all but most of them..my problem with that is these kids didn't ask to be born into a single parent family..unless death occurs to a partner I truly believe mother and father should take full responsibility of the children they create...
The women have been trapped into thinking that being an independent woman means having no baby father around and doing things by themselves.
The men nowadays have a problem with commitment and would rather leave the comfort of there own home before admitting he was wrong..but at the end of the day it's the kids that suffer..
It takes two to make a child it also takes two to raise a child to its full potential.
Believe it or not kids learn from everything they see around em ..what I'm seeing is society taking the role of the parent number two...While parent number one is doing the best they can...but because of the pressure of society kids choices now become 50/50 society or parent.
For me my goal is to teach my children the importance of a relationship.. If we strip society down to its bare minimum we are left with male and female, together man and woman create life. That life doesn't have the chance to fulfil it's potential if one parent messes up and is out the door..There is a big connection between life and a stable relationship...how else are we going to teach our kids to love If they grow up in single parent household ?..don't let society teach your children ..do it yourself I say.


The State is trying to get our children at a younger and younger age. Multiple studies have shown Pre-K has no negligible benefits for the child. Welfare promotes single parenthood. Two Parent Families are super important as children learn how to treat the opposite sex(and people in general) through their parents. I agree morals start at home. It's the reason we home school our children.

Smart choice ...