Predator Catchers Are Corroding American Society

in #law8 months ago (edited)

Useche360 is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

1. The Travesty Of Predator Catchers

I never thought that I would be sniping at these people as aggressively as I do so herein. However, instead of policing the Internet to keep juveniles safe, these individuals brainwash everyone they can into believing that teenagers are identical to toddlers in psychological development and the likes, when nothing could be any further from the truth.

There used to be this one gentleman named Robert Lindsay who published articles on his website about this subject matter. I don't know what happened to him. I know that WordPress had banned him one time. I hope that this was not the case again, because he wrote some quality articles on this topic. Unfortunately, his articles have all disappeared along with his website.

I hate to think that I am the only person on the Internet who writes about this subject matter as frequently as I do. I guess most people are afraid to speak the truth about it.

Freedom of speech is becoming more and more a rare commodity here in the United States of America. I've come across people who have told me that I shouldn't be posting articles about this subject matter. However, I feel that somebody has to say something about it, because, otherwise, you get too many sheep following a herd in the wrong direction.

If you view some of these videos on YouTube and on other social-media platforms that show predator catchers going after adults who chat online with teenagers and agree to meet up with them allegedly for sex, you'll notice that most of these same videos have a number of characteristics in common. They're mostly long, boring, and repetitive.

Almost every time I've ever watched one of these same videos, I felt as though I was getting a lecture from my Sunday school teacher regarding moral values. The majority of people who post these same videos have their hands out for money donations. Why don't they get a real job instead? They're not protecting anyone from anything.

I'm not surprised that there are special-interest groups that have been attempting to get legislation passed that would not only ban predator catchers from conducting these online sex-sting operations but would also prohibit police officers from doing so as a form of entrapment. My response to these actions on the part of these special-interest groups is that teenage sex is teenage sex, whether it be intra-generational or cross-generational, counting out small children under 11 years old, of course.

Now, I know what some of you may be thinking. What about the tragedy involving the late Amanda Todd? I agree with you that such a tragedy should never have happened. However, I do not like for anyone to bring up that same topic, unless they acknowledge that a number of the sexual predators who targeted the late Ms. Todd were teenagers in high school themselves rather than adults.

Predator catchers appear to believe that there is this very thick line between teenage sex and adult sex, when fact has it that the two are constantly cross-pollinating without ever crossing the lines of grooming or exploitation except in the minds of deluded individuals who believe that everyone who disagrees with them on juvenile-justice-related matters are either pedophile enablers or in the pedophile closet themselves. Why don't these self-righteous do-gooders get a life?

Fact has it that most of these predator catchers and online vigilantes are domestic terrorists, and they are doing more harm than good to society. A gentleman named Norman Michael Achin explains in his video below why these people are so dangerous.

Norman Michael Achin Describes Three Different Types Of Online Sex-Sting Operations

Now, I have to admit that Mr. Achin is somewhat conservative for someone who takes an awareness of the harms that online sex-sting operations cause. Nonetheless, he has the right idea about them.

Predator catchers and their fans have turned into dangerous cults of domestic terrorists. These people do not care about the pursuit of justice. They don't even care about the teenagers that they so insist that they are saving or about any juveniles. If they did, they would be going to elected officials to seek the abolition of parental testamentary freedom.

These predator catchers are capitalizing on our nation's already defective and outdated statutory-rape laws. They needlessly embarrass and humiliate people for things they themselves have likely done. Sometimes I get to thinking that perhaps the prison-industrial complex is funding their activities to bring more cheap labor into their control.

In his videos on his YouTube channel (I.C.A.C. UNPACKED!), Mr. Achin has described how law-enforcement officials and court officials get rewarded for getting as many people arrested and convicted for "Internet crimes" involving teenage minors as they can. It's all a recipe for corruption and terrorism.

2. YouTuber 561PC - A Self-Styled Predator Catcher

Once you've seen one video of an online sex-sting operation, you've seen them all. Well, not exactly. I recently came across this one YouTube video from a predator catcher who calls himself "561PC" about a 38-year-old woman being caught for trying to meet up with a 14-year-old girl for sex. It's apparent that YouTuber 561PC knew that a number of people would be curious about seeing a video about a lesbian Lolita-chaser.

