Responding To Femi-Nazi Attacks Against Me On Reddit

in #law3 months ago (edited)

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1. Diving Into A Cesspool Of Collective Stupidity And Lies

In my previous article titled "Reddit Has Become A Magnet For Morons And Femi-Nazis," I sniped at a group of people in the comments section of a Reddit article inasmuch as they were slandering this one gentleman who merely wanted to tell his story the best way he could. Well, now this one dunce from Reddit who goes by the user name of Classic_Calendar_506 has launched a smear campaign against me regarding an older article of mine here on the PEAKD writing platform.

I had to put some deep thought into whether or not I was going to post this response article here of mine, because the majority of the dunces who published comments in the comments section of that same cybernetic witch hunt against me were more intellectually bankrupt than a flock of pigeons. Regardless of what I say or do, these dragon ladies and their beta orbiters are going to have their preconceived notions about me and their hostilities against me.

Nonetheless, I still wanted to give my side of the bigger picture. Now that these dragon ladies have vilified me into something that I am not, thinking that they are experts on criminal justice when they probably never went to college, I'm going to refute and debunk all of their lies herein. What I will do is quote each commenter and then respond to his or her post.

I will not provide a link to that same site, because I wish not to send traffic that idiot's way. Moreover, Reddit was supposed to remove it, and it is still there. Hmm. I have to question what the IQ is of the people operating Reddit. I know one thing for sure. The IQs of the people in the Reddit smear campaign against me are all below room temperatures.

I'm glad that I never joined that same social-media platform. There is nobody there with whom I would like to interact. They are mostly representative of how much the United States has gone into decline over the course of the past four years.

I don't know what gender Classic_Calendar_506 is, and I don't really care either. All I can say in that regard is if Classic_Calendar_506 is a woman, then she is not doing anything to reflect positively on the image of American women. She is only giving American men more incentive to search for love and marriage abroad and even expatriate.

Furthermore, I don't have much optimism that I will enlighten anyone in that same comments section on Reddit. I knew that somehow a coven of femi-Nazi misandrists from one of those fly-by-night media platforms would find their way to one of my articles here on my PEAKD channel, but I don't expect any of them to see the light.

They're mostly dead between the ears. They're immersed in their own make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection to the exclusion of reality, and they know nothing outside of it, at least not from an impartial perspective, that is. The fact that most of them love to engage in mendacious pedo-shaming evidences precisely how insecure these femi-Nazis are about their own sexuality.

Nevertheless, I will first address the misleading title that Classic_Calendar_506 used in her Reddit post to attack my article. She titled it " "Some Russian Girls Can Marry At 14. That's Good News!" A whole article advising men to travel to Russia to 'Marry' underage Russian girls to get a submissive wife."

First of all, nowhere in my article did I state anything about an American man seeking a submissive wife in the Russian Federation. Classic_Calendar_506 is putting words into my mouth and lying about my article. I simply informed my readers that the marriage floor can vary between 14 and 16 years old from province to province in that nation.

Second of all, in my article, I wasn't encouraging men to travel to the Russian Federation to find a bride. I was merely laying out the facts of what American men have been known to do once they have become so fed up with American women's mind games and their sense of entitlement that they've given up looking for an American wife.

I've known a number of Russians throughout my life, and I would hardly say that Russian girls and women of any age are submissive. If Classic_Calendar_506 perceives it that way, then she is the one who knows very little or nothing about Russian culture and she had no real authority on the topic to be posting a Reddit post like that.

I now shall proceed to respond to the comments that most of these retards made in Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post. Classic_Calendar_506? If you're reading this article here of mine and you think that you are doing harm to me, think again. You are only sending traffic my way.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Megan1111111 posted:

What? What? What!? This is so disturbing!

Why, Megan1111111? Because it's the brutally honest truth? Get out of your puritanical bubble, and face reality!

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Classic_Calendar_506 posted:

Passport bros have reached a new low. The article gets even grosser and creepier as it goes on. Don't get me started on the implied human trafficking/slavery.

Classic_Calendar_506 and the femi-Nazi hags who support her have reached a new level of STUPID. Not even one thing they say about me and my article in their posts are true. A few of their comments about me and my article are specious at best.

Okay, Classic_Calendar_506! I completely get it. You're a men-hating femi-Nazi. You didn't take very long to alert me to that fact. Oh, how you misandrists all love words like "creep" and "creepy" and "creepier." You simply love to belittle men. The only thing that is gross is you.

Moreover, Classic_Calendar_506, there is no "implied human trafficking/slavery." I have no use for your conspiracy theories. Nobody is doing anything against their will in the marriages I describe in my article that you're attacking.

In other words, I have committed no violation of the Mann Act of 1910. Moreover, I'm quite sure that it takes much more than merely writing an article to violate that same law.

It's this thing called journalism. It's completely legal, and it doesn't have to mirror your self-serving agendas, Classic_Calendar_506. Through your Reddit post, you are only feeding misinformation to the public. In my article that you attack and in this article here, I provide the public with cold, hard facts.

Classic_Calendar_506? I am more ashamed of you than I could ever be of myself. In fact, I'm not ashamed of myself at all, because I have done nothing wrong and I have nothing to be ashamed of.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Independent-Fly6068 posted:

The day that passport bros get sent to the Russian front would be a day of irony.

This same men-hating femi-Nazi absolutely loves violence against men. Ladies and gentlemen? We all need to take an awareness that these men-hating femi-Nazis are very dangerous, volatile, subversive, and even violent.

I have nothing against feminism per se. However, there is a world of difference between true feminists and men-hating pseudo-feminists as explained in Jason B Truth's article titled "True Feminists vs. Pseudo-Feminists."

My sentiments are not against all American women. There are many American women who are even feminists, and they are decent individuals. My concern is about men-hating pseudo-feminists. They're dead set on doing everything to ensure the downfall and destruction of all men throughout the United States and the world. They strive for an oppressive matriarchy.

It's like this. If you're not a Tony-Danza/Macaulay-Culkin centaur who married your high-school sweetheart when you were 19 years old, these men-hating pseudo-feminists will always find a way to degrade and belittle you. The upcoming comment of one of the little minds in the comments section to Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post will even prove it further on herein.

