League of Legends - Finding Your Role - a guide by Ggt

in #leagueoflegends6 years ago



Where do I fit in?

This is a question most of us find ourselves asking ourselves more often than we'd like to admit. It's no different in League of Legends. With the variety of different roles, champions and lanes, it's only expected for there to be difficulty in finding where you belong. In today's post, we'll be looking over each of the five roles, what their jobs are and hopefully help you, the reader, find which one is best fit for you!

But before we move on, lets answer the question a lot of you may be asking;


What is League of Legends?

"League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of powerful champions, each with a unique design and playstyle, battle head-to-head across multiple battlefields and game modes." A quote taken directly from the League of Legends website, perfectly summing up the game.


The main topic; the roles in League of Legends.

Now lets get started on the post's main topic, the roles in League of Legends. Currently and since the start of League of Legends there have only been five roles. Each role is set in a different part of the main map, Summoner's Rift, each with their job varying from champion to champion, game to game. Here are the five roles:


Here's a map of Summoner's Rift for those of you unaware of what it looks like.



The first of the five roles, your team's top laner. The name pretty much gives away where this player goes, which is the top lane. Here, the top laner will almost all the time be faced against another top laner in one on one combat.

This role compared to the other four is the most secluded. You shouldn't expect to see much of your allies for the game's laning phase (The term used to describe the first half of the game). You'll mostly be on your own with only your opponent to keep you company. Your job is simply to defeat or draw even with your opponent and gather as much gold as possible from the lane's minions. If you defeat your opponent in lane, your job will then turn into helping the rest of your allies win their lanes until grouping up during the group stage (The term used to describe the second half of the game).

If you're into depending mainly on yourself and always looking to constantly brawl it out, then top lane is probably the role for you.



The second and most diverse of the five roles, your team's jungler. The jungler for the most part spends most of the game's laning phase roaming the maps jungles in search of farm, the enemy jungler, ganks (When you sneak attack an enemy outside your role or lane) and objectives (Ex: Dragon, Scuttle Crab, Baron).

With this role you are always on the move and always forced to think. It's like a sort of chess match with the enemy jungler as you try to sway the game in your team's favor through whatever means possible. This could include farming (Getting yourself ahead through more gold and items) yourself up, ganking enemy lanes, securing objectives for your team or a mix of all three. This is definitely one of the game's most difficult roles to learn and play.

If you enjoy trying to out-think your opponent and find yourself always trying to think one step ahead, the jungle is one-hundred percent the role for you.



The third and flashiest of the five roles, your team's mid laner. I'm going to start by stating this; if you enjoy being the center of attention, hands down play this role. You're located smack down in the middle of the map and will often find yourself being the star of the team.

Like stated before, with this role you're placed in the middle of the map. You're open to be attacked and ganked from almost all angles. The champions played in this role are mostly carries and assassins. Your job is to simply beat your opponent and then roam to help the rest of your team get ahead. But you need to be careful because if you get the enemy mid laner ahead, your team's surely to suffer for it.


The Bottom and Support

I decided to put these two roles in the same category since they share a lane and go hand-in-hand with each other. I'd just like to clarify that these are two different roles played by two different players.

Both the bottom and support roles go together in the bottom lane. They are the only two roles to share a lane but don't let this fool you, their jobs couldn't be any different. The bottom is meant to be the team's carry, the one that does most the damage and the enemy team's main target. The support is meant to be the one that keeps the carry alive. Because of this, the bottom is always takes all the farm (Minions) in lane while the support keeps them alive whilst helping them fight the opposition.

If you like working with a partner pick up one of these roles. The bottom is my personal favorite though, but that's only because it's my role!


The rest is up to you!

Now the rest is up to you to decide which role is best meant for you. If you're still having trouble deciding which role is best meant for you, it's never bad to just experiment around! Try playing each of the five roles and experimenting with different champions. Eventually you'll find what's right for you and the fun will start to take off from there!

Thanks for reading the post guys, make sure you all have a wonderful day!


^CLICK^ Previous gaming post - by @ggt ^CLICK^



I like the support role, many people underestimate it, but the main characters depend on the support. I follow LoL and have learned a lot from eSports matches, I often visit https://egamersworld.com/lol/latest for the latest games and results