After you begin watching this same video, you notice that YouTuber 561PC looks like one of those dorks from that one movie Revenge of the Nerds. He gives lecture after lecture about how adults should never have sex with teenagers no matter what the circumstances are. He's another one of those laughable moral crusaders who need to get a real job. He's a first-class drama queen. You just want to tell him to shut up.

Like most predator catchers, YouTuber 561PC has this misconception that most teenagers, even in the middle-school years, still play with crayons and watch Saturday morning cartoons. After you watch this same video, you'll get to thinking that probably, if anything, these online sex-sting operations will provoke elected officials to abolish statutory-rape laws pertaining to adolescents from the law books.

Coincidentally, this online sex-sting operation takes place in Palm Beach, Florida, which is quite close to where the Dunbar Village rape took place in 2007. That is, a group of youths, some who were even as young as 14 years old, gang-raped a 35-year-old woman and forced her to engage in sexual acts with her 12-year-old son. So much for childhood innocence after puberty. YouTuber 561PC's video is below.

YouTuber 561PC Rides Around On His Moral High Horse Upon Lecturing A Woman About A 14-Year-Old Girl Who Doesn't Even Exist

As far as I'm concerned, if there is no breathing and living victim, then there can be no crime. YouTuber 561PC goes hovering around the so-called scene of the crime as the police question the 38-year-old woman named Valerie as though he is some kind of space cadet. Periodically, he gives Valerie lectures and sermons regarding age-appropriateness, so to speak.

It's almost as though YouTuber 561PC is trying to present himself as some kind of superhero who wants to attract the affections of underage adolescent girls himself. It's as though he wants his own complimentary Lori Mattix and wants to keep a clean-cut image at the same time, even though such a goal would be unachievable in his puritanical world.

YouTuber 561PC certainly looks like someone who never had a girlfriend during his formative years and there's nothing wrong with that, if that's the case. However, it's as though he continues to act out his sense of emptiness that he never got to experience that one first love.

I can be pretty sure that no middle-school or high-school girl is interested in him or even watches any of his videos on YouTube, because they have better things to do with their time. Anyone can see that he's trying to profit off of making fun of Valerie.

What really scares me about YouTuber 561 is that he presents himself to me as the kind of person who would betray his own mother if a group of 14- and 15-year-old boys were to gang-rape her and they were subsequently to lodge false allegations against her of statutory rape. That is, he would side with the underage rapists against her.

Do I feel sorry for Valerie in the video above? It's hard for me to say. After having sex with what she thought to be a 14-year-old girl, she had planned on taking her to a hotel for that young girl to have sex with an older man. It doesn't look good for the sake of optics in the American culture. Then again, if there was no actual 14-year-old girl, there really should have been no arrest.

I never encourage teenagers to have sex before they're ready to do so. However, at the same time, I realize that teenage promiscuity is a reality; and as long as teenagers are having sex with one another, there are bound to be teenagers who want to have sex with adults. Anyone who believes that it's the same thing as an old man abducting a toddler into his car to do the unthinkable to him or her really has to have a deluded one-track mind.

If I were to serve on a jury for a case like this where there was no actual "victim" involved, you better believe that I would be voting to acquit the defendant who in this matter would be Valerie. The only real mistake that she made was not invoking her Fifth-Amendment rights to demand a lawyer and remain silent. The case against her probably would have been dismissed in that event.

These police officers are wasting the taxpayers' money, and they are not being honest about how they go about their investigative tactics. It is outrageous that YouTuber 561PC is not even required to have a private investigator's license before conducting such sting operations. These predator catchers have way too many freedoms in the manner they go about their business.

How beautiful. The police arrested a woman named Valerie for something that is a thought crime at worst. YouTuber 561PC kept running his mouth about how Valerie almost changed the life of a 14-year-old girl forever, when there was no 14-year-old girl coming to see Valerie in the first place. She was a product of YouTuber 561PC's active imagination.

Some of you may ask, "What if she and that older man were involved in human trafficking?" Well, nobody was going to get trafficked that day, because there was nobody to traffic. Moreover, if a teenage girl involves herself in a situation from which she can easily walk away, then there really has been no harm done.

The most the arresting officers accomplished was to get Valerie to break into tears. She really had nothing to cry about, because she didn't harm anyone. The police could have been spending their time chasing after real criminals instead. Valerie should have copped an attitude with them à la Kaitlyn Hunt.

As I said before, YouTuber 561PC needs to get a real job. There are no teenage girls in his fan club.