Jenn_There_Done_That is a blatant example of a men-hating femi-Nazi. She's a member of Antifa. Last I heard, they were a domestic terrorist organization. She's another one of those men-hating pseudo-feminist amazons who probably rarely ever groom themselves. Pardon the expression.

She hides her misandrist sentiments behind unfounded allegations of misogyny. Her opinions regarding misogyny are arbitrary and subjective at best.

I don't even come close to being a misogynist. As a matter of fact, I'm one of the people who would like to see Betty Broderick released from prison. Also, I never thought that she belonged behind bars in the first place for what she did. I would hardly call such sentiments of mine to be misogynist.

Classic_Calendar_506 had no business placing her derisive Reddit post about me in the BlatantMisogyny section of Reddit. She has no sense of integrity or dignity. She's merely another skank who wants to be a somebody and will always be a nobody. Perhaps I should create a section on the PEAKD writing platform and name it BlatantStupidity so that I can mock Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit posts.

Jenn_There_Done_That engages in mendacious pedo-shaming, which is the lamest and oldest trick in the book, while she clearly doesn't know what the true definition of pedophilia is as it appears in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. ("DSM-5"). She's an abomination to all humanity. Her mind is equally as vulgar as her use of words in her comment.

By directing clinical terms like "pedo," "pedophile," and "pedophilia" as offensive, mendacious, and abusive misnomers against me, she and her cohorts cause their arguments to be devoid of all validity and they compromise the integrity of their narratives altogether. In other words, they got everything about me and my article stupidly wrong.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Jenn_There_Done_That posted:

This f------ dude really believes that men who are 30+ can go to Russia and buy 14 year old wives who he will find at child beauty pageants. Not only is he a pedo, who wants to engage in human trafficking, he is super delusional.

I hope he dies alone. Sooner, rather than later.

No, Jenn_There_Done_That! You are super delusional. As a matter of fact, you are deranged and devoid of any intellectual qualities. Get your facts straight, and stop putting words into my mouth. Oh, wait a minute. You don't care about the facts. You prefer to believe in your brain-dead pedophile-panic propaganda rather than face reality.

Jenn_There_Done_That? I never said anything in my article about anyone buying a 14-year-old bride in the Russian Federation. You pulled that one right out of your backside.

My point and purpose of my article was only to report information to educate the public on what is legal and what happens in the Russian Federation. Moreover, a 14-year-old girl in the Russian Federation would not participate in a child beauty pageant but rather in a teen beauty pageant. There's a big difference between the two. That is, my article has nothing to do with Toddlers And Tiaras. I never even watched that show.

If you actually believe that a 14-year-old girl is still a child who is no different from a 7-year-old girl, then certainly Lori Maddox would beg to differ. For you to believe such nonsense is as ludicrous as you claiming that all 7-year-old girls fantasize about being raped. Your flawed logic has no place in the real world, even if you argue that it's a part of American pop culture, mainstream culture, or even Reddit culture.

You and your femi-Nazi cohorts have this one misconception that putting diapers on a teenage girl and infantilizing her somehow magically changes her male adult admirers from psychologically sound men into pedophiles. You are so wrong. Only the DSM-5 gets to determine who is and is not a pedophile.

Jenn_There_Done_That? So, all of a sudden, you can simply pull out your pedophile wand and wave it at me. Abracadabra. Then, lo and behold, you zap me and change me into a pedophile.

Well, I hate to be the purveyor of bad news, but it doesn't work that way except in your deviant one-track mind. I've never even been diagnosed with pedophilia. I'm a teleiophile. Of course, you probably don't know what that same word means, because you're uneducated.

A mental-health professional has to diagnose someone with pedophilia in compliance with the DSM-5. I'm sure you don't have a medical degree to do so, and you cannot diagnose a journalist with pedophilia over the Internet whom you've never met merely because you disapprove of an article that he or she has published. You can take your pedophile wand and stick it where it best fits, because I want no part of it.

I've never been a pedophile-rights activist, and I would never even entertain the thought of it. I've never even partaken in a pedophile-pride parade, if there is such a thing.

I'm as anti-pedophile as anti-pedophile gets. I don't even recognize pedophilia as a sexual orientation. I consider it to be a paraphilia and an adverse psychiatric disorder. I don't even like Star Trek.

I am waging a war against fake pedophilia, which is what you, Jenn_There_Done_That, and your femi-Nazi cohorts are promoting on Reddit. Promoting fake pedophilia is typically a radical feminist agenda.

Jenn_There_Done_That? Your false accusation against me of pedophilia is character assassination at most. Do you honestly believe that a 30-something-year-old man who weds a 14-year-old Russian girl and gives her that happily-ever-after that she wants is no different from some middle-aged maniac who abducts a 5-year-old girl into his vehicle and then brutally rapes her? If so, then you're the one with the sick and twisted mind. Not me.

And don't come back at me and tell me that such a marriage would be inevitably abusive and sexually exploitative. I've met a number of adult women throughout my life who wedded at age 14 to men who may have either been outside their generation or more than four years older than them, and none of these women regretted doing so.

At the same time, I've never met any woman who got raped or sexually molested at 6 years old and claimed that she loved the experience insofar as she would like to go through it again. Therefore, as you can see or need to see, there is a substantial difference between the two scenarios insofar as they should not be conflated with each other.

In any event, Jenn_There_Done_That, if you want to hold onto your biased belief in that regard, try chewing on this for a while. If a 14-year-old boy were to brutally rape you and he screamed "statutory rape" after he got caught for it, you're the one who would be eating your own words afterwards.

The police and the boy's parents would likely believe your underage rapist over you. Then all your like-minded dunces would be engaging in mendacious pedo-shaming against you, and you'd be the one sitting in the hot seat. Ultimately, you'd wish that you took me seriously.

Jenn_There_Done_That? You think you're so much smarter than I am, but you're not. You have no real will of your own when it comes to critical thinking. Furthermore, you have no moral high ground to be passing judgment on me. You have actually convinced yourself that engaging in name-calling against me somehow makes you holier than thou. Well, it doesn't.

