7 keys to happiness and success in life...

in #learn5 years ago (edited)

Most people want to be happy. But they also want to be successful. And although each person may have an individual definition of what each of these things means for him specifically, the general desire to lead a life free of stress, anxiety, anxiety and fear, being filled with happiness and success, is constantly.
However, although we may want to be happy and successful in life, this is often far from the case. Usually we spend more time on negative emotions than on positive ones. From our relationships to our finances, our careers, our health and our goals, we often cannot overcome the stress associated with everyday worries.
Combine all this with our hopes and dreams of the future and the constant setbacks that we face on the way, trying to achieve something remarkable, and it is not surprising that we spend most of our time miserable and feel failure. So how do we do the opposite? What are the keys to happiness and success? And is that really achievable in life?
If you are reading these words now, then there is no doubt that you are disappointed in some aspect of your life. Most likely, you went through a call, turned your world upside down and experienced a huge amount of pain and failure. Me too. And by no means does it feel good at all.
But there is a way to happiness. There is a way to success. Simply, many people prefer not to travel on these roads. They travel less because it is more difficult for them to navigate. The beginning is always rocky and steep, enough for most people to turn back. And parts of the road are completely impassable.
But for those who are ready to start work, these seemingly impassable roads will ultimately lead to easier streets. But navigating through them from the very beginning may seem treacherous at best. But with enough attention and detail, this happens, one step at a time and one day at a time. Happiness and success are evident if we are ready to do some work from the very beginning.

What does it mean to be happy and successful?
When we talk about happiness and success, we are talking about two different things. What makes a person feel happy and what makes a person feel successful does not always coincide with each other. But sometimes they do. The essence of happiness and success is that to achieve any of them you first need to determine what they really mean to you.
Some people will say: "Of course, it is easy to be successful, I need a lot of money." And it also does not hurt in the happiness department. But people do not always understand that money does not always bring happiness. Sometimes money brings more problems. It all depends on who you ask and what your experience was that shaped your beliefs.
In any case, you need to determine what they both mean to you. Do you want to be happy? No problems. You could be really happy at this very moment. Right here and now, happiness is attainable, no matter what happens in your life. Whether you believe in this statement or not, most likely you have heard it more than once. And not in vain.
Think about what makes you happy and write it down. Think about what makes you feel successful, and immediately describe it. This is a prerequisite for achieving either. Without a record, they will remain in the annotation. And the goals that remain in the abstract are always unattainable. So, leave some definition for both of them.
Once you understand that both of them mean to you, you are one step ahead. But then you need to put some fuel in this fire. You need to take several actions and create some habits that will help you get there. In general, there are 7 key keys to happiness and success that will help you realize both of these things in your life.

No. 1 - Thanks

Happiness and success are preceded by gratitude. We need to succeed, not try to be happy. Success should not produce happiness. Happiness must be successful. When we are happy and do what we love in life, success becomes a byproduct. However, when our happiness depends on our success, good things never come.
This is also a matter of focus. What are we focused on in life? What do we want the most? And what are the reasons to focus on these things and want them? When we concentrate on what we do not have, we live in a state of scarcity. We understand how much we are missing or how much we do not have the resources to do what we really want.
Life in short supply is a huge bear service for us. Everything in our focus shifts to a state of absence. We see only the negative that comes from the lack of what we want in life. Alternatively, when we focus on abundance and are grateful for what we have, even when we have to endure pain and failure, we live in abundance.
Happiness and success will never come until we are fully thankful for what we have. Even if we think that we have problems, we should be grateful to them. Because if we put our problems in the ring with the problems of others from around the world, I can assure you that we will return our problems back.
There are always others who live in a much worse alternative to life than us. At the same time, incredible atrocities are happening in places where people do not have the same capabilities as you and me. But, regardless of this, we should always be grateful for what they gave us, no matter with which hand they gave us. Without this, we have nothing.
When we can live in abundance and gratitude, happiness and success will ultimately happen. But if we cannot get out of this state of lack, happiness and success will always be fleeting. Even if we achieve them, it will be only a short-term state of bliss or success, and it will disappear as soon as the next need or desire arises.
To develop a habit of gratitude, take a piece of paper and write down everything that you are grateful for in your life. Do this for at least 15 minutes every day. And be sure to write it down. Do not think about it in your mind. What for? Writing things takes them from abstract to reality. He runs a chain of commands in brain neurons that let you experience something completely different than just thinking about it.
Even if you say that you have nothing to be thankful for, find something. You may be thankful for being 6 feet above the ground. You can be grateful for the ability to read and write, have intelligence and logic. You can be thankful for friends, family members, pets, food on a plate, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and so on.