If a 13-year-old girl were to slap Chris Hansen or one of his famous wannabes with a paternity suit, all of this predator-catcher crap would likely come tumbling down to a crash and go away altogether. Then YouTube and other social-media platforms would be freed up of additional space for others to post their videos.

These predator catchers are buffoons who enjoy shaming others. Even if a 14-year-old girl had appeared to meet up with Valerie, chances are she would have been one that was already sexually active; and having sex with someone older would not have made her head fall off.

I got wind that YouTube has been taking down videos of online sex-sting operations aggressively. Let's give a round of applause for YouTube on them doing the right thing. Online vigilantism has spiraled way out of control in recent years.

3. The Intellectually Challenged Comments Section To YouTuber 561PC's Video

The comments section to YouTuber 561PC's video contained the usual love fest of pedophile-panic fanatics as well as your regular borderline illiterates who won't take the time to look up the actual definition of pedophilia in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). I need not quote too many of them to give you a good idea of what I mean. Mendacious pedo-shaming was everywhere therein.

There was one YouTuber who chewed out YouTuber 561PC in the comments section of his video. YouTuber 561PC replied to him that he should not watch his video if he doesn't like it. My response to that statement is that YouTuber 561PC should recommend that everyone not watch his video at all, because it's not exactly a cinematographic piece of art.

A YouTuber named xbrandi12345x posted in that same comments section:

It blows my mind how many women are sex offenders nowadays. This lady even looks like she wanted to look like a teenager and then she keeps making excuses and downplaying the situation and acting like this is no big deal. Her tears are for herself.

Xbrandi12345x? If you're reading my article here, allow me to respond. Valerie didn't look like a teenager to me. There was no situation to downplay. No minor appeared. Moreover, there is a world of a difference between teenage promiscuity and child molestation.

You go by the assumption that whenever a 14-year-old girl meets up with an adult for sex, she is a virgin who has never had a beau before. When I was in middle school and high school, some of the wildest girls were 14 years old. Get out of your puritanical bubble and start facing reality.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x further posted in that same comments section:

If you are reading this and you are someone that tries to carry on some kind of unhealthy sexual/emotional relationship with a minor aged person, that's a big indication that something is seriously mentally wrong with you. Wanting to have some type of emotional or sexual relationship with a child is something you should already know is wrong. Don't be selfish and act on those urges, go find a psychiatrist to talk to about it with, not a counselor, not a therapist, a psychiatrist.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Do you actually believe that 14 years old is still a child? In many nations, 14 years old is above the statutory age of consent. Teenagers have been having cross-generational relationships with adults for centuries, and it wasn't until recently that narrow-minded individuals like yourself began conflating such relationships with the actual molestation of prepubescent children under 11 years old. You're out of touch with reality.

Throughout my life, I have come across a multitude of 14-year-old girls who were full-figured women or close enough to it. Adults are going to be attracted to them in that event. It's not the same thing as wanting to rape a toddler.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Who are you to tell someone that they're mentally ill if you don't even know them? Since you like psychiatrists so much and appear to believe that they are holier than thou, why don't you go to one? If you do so, it won't take you very long to realize why they have a low 38-percent approval rating here in the United States.

It was a scumbag psychiatrist (the late Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing) back in 1886 who was to blame for pedophilia becoming the object of Americans' moral panic. Originally, the late Dr. von Krafft-Ebing had intended upon conceptualizing pedophilia to describe an abnormal sexual attraction that adults had toward small, prepubescent children.

Now whenever some man over 21 years of age compliments a sexy 17-year-old girl in a bikini after seeing her on television, Americans will treat him as though he grabbed a 3-year-old toddler into his car and raped her. The late Dr. von Krafft-Ebing had to have known that his conceptualization of pedophilia was going to take on a life of its own in a biasedly detrimental manner.

That von-Krafft-Ebing charlatan should have been shot and hung. Why would anyone want to put him up on a pedestal or put anyone up on a pedestal who was in his same profession? All you have to do is read Jason B Truth's article titled "Welcome to the Mental-Health Profession's Hall of Shame," and you'll realize why psychiatrists are so hated in the United States of America.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x further posted in that same comments section:

Counselors and therapists are better for people with smaller issues. This is a big and serious issue. If you are attracted to kids or think it's easier to manipulate one into being with you than it is to go find an adult to be with, I hope you are able to see past yourself and your selfish wants and needs and realize that boundaries exist for a reason. If you are an adult that wants to be with a kid, what kind of a person do you think that makes you? It makes you a monster, that's what kind.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Give me a break. Anyone can clearly see that the movies Summer of '42 and Blame It On Rio were not your favorite films, to say the least.