Jenn_There_Done_That? You hope that I die alone? I guess I should expect a masked death threat coming from you, because, after all, you're a domestic terrorist who has no regards for human life.

Did it ever occur to you, Jenn_There_Done_That, that I may have family members and loved ones who depend on me for support and would suffer terribly if anything were ever to happen to me? Of course, you couldn't care less about any of those things, because you're a domestic terrorist and human life has no value to you.

Also, I can only imagine what a frustrated cat lady you must be. Even your own cats probably hate you.

Jenn_There_Done_That? I'm not going to comment about whether I hope you die alone, because I'm a better person than you are. However, I will say this. If you should croak in the middle of the night from some mysterious ailment, you can be rest assured that I won't be putting flowers on your grave or shedding any tears for you afterwards.

Jenn_There_Done_That? If I die sooner as you wish, then I'll likely die a hero in attempting to save the United States from becoming an oppressive matriarchy full of femi-nonsensical shrews like you; and I won't die alone in that event, because there are more of my kind than there are of your kind in the world, even women who would back me up in view of my ideologies. Your kind have a big ego much larger than the size of your overgrown butts.

Jenn_There_Done_That? You're obviously into schadenfreude. Do you even know what that is? I didn't think so. Reading your posts even tells me how limited your vocabulary is insofar as you wouldn't fair very well in a court of law if you had to stand trial for making death threats against me. The lawyers would eat you alive.

Jenn_There_Done_That? You're no different from Andrea Dworkin. She was a pseudo-feminist who had extremist beliefs against sex and marriage as you do. Nothing in my article has anything to do with human trafficking; so if you believe so, then you're the one who is out of touch with reality.

Jenn_There_Done_That? I'm not denying that there have been marriages throughout history that were toxic. However, you cannot speculate about any marriage, even one in which one of the parties is a teenager or both of them are. YOU ARE NOT GOD!

Jenn_There_Done_That? You proclaim yourself to be a feminist killjoy, but you're not. You're merely a men-hating pseudo-feminist and femi-Nazi who calls yourself a feminist.

Heather Corinna is a true feminist, and she disagrees with you regarding what you perceive to be the fairness of the American statutory-rape laws. She even warns her readers about people like you who readily accuse someone of being a pedophile in a mendacious manner merely because they disagree with that person on a juvenile-justice-related topic.

Read Ms. Corinna's essay titled "Rage of Consent," and you'll realize what I mean. Unlike you, Jenn_There_Done_That, she goes by the facts rather than by a series of knee-jerk reactions. She doesn't participate in moral panics as you do. Unlike you, she is too intelligent to do so.

Lenore Skenazy is also a feminist. She believes that it was unfair that a 21-year-old man was to be branded with sex-offender status for a quarter of a century merely because he had sexual intercourse with his 15-year-old girlfriend. She states so in her article.

Oh, I also must mention that Dr. Judith Levine is a feminist who has been challenging the austerity of statutory-rape laws and the likes throughout the United States for years. She published a book titled Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex not too long ago. Here is an excerpt from it.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Stehtlm_Wald posted:

I really do hope this guy goes to some russian province and asks some parents if they will marry their teenage daughter to him. A completely new type of russian roulette.

Stehtlm_Wald? What makes you believe that I'm going to do something like that? I'm not going to travel to a nation where a war is raging on. Moreover, in my article, I was only reporting information to state the facts as they are. I wasn't describing myself or my intentions. Grow a brain, and stop making dumb statements.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, DDBVagabond posted:

... and the revolver's drum stops on the striped shirt and 104th aeromobile division.

Then DDBVagabond posted therein:

He denounced the concept of the childhood. He uses questionable-ethic concepts of pastures when speaking about human kin. And that is my patience, forbearance to read only the half of this waste.

Also he is yet another mister Ameriquano who doesn't know a word, doesn't know anything about the language but has the audacity to proclaim his inept'ship; and is a slave of Gugol Tronzslejt©®™, the "greatest" translation service. Especially when you need translation of just two specific languages.

And yes, stoopid Razskiyjes kannot uze letters JJ and Cc. See, they have a different meaning in the sacred Lingua English. Because that's what governs foreign linguistics.

Darjja? Darjâ? Nope. Darya: dar-/I griega/-ah

Also, what does forbid him from living a part of his life in that space where he roamed for his hunt? Anxiety that he's to put on a shirt and wash it in sinks for one year? Despite that I like this concept, he's legally protected from this.

This DDBVagabond has to be on drugs. None of what he or she states in that same comment of his or hers makes any sense. Therefore, I'm not going to try to make sense out of it. He or she calls my article on my PEAKD channel a "waste," while he or she doesn't post anything coherent that is even worth reading. That's a waste!

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, 7olenge posted:

Holy sh-- it just kept getting worse

7olenge? Did you even read my article from beginning to end? I bet that you didn't. Therefore, you really have nothing worthwhile to say about it. You need to crawl back into your puritanical black hole, because you're so detached from reality that you couldn't care less about the facts.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Efficient_Aside_2736 posted:

Imagine wasting your time writing paragraphs and paragraphs trying to justify your pedophilia

Efficient_Aside_2736? Put a sock in it. You're merely another pedophile-panic fanatic who thrives off of making baseless accusations against anyone who challenges the status quo as I have. My article has nothing to do with pedophilia. You're mentally unhinged like most pedophile-panic fanatics are.

Ladies and gentlemen? Did you know that many pedophile-panic fanatics have this wild idea in their heads that aliens and extraterrestrials are flying here to the Earth in space vehicles from other solar systems to sexually molest children?

This is the kind of the insanity that people like Efficient_Aside_2736 peddle to the public. They have very little grasp upon reality, if any. Therefore, it gives them very little credibility, and nothing they say or write should be taken seriously.

Efficient_Aside_2736? You obviously didn't get beyond the fifth grade if you think that the definition of pedophilia is purely based upon the legal age of majority within a nation. You've probably never been outside the United States, and I can be quite sure that you've had no medical schooling.

Pedophilia is the primary or exclusive sexual attraction of an adult or adolescent over 16 years of age to a prepubescent child 5 or more years their junior, generally under 13 years of age. It has nothing to do with teenage marriage or teenage sex except in your one-track mind.

