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RE: Should Statutory Rape Be A Strict-Liability Offense?

in #law5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I don't think that 10 years old would easily be accepted as the statutory age of consent anywhere here in the United States of America or in the extended United States jurisdictions. A girl would still likely be in the crayons-and-playground phase of her life at that age. I once read somewhere that back in 1962 a bill was once introduced to legislation in Delaware in an attempt to lower that state jurisdiction's statutory age of consent to 10 years old, and that bill was met with great resistance. Ultimately, that bill was defeated. It's really odd to think that anyone would have ever thought of introducing a bill like that to any state legislature here in our nation back in 1962 inasmuch as society was very reserved back in those days from what I heard.

I'm glad that your friend, Hector Vera, enjoyed my Hive-Blog articles. Getting this article about him together may take a little longer than I thought. I've accumulated a whole series of notes that I have taken in watching all of the pertinent videos to it. I am going to be approaching this topic in the form of a comparative analysis in order to produce a strong enlightening effect on my readers. I'm probably going to have to post this same article in three separate segments.

Yeah, I know what you mean about YouTuber The Over Reactor. He is a real piece of work. When I was watching YouTuber The Over Reactor's videos and taking notes for my upcoming Hive-Blog article, I got so irritated with him that I almost felt like throwing a pillow at my television screen. He flashes things on his screen way too quickly insofar as I have to switch over to my regular computer to freeze them so that I can read them inasmuch as it is difficult to do so on my YouTube application on my television set. Anyhow, one thing that I did want you to ask Hector Vera on my behalf is if there is anything that he does NOT want me to state in my article about him. I am writing this article in his defense; but if there is something that he wants me to leave out of the article or omit from it, I can do so out of respect for him. I want his reading experience with this upcoming article about him to be a positive one. Let me know.


Hey epicenter! I am Denox a.k.a Hector Vera myself in the flesh! Naglfar94 told me great things about you and The Over Reactor is getting desperate to see if SOMEONE can prove my innocence supposively based on what he said. I actually was considering writing also my own article tomorrow as well pointing out things he said about me that I did not covered in the video I made for over an hour because he started saying it after I made the video commentating on my own. I am actually gonna try getting back to writing articles here on HIVE soon. Its very similiar to STEEMIT for sure. Btw, I am so looking forward to reading your article on TOR and I can show this to some of my closest friends as well. I wonder how TOR will react when he reads your article on it too xD But when your article is ready, you can let me know here now since I will be back checking HIVE regularly and followed you on here. Please to meet ya by the way! I really enjoy reading your article on critical thinking on the whole pedophilia and teenage/adult dating situation. People are quick to demonize adults for liking teenagers and translates to liking kids which TOR seems to do. Its crazy. Go ahead and post whatever you can post about this subject and I trust your judgement and honesty on this. :) I will be there to read it and comment afterwards. May I ask tho when more or less will this article be ready to read? Take your time of course, I ask of curiosity.

Hector Vera? I'm glad that you contacted me, and I bid you salutations. I almost have the rough draft finished for my article about your current situation with YouTuber The Over Reactor ("TOR"). I may have to break it down into three segments at least because of its length, unless, of course, the Hive blockchain has greater posting capacity for each article than the Steem blockchain does. If you are going to post an article here on Hive-Blog about it, then what I would like to do is wait for you to post your article first and then I can post mine so that I can incorporate a link from my article to yours. Otherwise, if you prefer, I could go ahead and publish my article about your situation and then incorporate the link from my article to yours after you publish your article. Whichever way you prefer.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see how TOR responds to my article about your situation with him. Then again, he doesn't appear to have an account here on the Hive platform, so he might do a YouTube video about it instead. If he wants to get ugly at me for speaking the truth about him, then I guess I'll have to be prepared for it. Much to his disgust, he may end up sending traffic my way, because people will want to know both sides of the topic.

Surprisingly, I never really got much hate on the Steem blockchain for writing and posting the controversial articles that I did. The Hive blockchain may turn out to be a different environment in that regard. Haters and trolls are everywhere on YouTube. I've only gotten one downvote since the time that I've been here on the Hive blockchain, and it wasn't even for any of my controversial articles. I'll just have to roll with the punches if anyone here on the Hive blockchain doesn't like what I have to say. I'd like to publish articles on HubPages as the ones I have been posting on both the Steem blockchain and the Hive blockchain, but HubPages is a pain in the backside about allowing any controversial subject matter on their writing platform. They are quick to demonetize an article on HubPages, if their review board doesn't like what you send them for publication. It angers me too, because there is more money to be made on that writing platform now that they've been taking Google Adsense out of the picture and handling the monetization on their own.

Thanks for getting back to me. Well honestly I wanted also to wait on your article first before I add in mines so I can also use it as a ways to reference your link into my article. So go ahead your articles first and I will read it later on once I se them. I have some screenshots to use in my article but I like to se what you say about it first before I well craft mines cause I believe your article can help me add stuff in my article that I would not even imagine. Thanks man for taking your time for making the article to defend me. I will be awaiting your response and articles. :)

Hector Vera? I'm letting you know that I've gotten my article about you all together and I'm now ready to publish it as soon as you want me to. If you want me to publish it now, I will do so. If you want me to wait until after you publish your article about your situation with YouTuber The Over Reactor, I will do so and then I will incorporate a link from my article to yours. I'll remain on standby until you give me the go-ahead to publish my article about your situation. :-)

Yes please. Go ahead and post it! Looking forward to reading it as soon as I can :)

I gave it one more proofread. I'll likely be posting it tomorrow. It turned out to be a lot lengthier than I had thought it would be, but that's a good thing. Once I have posted it, I will shoot you another reply here to let you know that it has been posted.

Okay sounds good! Looking forward to it :) It will be very well entertaining to read what you have to say about TOR a.k.a The Over Reactor against me. :)

Hector? I've posted the article about your situation with TOR. Of course, I saw your upvotes on my article, so I know that you have already read it. As I had predicted, I had to break it down into three segments; but that was because I was doing a sort of comparative analysis therein in my efforts to get my point across to my readers about how TOR should back off and stop haranguing and harassing you. Today I proofread through all three segments of the article again and corrected any typographical errors that I didn't catch before posting them. Anyhow, here is the link to my article in case you want to spread the word about it to your fan base. >>>>

Thanks a lot man! I started sharing this with a few of my friends. I was gonna write you a longer comment later cause I have many things to say about it but I fully do appreciate you taking your time to defend me on all this. I read all of part 2 and 3 but not fully part 1 cause I decided to read the ones first that talked directly about our situation. Part 1 you talk about situations that are similiar to mines? If so, I am curious to read more when I have time. Ohh and by the way, English is actually my first language. My parents are both born in puerto rico but I am born in New York City so I lived there for the first 13 years of my life and then moved to PR. I had trouble fitting in middle school when I first came to move to PR with parents due to my dad's retirement. I was bullied a lot as well cause of my lack of spanish and being different from others. I got spanish tutored back in 2001 so I can learn the language better lol. So yeah, English was my first language, I was just very nervous and not sure how to fully defend myself. But you worked hard to analyze everything in this situation so thanks a lot! This can also help when I decide to send this to a lawyer or attorney! At least for the last week, he has been quiet from harassing me but I will be prepared incase he decides to strike me again.