No. 2 - attend
There is nothing better than being in the past or constantly worrying about a future that is more than destroying the present moment. But, again, many of us find it difficult to just be present. We cannot appreciate it here and now. Usually we are more worried about what will happen tomorrow or what happened yesterday, than we stop and attend.
But what does it mean to be present? And why is this one of the keys to happiness and success? Well, it seems like a simple act of gratitude, the fact that we are present gives us reason at the moment. We cease to appreciate the miracles that exist in all directions that we look at, the beauty of everything that surrounds us, and the journey that we call life. It helps us overcome tomorrow’s fears and yesterday’s regrets.
There is an integral assessment of life that begins when we are present. This does not mean that we can ignore our problems. Problems are a sign of life. And we will always have problems. If you think you will be happy or succeed when your problems disappear, think again. We will never be without problems. Ever.
And although problems can cause us some pain, big or small, these same problems allow us to grow as people learn, understand, become more sensitive and achieve new insights in life. The presence confirms that we have problems, but does not allow these problems to interfere with our peace of mind.

No. 3 - Manage Time Effectively
One habit that will affect both your happiness and overall success in life is the ability to effectively manage time. Effective time managers cope with their responsibilities in life and know how to manipulate things to succeed. They focus on their long-term goals and prioritize actions that will help propel them forward rather than leaving them behind.
When we cannot manage our time effectively, we increase the likelihood of stress, anxiety, fear and anxiety. We are so passionate about everyday activities to respond to life stressors that we cannot proactively engage in activities that will help to avoid crises and emergencies in the future. We skip payments on bills, forget about meetings and do not organize our activities to achieve our long-term goals.
We also tend to do things like procrastination, over-socialization, and picky television when we are not managing our time. These losses of time take away precious moments from our larger and longer-term goals. In turn, we become unhappy when the things that we really want in life are not fulfilled, and even begin to plunge into suffering, when we take a few steps back, rather than moving forward and moving towards our goals.
Everyone in this world has the same amount of time. We have only 24 hours a day, which equals 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. No man, no matter how rich or poor, high or low, skin color, religion or geographical location, has more time than another. This is the greatest equalizer in life.
So the point is not how much time we have, which causes unhappiness or offers a deterrent to achieve our goals, but what we do with the precious little time that we have. Find a good system to manage your time and make it familiar. Don't let life knock you down. Focus your energy and your enthusiasm, find a system that works for you, and work with it.

No. 4 - Set Smarter Goals
Often, what keeps us from succeeding in life, no matter how we define it, is our inability to set goals correctly. A recent study found that only 8% of people who set goals on New Year’s Eve actually achieve them. But besides those New Year’s goals, we all know that many people often set goals, but don’t achieve them.
Of course, you set a goal in the past and abandoned it. We all have it. But the process of setting goals got in the way. When we set passive goals, in the sense that we do not really set goals on paper and do not define them in detail and do not create a plan for their achievement, we tend to either fail or abandon them. But for people who set the right goals, a smarter way, success is much more achievable.
When you set TARGET goals, you set Defined (S), Significant (M), Achievable (A), Corresponding (R) and Temporary (T) goals that are evaluated (E), and the approach is Re-Adjustable (R), until you succeed. This is an important process in the recipe for success, and people who do not follow it find the goal to be much more difficult.
If you want to set smarter goals, grab a piece of paper and start writing. This will not work without recording. What do you want? In particular, what do you want? Describe this in great detail. Do not leave stone upon stone. Don't say you want millions of dollars or be thin. Tell me the exact number of dollars and the exact number of pounds or kilograms that you want to lose, with a specific date of achievement.
So far, these goals are significant, because they are not only superficial goals, and you have some kind of driving force that is greater than you, then you are part of the path there. And, achievably, we are not trying to discourage lofty goals. But you also don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment, saying that you want to earn a billion dollars in 12 months, especially, for example, if you now have big debts.