Efficient_Aside_2736? The American Psychiatric Association ("A. P. A.") needs to add Pedophilia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by proxy ("POCD by proxy") to the DSM-5 so that a shrink can lock you up in an insane asylum for it. It's as though you live and breathe to accuse people falsely of pedophilia whom you've never met. Fake pedophilia is your whole world and your ultimate objective in life.

Efficient_Aside_2736? Mendacious pedo-shaming is your way of life. Therefore, you're the one who has the problem. I don't.

Efficient_Aside_2736? Every time that you falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, you bring yourself one step closer to being slapped with a defamation lawsuit. In case you're into mendacious pedo-shaming offline, you might want to chew on that same thought for a while.

Otherwise, one day you will be barking up the wrong tree, and you'll find yourself standing in front of a judge in a civil trial. It cost Elon Musk millions of dollars in settlement money after he did so not too long ago.

Efficient_Aside_2736? Like most of the others in the comments section where you posted, you're a men-hating femi-Nazi who views the world through your own narrow-minded logic. Go hang out with all your femi-Nazi friends. I'm sure they'll enjoy your empty-headed school of thought. I have no use for it or for you.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, LipstickBandito posted:

So what they're saying is they hate immigrants unless they're allowed to groom and have sex with them, did I get that straight

No, LipstickBandito? You didn't get anything straight. It's nothing like that. You have your head underneath a rock, and you obviously didn't read my article from beginning to end. You're another men-hating femi-Nazi who knows nothing about what goes on in men's minds or in their hearts.

There's no mention about grooming in my article. Somebody is putting lies into your head about my article.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, lindanimated posted:

And if they’re white! Dudes like OOP will never consider white people immigrants, only brown and black people. His trafficked child bride will have light skin, so it’s all a-ok according to him.

Lindanimated? Who is OOP? Who are you describing? You're not describing me, because nothing you post in your comment even comes close to resembling me. I specifically stated in my article that it had nothing do with child brides. You obviously didn't read it from beginning to end.

I'm skipping over DDBVagabond's post below that of lindanimated inasmuch as it makes no sense. Then again, most of the stuff that these men-hating femi-Nazis post in that same comments section is a load of crass diatribe.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, NeedleworkerOk170 posted:

oh and men are also allowed to beat their wives without repercussions around here. what a great place for these rapey f------

NeedleworkerOk170? Your comment has nothing to do with anything in my article. You're going off on a tangent. Your vulgarities in your post do nothing to provide credence to anything you state.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, TrapDoorApartment posted:

Wow. Child rape and domestic abuse. What a time to be alive.

There is nothing in my article about child rape or domestic abuse except perhaps that it has nothing to do with it. Don't put words into my mouth, TrapDoorApartment.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, NeedleworkerOk170 posted:

oh, and btw 16 is the earliest possible age for consensually marrying someone, the only exception is the "bride" being raped by the "husband" beforehand. that's what the article references by "some russian girls".

No, NeedleworkOk170. You don't know what you're talking about. What I meant by "some Russian girls" is that some provinces in the Russian Federation set the minimum marriageable age floor at 14, whereas others may set it at 15 or 16. You obviously did not read my article from beginning to end.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, DifferentlsPossble posted:

I'd like to see him try it and get a Russian parent ass-kicking to remember. Actually, I'd like to see a TV show about him trying it. It'd only be one episode but it'd be a f------ good one.

DifferentlsPossble? Get out of your fantasy world. I'd like to see you say something that is not intellectually bankrupt. I pieced together my article to report on the facts about teenage marriage in the Russian Federation and foreign bridegrooms. For you to make the kind of statement that you did, it would be like me falsely accusing you of being gay merely because you published an article about gay rights.

I know of no cases in which Russian parents have turned violent on a man who asked their teenage daughter's hand in marriage. They would likely either give him a yes or no answer instead.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, 6teeee9 posted:

im going to throw up

6teeee9? Throw up on yourself. I have done nothing wrong. I make no apologies. My only crime is being brutally honest, and that's not a crime at all

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Liu-woods posted:

He's so weirdly against Mexican immigrants for someone who is a MUCH bigger sh--stain on American society than the majority of new immigrants could ever be.

Stick it up your rear end, Liu-woods! You're the biggest manure stain on American society and you're what's wrong with the American culture.

I never mentioned anything in my article about being against Mexican immigrants. I didn't even mention anything about Mexicans therein, so don't be putting words into my mouth.

I'm against the United States letting in gangs and terrorists. However, I have compassion in my heart for Mexican immigrants who attempt to enter the United States the right way, even ones who cross over the Rio Grande illegally because of their desperate conditions. I even speak fluent Spanish.

Liu-woods? If anyone is a disgrace to society, it is you. You couldn't care less about the facts or the truth. You choose to misinterpret my article any way you please. I doubt that you read it from beginning to end.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Most-Cartoonist9790 posted:

Everyone is talking about his p*dophilia, but do we talk about the way he stereotypes russian girls? Absolutely disgusting.

Most-Cartoonist9790? There is no "his pedophilia." You're practicing psychiatry without a medical license by falsely diagnosing me with a paraphilia that I don't have. THAT'S A CRIME! You're another self-appointed pedo-expert, which are the most dangerous of their kind, and you don't belong on social media. You've convinced yourself that the Puritanical Establishment is always right about this same subject matter.

Most-Cartoonist9790? Are you Russian American? If you're not, I have no reason to be interested in your opinion. Okay. You'll probably rant and rave that you're entitled to your own opinions. Point well taken. However, you're not entitled to your own facts, and nothing you state in your comment is factual. Not even your point about stereotyping Russian girls.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, ManicPixieDreamWorm posted:

What the f---. Is this real?

ManicPixieDreamWorm? Are you for real? You're merely another sheep in the herd following Classic_Calendar_506.

Nobody cites any facts in the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post or provides any links or references to any kind of reliable sources or educational material that would back up their claims. That's because nobody in this same love fest of men-hating femi-Nazis would even know where to look for any of it, even if it really were to exist, which it probably doesn't.

