Toxicity in league of legends

in #leageoflegends7 years ago

I'v been playing league of legends since season 5(I think) and the toxicity is somewhat overwhelming.

You would usually play games to relieve stress or to give you that pick-me-up after a rough day, but in league of legends it's going to be a bit different. In my first season it was alright, since I was just starting I was placed with players with my same skill level, although there were the occasional trash-talkers but that was inevitable. Fast forward to current season the amount of toxicity is just suffocating, sure i'v ranked up but that doesn't mean I can't make any mistakes anymore, miss one skill shot you get bombarded by trash talk from elitists who think they're pros at the game, fail to respond during a clash you get trash talked, and the worst part trying something new! This game (well from where i'm from) has the worst community when it comes to trying something new! You try out a champion out of its meta then you get called stupid or idiotic for trying something different, you try out new runes to see what advantages you might get from it, you get trash talked and the most annoying thing of all, they always rub it in when you're not at your best game.

Players here tend to be so negative and they always have that annoying diva mentality, they're always "give me ganks"(ganks meaning help from a roaming player), die a couple times and then they all want to give up saying you're stupid and throw in a vulgar word or two just to emphasize how much they hate what you're doing or what you're not able to do. they just focus on the mistakes you're doing and not about the things you've done right. And the most annoying thing of all, they blame you for their mistakes, they fail to understand that killing your opponent isn't the only way to get above them, there are other objectives other than killing your enemy.

There is this small niche of players who understand you and what you're trying to do and they'll give you the benefit of the doubt, although your experimenting may lead to someone else having a bad day, they tend to look at it negatively because it is not the norm, because in their words "who are you to try something like that? lol", just because you aren't a famous gamer doesn't mean you can't try something new, but hey at least they're giving you constructive advice on how to improve, unlike the other players that just go straight to raging just because you didn't manage to save them.

Like any other human being the annoying words they say, the vulgarity and the negativity gets to me and I'v said my fair share of vulgarity because of that, but I reply to them in a way that (i hope) they realize that all the negative things they're spewing out, all the hate isn't helping us win or anyone win for that matter, it wasn't helping anyone at all, all it was doing was just giving someone a rough time, which was uncalled for and downright awful! they're just giving a reason on why to leave that game, they're giving you a reason to give up on the game, and the thing I hate the most their toxicity rubs off on you, slowly I started to get annoyed at other players too for making mistakes, for trying something new. I try my best to let them know that if they don't have anything good or constructive to say it's best to just say nothing at all because it'll just ruin someone else's day. Like my professor said "garbage in garbage out" you give someone garbage and they'll give you back garbage in return,

So here's what I realized, in my opinion, the community that we have in league of legends is somewhat comparable to life, in the beginning you're grouped with a bunch of other people who don't know what on earth they're doing, they could be improving better than you, the same rate as you or slower than you, and as you progress you'll encounter those who think they're always better than you, thinking that they're in no position to listen to your reason for trying something out, there will always be those elitists, the elitists who will always be so quick to judge you, those who think they know it all, of course there will always be those who will look at you curiously and help you, even though they are few there will always be those who will look on the bright side, there will be those who will be willing to help, there will be those who understand you. The game like in life will show you new things as you progress and sometimes the game will change, at first you don't know what it is but you can always adapt, you can always learn, your success isn't what others define it to be its what you define it, you learn something new about it, that's a success it can be big for you or small for others but its still a success! You will come across people who will try and drag you down but its always you who will decide if you'll get dragged down by what they say.

Like my friend said "just mute them if they're being toxic" in my interpretation, if you don't find what they're saying helpful and just hurtful, just don't listen.

Life experience post #2