No. 5 - the embodiment of the morning routine

It all starts and ends with an inspiring morning routine. What you do in the morning sets the pace for the rest of the day. In turn, this dictates the outcome of your life. If you want to be happy and successful, create in the morning a set of habits that will help develop this in your life. The right combination of day-to-day habits can make all the difference.
We are such creatures of habit that we forget to do what will benefit our lives, because we are passionate about what we are used to. We are immersed in habit and routine, and not necessarily those that serve us. Usually we are too busy responding to life and its enormous demands on us to take the bulls by the horn, so to speak.
But if we want to succeed, succeed and mentally feel at peace with ourselves, we need morning routine support. These good morning habits should be prioritized at the beginning of the day, because that's when our minds are so fresh and we have so much clarity. And waking up early enough to tackle a list of good habits, we are committed to success and happiness.
Create a mode that will help expand the possibilities of your life, and not interfere with it. Wake up early, eat a good breakfast, work out for 20 minutes, do yoga or meditate, write a series of daily goals and so on. Do not live a neutral life. Take control, grasp the reins and be inspired and motivated to do and achieve something, helping others and yourself in the process.

No. 6 - Solve MIT
MIT, also known as the most important tasks of the day, is an integral part of success. They offer one of the most important keys to achieving our long-term goals in life. It is not always easy to go for MIT, especially when we feel so depressed or depressed by life. But this is a necessary act if we are going to get where we need to go.
Identifying your MITs is an important part of this process. In time management, we call these two sectors important, but not urgent things necessary to achieve your long-term goals. Once you have identified your MITs, run after them first thing in the morning. Once your morning routine is complete, check back first
Every day we can take some action, big or small, to help us achieve our goals. As long as you can identify them and perform these actions day after day, you can succeed in time. A big problem? This will not happen overnight. And it is here that most people are disappointed with things.
Make a list the night before of your MIT that you want to decide the next day. Then, when you wake up the next day, make sure you are on this list. Keep this list handy during your morning routine and focus on MIT as soon as it is completed. Do not start your busy work that day until you get rid of MIT.

No. 7 - Focus on health and well-being

Health and well-being are an important part of the formula for happiness and success and one of the most important keys to achieving them. When we do something to harm ourselves by overeating, drinking excessively alcohol, taking drugs for fun, and the like, this not only has a harmful effect on our body, but also on our mind.
The chemical composition and neurochemistry of the brain, which will release stress hormones when we load the body with toxicomaniacs or don’t care about how we look, indulging in a variety of hedonistic pleasures, can change our motivation and desire to improve our lives. Although you can enjoy certain pleasures from time to time, for the most part it is difficult for people to quit smoking while they are ahead.
General attention should be on health. The day should begin and end healthy. This does not mean that life should be boring. But if you want to succeed, be happy and successful, you need to make sure that you put the right things into your body. A pure body, a pure mind. Here's how it goes. From low-fat proteins to lowering calorie intake, non-alcoholic and non-carbonated drinks, and less fatty foods, we need to focus on what comes in, whether it's solid or liquid.
We must also be mentally based. We need to do meditation and relaxing the mind. Do yoga or set an exercise regimen so that you have something that begins to incorporate healthy habits into your life. It's not easy. But over time, it becomes easier as you continue to repeat the correct behavior.
One study found that habit building takes between 18 and 254 days to form on average 66 days, so keep that in mind. If you are trying to quit a bad habit or introduce a new one, it will take time. Do not be discouraged if this does not happen immediately.


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