They merely insist that they speak the gospel truth whenever they fabricate something about me and my article that could never be true. They have what can be best described as a god complex. They're nothing but a cabal of pedophilia-obsessed femi-freaks out to destroy all the men of the world who don't share their viewpoints.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, ThrowethTFaway posted:

I felt like I was reading something from the Onion.

ThrowethTFaway? I don't read the Onion. Therefore, I don't know what point you're trying to make.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Silvangelz posted:

19 pages of absolute drivel. And the logic is terrifyingly stupid.

Silvangelz? I didn't do a page count of my article. In any event, if you don't like it, then don't read it. The only thing that is terrifyingly stupid is the flawed logic of men-hating femi-Nazis like you.

Silvangelz? My article is not aimed to attract readers like yourself. Also, I don't want you telling me that it was aimed to attract pedophiles either, because I am more anti-pedophile than anyone in the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post could ever be. I simply don't cater to the propaganda and the knee-jerk reactions of radical feminists, men-hating pseudo-feminists, fanatical child advocates, and pedophile-panic fanatics.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, MissCarriage-a posted:

The marriage exemption for sexual abuse of a minor was removed from US Federal law a few years ago, so it is illegal for an adult US citizen to:

Have a sexual relationship with anyone under 16 anywhere in the world (there is a 4 year close in age exception for 12+)

Have a commercial sexual relationship with anyone under 18 anywhere in the world (whilst commercial includes prostitution it has a very wide scope and interpretation)

Federal law does not apply where a specific US state has jurisdiction, but a surprising amount of land in a US state is often subject to Federal law instead of or as well as State law.

MissCarriage-a? I know of no such law pertaining to American men that get married abroad. I'm well aware that the United States has extraterritorial statutory-rape laws for its citizens.

In any event, if such a law ever existed pertaining to foreign marriages, it has been repealed as of December 14, 2022. President Joe Biden signed The Respect for Marriage Act into law that enforces the doctrine of comity for all marriages that are contracted anywhere in the world at any age whether it be over 16 or under 16.

Under the Respect for Marriage Act, if a 29-year-old man marries a 15-year-old girl in the Russian Federation and brings her back with him to the United States, the American authorities have to treat such a marriage as legal and any sexual intercourse between the husband and wife that occurs within the confines of that marriage is sanctioned by law, period. In other words, the husband cannot be indicted for spousal rape unless he forced his wife into sexual intercourse.

MissCarriage-a? Because you stated nothing hateful in your post to offend me, I will be polite to you in my response. At the same time, if you are one like many who believe that the statutory-rape laws in the United States are the best in the world, I'm going to ask that you read the online publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn Hope Christopher from beginning to end. You will be shocked at how unfairly the statutory ages of consent are worded in each state throughout our nation.

The Paradox of Statutory Rape was published in 2012. You'll be shocked to know that in all U.S. jurisdictions back then, an adult woman who got raped by a boy or boys under the statutory age of consent was vulnerable to being charged with statutory rape.

Anyhow, allow me to defend my stance regarding my article. According to the DSM-5, the definition of pedophilia is the primary or exclusive attraction of someone 16 years of age or older to a prepubescent child 5 years their junior who is generally under 13 years old. Nowhere in my article do I defend or encourage any form of sexual abuse against prepubescent children.

For anyone to claim that teenage marriage, even when cross-generational, involves pedophilia is equally as ludicrous and illogical as accusing someone of being a homicidal misopedist for condoning embryonic stem cell research. It's as simple as that.

My great aunt wedded a 24-year-old man back when she was 15 years old, and she only had good things to tell me about him while she was still alive. My great uncle was never a pedophile; and, yes, my great aunt had sex with him when she was 15 years old on their wedding night, but her head didn't fall off as a result. Therefore, I found no harm in publishing my article about teenage marriage in the Russian Federation.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, smalltittysoftgirl posted:

Is that why you don't have a gf?

Smalltittysoftgirl? Can you substantiate that as a fact? I didn't think so. You're not psychic. Also, whether or not I have one would have no bearing on this topic of conversation or any kind of relevance to it. Not every man has to be a Tony-Danza/Macauley-Culkin centaur to have a good head on his shoulders.

None of you and your femi-Nazi cohorts have the faintest idea of how I live my life, and it is really none of your business. You're all clueless.

And, no! I don't have plans to travel to the Russian Federation to search for a bride, real or imagined, among all the bombs, bullets, missiles, and landmines over there. Very few of you probably knew that there was a war raging on there until now, because you probably don't watch the news.

Nevertheless, since you're on the topic of girlfriends, allow me to give you some food for thought. I don't know what makes you believe that being in a conventional relationship somehow makes a man a superior being. It doesn't. Fact has it that the top 10 percent of men who dominate the American dating scene have severe commitment issues.

Of course, smalltittysoftgirl, you probably already knew all of that. That is, if you really have a boyfriend, who will probably have broken up with you by the time you read my response article.

The American dating scene has turned into a discriminating caste system that could never serve the greater good. It could explain why many American men who deserve a girlfriend haven't been able to find one in this nation. It convinces them to look beyond the barbed wires of the land of milk and honey in search of one. By the way, your user name is tacky.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Allons-yAlonso1004 posted:

Daf-- 😭 I got the goosebumps 😭

Who tf is this pedo/trafficker and why is he even allowed to post this stuff online??? Helloooooo, FBI??????

Allons-yAlonso1004? You're merely another men-hating femi-Nazi who knows nothing about any paraphilias that appear in the DSM-5. Why? Because you've likely never read it. I'm no more of a pedophile than you are the president of the United States.

Allons-yAlonso1004? Do you have any evidence that I ever trafficked anyone? I didn't think so, because it doesn't exist and it has never happened. You're merely acting on your deep-seated paranoia from which most men-hating femi-Nazis suffer. I've never trafficked anyone, and my article has nothing to do with it. Your accusations against me are completely baseless.

Allons-yAlonso1004? You obviously don't keep up with the latest news about the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"). Did you know that the incoming FBI Director will likely break that organization up into five different agencies? Read about it in the pertinent article by Jason B Truth.

