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RE: Law Of Attraction - Did I Attract The Bad Stuff?

in #lawofattraction8 years ago (edited)

Forgiveness, especially self forgiveness is an essential part of the law of attraction so if a comment encourages you to blame yourself, it's really best to ignore. They are probably just trying to help but maybe not so effectively. I take everything as a reminder of how I can change my focus to one that works for me rather than against me.


Yesss, self forgiveness and self love - two big things that are quite hard, at least for me! Thank you for your comment <3 and I love the name 'whatamidoing' hehe. It's literally what I think to myself every day!! ;)

It's important to remember that we are a product of our environment. That is not to say that we can't become something different entirely, but that is kind our default mode, so before we become conscious that we are creators, we kind of just project what we know. It takes a lot of digging to really get through all the junk because unless you live in nature and without television and with spiritually developed yet open minded parents and friends, there is crap all around us, all the time. Everyone needs a spiritual detox sometimes. After that it becomes much easier to love yourself.

I feel like I'm trying to 'reverse age'. So though my body gets older, I am actually trying to undo all the crappy conditioning in my head and go back in the other direction to that pure, powerful child, that beaming soul. Children love themselves so much, am trying to remember that state of being :)

I know exactly what you are talking about :-D We have everything we need, it's just covered up by everything else. Kids are the best teachers sometimes.