Nevertheless, an adult having a loving relationship with a teenager is not the same thing as an adult sexually molesting a 6-year-old child. Psychiatrists and law-enforcement officials have dollar signs in their eyes whenever they pressure elected officials into strengthening statutory-rape laws here in the United States.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? If you're going to come back at me and shoot your mouth off about how you believe that a 14-year-old cannot consent and that they are vulnerable to "grooming" and power differentials, stop typing. There are teenage minors that sexually assault adults.

In 2007, a group of teenage boys, some as young as 14 years old, gang-raped a 35-year-old woman and forced her into engaging in sex acts with her own son. It is referred to as the Dunbar Village rape. Coincidentally, it took place close to where Valerie was arrested. It is rumored that a 13-year-old boy was one of the rapists.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? When Avion Lawson who was 14 years old at the time was forcibly penetrating his penis into the 35-year-old victim, do you believe for one minute that she viewed his barbaric acts against her as a form of child innocence? If you do, then you really have some colossal issues yourself.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Did you know that in a number of jurisdictions here in the United States, an adult woman can be charged with statutory rape if an underage boy rapes her? If you don't believe me, read the online publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn Hope Christopher from beginning to end. You might learn a thing or two from that publication, if you do so.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x further posted in that same comments section:

Kids need to be able to be kids so if you are talking to kids anywhere in any way that implies you want to have a relationship with them or do sexual things with them...make sure you remember you are an adult and that feeling this way is wrong and could get worse and you could end up acting on your thoughts instead of doing the right thing. Make sure you comprehend that if you follow through on your selfish urges that you will ultimately be robbing a child of their innocence and setting them up for a lifetime of struggling with their mental health. If you are someone that is reading this and you ::had a rough time growing up, don't make it so someone else has a rough time too. As an adult, you have responsibilities. Even if you don't have kids of your own it doesn't mean you don't have a responsibility to be a good role model and to act like an adult, not a monster.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? You are the definition of stupid. I agree with you that kids need to be able to be kids. However, I also believe that teenagers should not be conflated with prepubescent children, and your definition of "kids" may differ from other people's definition of it.

In the French culture, a girl crosses over into her womanhood once she turns 14 years old. In most Hispanic cultures, a girl becomes a woman on her fifteenth birthday.

Other cultures don't keep teenagers in diapers as arduously as the American one does. The age of 18 as the beginning of adulthood is merely a social construct that gets pushed way too aggressively here in the land of milk and honey.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? You don't know jack about what goes through the mind of a teenage girl; and if a 14- or 15-year-old girl decides to have sexual intercourse with someone noticeably older than her instead of a boy her own age, it doesn't mean that she's going to have a nervous breakdown afterwards.

No. The silent majority doesn't want the statutory age of consent to be raised to 35 years old, in figurative language. An adult falling in love with an adolescent between 12 and 17 years of age is not the same thing as a sexual predator jacking off to nude photographs of 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old kids being raped by adults.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x further posted in that same comments section:

Adults are supposed to keep kids safe and happy, not put them in danger and mix up their minds. If you are an adult trying to get with a kid , you are creating danger and luring a kid away from safety. As an adult you have the power to easily manipulate and brainwash a kid into believing what you say. You also have the power to stop that from happening. Protect kids, don't be a predator. Don't act on those selfish impulses. Think about the worst thing that's ever happened to you playing over and over in your mind again. Do you want to be the reason that happens to a kid? Do you want to be the reason they lose their innocence and end up with a variety of mental health issues due to your selfishness? Do you want yo go to prison because you failed to learn how to control yourself and just decided the rules and laws didn't apply to you? Do you want your face plastered everywhere and to be branded a predator? Think of the long term before you selfishly try to lure a kid in so you can get your kicks and fulfill some disturbed fantasy goal you have.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Could you be any more of a drama queen than you are? There is a world of a difference between a scenario of a sexually active 14-year-old girl straying outside her peer circles in search of intimacy and a scenario in which a child molester lures a 6-year-old girl into his vehicle with candy so that he can take her off somewhere and harm her.