Allons-yAlonso1004? The reasons that this same transition may be happening to the FBI is so that they don't go on fishing expeditions at the taxpayers' expense each and every time some certifiable head case like you calls them up on the telephone, acting hysterically, and makes a false allegation against someone as you have made against me.

Why am I allowed to post my article online? There is this thing called the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that protects freedom of speech. Therefore, Allons-yAlonso1004, as you so obviously believe that you have the right to direct ad hominem attacks against me based upon your falsehoods against me, I have the right to publish the article that I did.

I completely get it, Allons-yAlonso1004. You strongly support censorship, which seems to be the legacy of most of you idiots who likely voted for Kamala Harris in our last presidential election. Well, I don't support censorship. I value my constitutional rights. The mob mentality of femi-Nazis like you only prove that Kamala Harris would have been a dictator if she had gotten into the Oval Office.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, Ragingtiger2016 posted:

NAMBLA would absolutely thriving if they saw the web landscape (webscape?) today. Ugh

Ragingtiger2016? What does my article have to do with NAMBLA? That's a gay organization.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, SomethingComesHere posted:

I’m so angry with you americans. How dare you let him get elected again. Trump killed innocents last time.

As a Canadian, America is dead to me. You just lost your democracy, maybe permanently. He will do things like is described in this article, vetoing the bill protecting children.

SomethingComesHere? The most accurate definition of a child is a boy or girl before puberty. According to medical science, there is no such thing as a post-pubescent child or even a pubescent child. Therefore, you need to get the definition of a "child" straight before you go posting your aimless rhetoric about my article.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, WednesdayFin posted:

Let them, they'll 100% sure get scammed by the waifubait mob.

WednesdayFin? Could you translate your post into the King's English? It makes no sense.

In the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post, htxproud posted:

All of the worms sticking their heads out 🤣 Katt Williams was right....this is the great reveal.

Htxproud? I don't know who Katt Williams is or what relevance he would have to my article. Could you elaborate? Refugees who escaped Cuba in the 1960s and early 1970s were referred to as "worms." (*Note - "gusanos" in Spanish.) They were good people in the eyes of society.

After Reddit moderators removed Classic_Calendar_506's post or rather were supposed to do so, a comment from Greune_Katze came through to the comments section. She posted:

Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, these human trafficking rings have Ben running. Creepy passport bros and the Russian government both benefit from this crap so it goes on

Once again, Greune_Katze, my article has nothing to do with human-trafficking rings. Nowhere therein did I mention anything about such a thing. I merely stated that Russians don't seem to place much importance on the age factor in that parents allow their teenage daughter to marry a noticeably older man. Therein I said nothing about anyone getting paid for anything illegal.

If the older husband puts his teenage bride from the Russian Federation through college on his dime, I don't see how it can be a bad thing. You take your narrative way too far upon convincing your readers that the Russian Federation has turned into another 1990s Bosnia since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Greune_Katze? I realize that you're not from the United States, but American radical feminists have a propensity to demonize anything that they do not fully understand.

I do not condone human trafficking despite what anyone who posted comments in the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post may think. Also, I'd hardly consider myself to be a "passport bro'."

After Reddit moderators removed Classic_Calendar_506's post or rather were supposed to do so, a comment from Jenn_There_Done_That also came through to the comments section. She posted:

Good post, OP, but we cannot have people linking to that blog here. It’s just promoting it and driving up interactions. If you’d like to repost, take screenshots of the blog, with the address redacted/cropped out. Thanks.

Classic_Calendar_506 never really posted anything that was his or her own. He or she took pictures of my article and then lied about it.

Ladies and gentlemen? Now we just went through droves of comments from a love fest mostly consisting of borderline-illiterate men-hating femi-Nazis. Most of what they posted was not even cogent.

None of these femi-Nazi witches backed up their claims against me with any kind of links or references to reliable sources of information or anything of that nature. They merely inundated their readers with their own self-styled opinions. None of them even quoted anything I stated in the article of mine at which they were sniping.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that these same women are mostly hypocrites. They don't like to see a man in their thirties travel to the Russian Federation to marry a teenage girl. However, if one of their 15-year-old sons were running around their neighborhood, getting every 12-year-old girl pregnant in sight, these femi-Nazi extremists would have the most outrageous excuse for his behavior.

Because of these femi-Nazi extremists, the United States has turned into the deadbeat teen dad capital of the world. Therefore, too many love children are growing up without a father.

These femi-Nazis don't like for any man over 21 to travel abroad to marry a 14-year or 15-year-old girl. However, if one of these femi-Nazi's underage sons were ever to rape a 12- or 13-year-old girl by force, she would be blaming the girl for it. They clearly live by double standards.

Look at what happened to Aubreigh Wyatt not too long ago. When she was 12 years old, a boy the same age as her raped her. The law did nothing about it. In fact, her rapist was in her classroom the next day. Eventually, she committed suicide. She was 13 years old when she died.

Older men are not the cause of all teenage girls' problems. However, men-hating pseudo-feminists and the likes want American society to believe so, so that they may further their agendas. These femi-freaks couldn't care less about the greater good.

Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, the psychiatrist who invented pedophilia in 1886, was the hedonistic hypocrite who lit the match to ignite all of this collective stupidity among men-hating pseudo-feminists in the West. He should have been thrown into shark-infested waters before he had the chance to do so.

Whenever these femi-Nazi witches from Reddit falsely accuse me of being a pedophile, I will not take it sitting down by virtue of some scumbag shrink, namely Dr. von Krafft-Ebing, who has been dead for over a century. I will not wear the scarlet letter of a pedophile, because I am not one and have never been one.

I know myself better than any of these same feckless busybodies do. In fact, they don't know me at all, because they've never met me in person.

It's a matter of the difference between real pedophilia and fake pedophilia. When femi-Nazis from Reddit attack my article in the manner that they do so, they are promoting fake pedophilia rather than reporting real pedophilia to the public at large.

In 2013, Dr. Ray Blanchard, a mental-health professional, made an attempt to get the A. P. A. to broaden the definition of pedophilia to include a sexual attraction toward teenage adolescents in the DSM-5. However, the A. P. A. knew the dangers of doing so, and they rejected his proposal. I'm sure radical feminists were unhappy about it, because it meant one less thing they could weaponize against men.

Radical feminists only want what is worst for American men. They're always searching for oppressive ways to send men to prison for activities that these same radical feminists wouldn't consider to be crimes if they were to engage in them themselves.

The most that perhaps any of them proved was that not only is the United States a substandard nation to find love and marriage, it's also a nation that most men are better off leaving. The men-hating femi-Nazis in the comments section of Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post obviously believe that all men are their carnal property and are not free to pick and choose who their future wife will be. They don't even want them to be able to express their opinions freely.

2. The Decadence of American Women As Lifelong Companions

American women? No offense to any of you. If you are married and raising a family or once did so, I have the utmost respect for you. However, radical feminists do not make good candidates for any of those things.

American men? If you're still single, there is nothing in the United States for you. Below is a video of expat Andrew Henderson interviewing a Moldovan woman named Cristina Cataman to talk about how Eastern Europe is a much better place for American men to find love and marriage than the United States is.

Andrew Henderson Discusses Finding Love Abroad, With Cristina Cataman

Most radical feminists are hateful. They learn how to be so from an early age on. If you try to enlighten them on any topic or issue, they will quickly gaslight you no matter how civil you are with them. They don't believe in healthy debates, because most of them have never been in one. Everything is either their way or the highway.

They want you to feel sorry for them in view of their failures in life. Yet they take no reluctance to accuse you of something that could never be possible merely to give themselves a sense of importance.

Monstera Production is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pexels

3. Final Thoughts

I must admit that it has been a while since I have posted on this writing platform. I've been very busy with this thing called life, even though the femi-Nazis and radical feminists I called out herein appear to believe that they have a more exciting life than I do. What a joke. They have too much time on their hands.

These same women need to get a life. I wouldn't doubt that there were a few manginas here and there among them in the above-aforementioned comments section. Like these women, I guess they have to be the ones to learn things the hard way.

The fact alone that they concocted this bizarre idea that I was somehow promoting human trafficking and slavery shows you how messed up their brains are. In my article that they attack, I mentioned nothing about an evil man in a black hat peddling teenage brides in the Russian Federation to foreign men over the telephone or on the Internet.

Therein I was describing why Russian girls that young gravitate toward older men from the United States, and I pointed out the random ways that both parties could possibly meet and later get married as long as the man had honorable intentions for his bride-to-be. I was not encouraging anything illegal in my article despite what these men-hating femi-Nazis may have fabricated in their criminal minds.

When French President Emmanuel Macron was 14 or 15 years old, he began a secret romance with French First Lady Brigitte Marie-Claude Trougneux Macron, who at the time was 38 years old. Their relationship prospered, and they eventually married each other.

None of the above-described femi-Nazis could dispute those same facts. Then again, because French First Lady Macron is a woman, I suppose she would not fall within their line of fire. I have to remember that according to men-hating femi-Nazis, women can do no wrong. Then again, I suppose there are exceptions.

Radical feminists in the United States who are getting long in the tooth are panicking over the idea that they are getting outsourced in the areas of romance and marriage. Then they have to find some Reddit echo chamber like that of Classic_Calendar_506 to give themselves bogus reassurance that they can never grow old.

Whenever one of these radical feminists see a 14-year-old Russian girl who has a better figure than her, she becomes envious and finds it much easier to pervert-shame or even mendaciously pedo-shame an adult man for taking notice of that same girl than to admit to both her sexual insecurities and sexual inadequacies.

I don't even have to use high-school girls there in the Russian Federation as examples in this same respect. Radical feminists don't even like adult men to pay attention to young women over 18 years of age.

American men? Do not marry a woman the same age as you if you do not love her. Pseudo-feminists like the ones above want men to be miserable in loveless marriages in which usually these pseudo-feminists themselves trap them. You have the freedom to choose with or without these radical feminists' approval.

These same women are miserable, and misery loves company. It could explain why they are so hateful. They don't have the final say over what is and is not normal. I've been fighting these types of women all my life. The fact alone that they take writer's license with the definition of pedophilia demonstrates that they couldn't care less about the facts. They're simply not grounded in reality.

The coven of femi-Nazi misandrists who attacked me on Reddit are reckless insofar as they often stir up moral panics here in the United States. One of these women is even a domestic terrorist.

Well, I'm not going away. Moreover, I am skeptical that any of these Karens truly want me to disappear from the Internet altogether, because they're too greedy to wish for that to happen. That is, it is my understanding that they're somehow making money off of attacking my article. Therefore, if the dartboard vanishes, then the darts vanish with it. They can't have their cake and eat it too.

And, yes, I completely get it. It's terrible whenever an adult man sexually abuses or sexually assaults a defenseless little 7-year-old girl. However, whenever an adult man and a teenage girl fall in love with each other and wish to wed, it has nothing to do with pedophilia.

The two scenarios should never be conflated. They are light years apart. Anyone who says otherwise needs to go back to school and get an education on this topic.

Also, I'm perfectly aware that girls shouldn't be getting married if they still have their baby teeth. In that event, they shouldn't even be dating at all.

Nonetheless, much to the disappointment of the femi-Nazis on Reddit, no jurisdiction in the world will be raising their statutory age of consent to 35. The majority of the world population is smarter than to allow for something that outlandish to happen.

The American expat in the video below, who currently resides in Europe, gives an explanation of the difference between the American perspective and the European perspective regarding teenage sexuality, and what he says debunks most of Classic_Calendar_506's propaganda in Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post as well as the propaganda from the people in that Reddit post's comments section.

American Expat Criticizes Harsh American Attitudes Regarding Teenage Sexuality

From the above video, anyone can clearly see that the American way of life is regressing back to the way it was during the Salem witch trials. Too many people are living in fear and are suspicious of one another in our nation because of moral panics.

I will not succumb to the intimidations and threats of a bunch of femi-nonsensical hotheads who have likely lived too sheltered of a life even to know less than half of what they are talking about. All of the people in Classic_Calendar_506's Reddit post including Classic_Calendar_506 herself or himself have probably never done the legal research required to know exactly what human trafficking truly involves. That is, perhaps with the exception of MissCarriage-a. They can't even get the definition of pedophilia right.

In one of his YouTube videos, Andrew Henderson of the YouTube channel named Nomad Capitalist claimed that both the American private sector and public sector were corrupt. When you consider the predatory mentality of the above-aforementioned people who ran a smear campaign against me, especially the men-hating pseudo-feminists, none of us have to look very far to learn where that corruption is originating from.

The lunacy that the men-hating femi-Nazis who attacked my article spew in the form of false allegations against me of human trafficking mirrors the upside-down school of thought of Mellissa Withers. Like Ms. Withers, they are the creepy ones rather than me, and they need to be stopped before they harm someone badly. Their false allegations against me of human trafficking are the typical ravings of pedophilia-obsessed femi-Nazi conspiracy theorists.

These same men-hating femi-Nazis have given me all the proof in the pudding of the deplorable, odious subhuman parasites that their kind are. None of them possess the necessary legal expertise to conclude that I am a human trafficker. Not only are their accusations against me baseless and mendacious, but they are accusatory and libelous in nature.

These same femi-Nazi pieces of scourge are clearly incapable of differentiating between fact and fiction. Everything they accuse me of on Reddit could not be any further from the truth. Whether they like it or not, the truth is on my side.

None of them possess the necessary medical credentials to diagnose me with any kind of paraphilia. If any of them did so, they would not be able to diagnose me with pedophilia based solely upon their perceptions of my writings and, therefore, their medical licenses to practice psychiatry would be immediately revoked inasmuch as I am really a teleiophile with no connections to pedophile culture, for a lack of a better term.

Moreover, they would become civilly liable to me for statutory damages in that they would be guilty of assassinating my character under false pretenses. None of what these skanks say about me can be backed up with actual evidence, and none of it is factual. For the most part, they are insults and personal attacks against me.

These skanks need to be removed from Reddit and from all social media. Their intentions are dishonorable, and their statements against me are intellectually bankrupt at best. They only set out to serve their own biased agenda, and they care nothing about the greater good.

Their ultimate goal is to deride any men who may disagree with their dogma or even as so much challenges it. They're representative of why a large number of relationships and marriages are failing in the United States. They are trapped in their own alternate reality.

These same Karens have become so enamored with pedophilia that they have become pedophilia-obsessed clowns when they can't even get the definition of pedophilia right. This one stuck-up, blond-haired harpy who fits this same description got kicked off a podcast after she accused each and every man on the face of the planet of being a pedophile.

It would never surprise me if this same harpy turned out to be one of the Karens on Reddit who attacked my article. The irony of it all is women like these are sexually attracted to pedophiles, because you always hear horror stories about the unconscionable things that these women's live-in boyfriends and husbands do to their toddler-age and elementary-school-age kids.

It shows you how these same women make poor choices in life whenever it comes to male partners and spouses. Thank God that most of them are childless cat ladies.

Sure, these same women will ramble on in their Reddit comments and posts about how they hate pedophiles. Well, I guess it only goes to show you that there is a thin line between love and hate. 😝 These women certainly know all about it, because they've created that same thin line in their lives.

Interestingly enough, as much as these same women oppose foreign men traveling from their own nation to the Russian Federation to marry a teenage bride, they never seem to have any problem with hypergamy, which is one of the causes of American men and men in the West seeking love and marriage abroad. In fact, they defend it.

It is not as though these men are going to Thailand to sexually victimize toddlers in the brothels of Bangkok. Instead, they are looking to pave out their happiness and start a family. Then again, radical feminists know nothing about happiness, because they've never experienced it.

If these same Karens were truly child advocates with an actual sense of justice, instead of harassing me, they would be going to American elected officials to eliminate parental testamentary freedom so that nobody who suffered incest and physical abuse during their childhood at the hands of their parents could be legally disinherited. In other words, such laws would prohibit abusive parents from cutting their own children out of their will. However, these Karens spend all their time persecuting men with whom they simply disagree.

These same women are the vermin of society. They are helping nobody.

In his video embedded herein, Mr. Henderson claimed that an American woman called him a creep merely because he gave her a bouquet of roses back when he was single. His wife is Russian, and he is now happy. I rest my case.

I take no shame in anything I write and publish, and I own it. As a matter of fact, I take full pride in everything I author despite what any femi-Nazi swine may have to say about it. If they don't like what I write, then they can go fly a kite. I stand by my beliefs.

This Article Is Copyright-Protected.


Jeebus, that was alot of drama.

I lasted about 15 minutes on reddit, my conclusion was that if there was intelligent life there it was shouted down by the morons.
I did get one of them to upvote my account so that I would have positive karma so that I could sign up to steemit.
But, other than that, I wouldn't give them 5 minutes.
They are an echo chamber cult, imo.

Stay tuned. The best is yet to come. My next article is going to be much smaller than this one, but it also hits these Reddit rats right where they live; and it provides interesting information about the silent majority.

I was looking through your account data and it says that your recovery account is still set to steem.
You can change this on peakd in keys and permissions under account actions.


It's important because if you ever have to recover the account steem won't help you.

Thank you.

If you set it to a sock puppet of your own you can manage a recovery without outside help.

Thank you for the info. In any event, I want to make sure that I do this all in a way that I don't get locked out of my account.

Just be sure to save your keys to a backup.
Writing down your owner key is a good idea.
Other than that the process is pretty straight forward.

Do you have an element account?
This is my room, it is public.
Dm's are private.

If you make one, I can walk you through it.

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The people commenting about you hating immigrants seem to be conflating different groups. They read comments from other racists who actually hate immigrants and think you fall into that category because they think you're a "passport bro" and/or a right wing, racist pedo. These types also conflate not wanting gangs and terrorists in the country to just being against immigrants in general as they see "not wanting criminals in the country" as a "dog-whistle".

They have all these preconceived notions about me, because they're afraid that I might just happen to be right and that they might just happen to be intellectually bankrupt in their school of thought. They believe that everyone who disagrees with them on a juvenile-justice-related issue is a pedophile. At the same time, they don't take the time to read the actual definition of it that appears in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Pedophiles don't marry their victims. They molest them. Of course, you can't tell these femi-freaks that. They're mostly men-hating femi-Nazis who are clueless about the real world.