YouTuber xbandi12345x? Get out of your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection and wholesome purity. The statutory-rape laws in our nation are broken. The very people who write these laws and who enforce them more often than not are the same people who violate them the worst. Your narrative encourages adults to commit what can be best described as civil disobedience regarding these same sex laws.

Now, I agree that any adult who sexually abuses a little kid who knows nothing about sex should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, if I am summoned to serve on a jury in a statutory-rape case involving a teenager and I don't find any indication that that teenager suffered from their sexual involvement with an adult, I will be voting "NOT GUILTY," period.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x further posted in that same comments section:

Kids date other kids, adults date other adults. If you are an adult with a craving for children, please do the right thing and seek help before you do something selfish and stupid and ruin lives, including your own. If you are an adult, you have a responsibility to keep your mental health in check so if you are thinking about kids in ways that you know you shouldn't, don't wait for things to get worse. If you need mental health resources and are in the United States, you can dial 211 from any phone and ask for mental health resources.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Do you actually believe in every piece of your nonsensical rhetoric? What makes it so defective is that you are conflating teenagers with prepubescent children and turning a blind eye to the fact that adolescents are losing their virginity at younger and younger ages on their own volition.

Do teenagers only date other teenagers and adults only date other adults? They could have fooled me. Did you not know that back in 2008, a 13-year-old girl named Alisha Dean opened a MySpace account and created a fictitious profile of herself, claiming that she was a 19-year-old divorcee? She did it to lure adult men into bed with her.

Would you consider her to be a victim of child molestation? If you see a picture of her, you'll learn that she is no child and nobody stole her childhood innocence when she chose to fool adult men into having sexual intercourse with her by misrepresenting her age to them.

YouTuber xbrandi12345x? Adolescents as young as 12 years old are making themselves up to look older to lure adults into bed with them. Do you honestly believe that going to a shrink is going to make these same adults' lives better? The most any mental-health professional will do is get them hooked on prescription drugs.

The psychiatric profession has a sketchy past. It wasn't too long ago that psychiatrists were removing people's organs with the erroneous belief that they were curing them somehow.

Psychiatrists know that anyone who has been wrongfully convicted of a non-violent sexual offense with a teenage minor is vulnerable to their manipulation and exploitative capitalization. Get your head out of the clouds, YouTuber xbrandi12345x. There is nothing for you to see in the clouds.

I'm not going to comment on any of the other posts in the comments section, because most of them peddle the same garbage. However, one question or comment that seemed to come up frequently was that certain YouTubers could not understand why any adult would find a teenager attractive. Okay. I think that question deserves a reasonable answer.

Below is a video of a young woman posing for a modeling agency. She is from the Czech Republic, and she is quite photogenic. She was a teenager at the time that she posed in this same video.

Zaneta R. Flaunts Off Her Genetic Gifts And Her Stunning Beauty

Zaneta R. was 17 years old at the time that she posed in the above video. That's right. She was a minor back then. Does it mean that every adult man who found her to be attractive was some kind of child predator? Of course not. In fact, I would have to say that these men were normal. If they didn't think she was beautiful, then they probably weren't even interested in the opposite sex at all.

If Zaneta R. had been in her fifties when she posed in that same video, she would have had to have been the next Brooke Shields to get any adult man interested in her physique. Otherwise, most men would have passed her video over to watch a video of a younger model.

Fact has it that adults who find teenage girls to be attractive don't go chasing after toddlers in playgrounds. Child molesters and pedophiles have a specific age pole in which they target little kids. They hang around Chuck E. Cheese to case their next child victim, because there are tykes everywhere in places like that.

Child molesters and pedophiles don't go to Taylor Swift concerts to get laid with some middle-school or high-school coed who would prefer an older boyfriend over a teenage one. In the video above, Zaneta R. was clearly not dressed for church, to say the least. Her video is bound to give some 30-plus-year-old man a dopamine blast, and it doesn't mean that he's ready for the looney bin or anything of the sort.

Alina Matveycheva is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pexels

4. Conclusion

It is time that Americans give pushback to the multitude of online sex-sting operations that do not truly serve the ends of justice. The statutory-rape laws in their present form have long outlived their purpose here in the United States.

Austerity is helping nobody. It is only lining the pockets of individuals who stand to profit from it in the form of arrests and convictions where there are no real victims.

It is outrageous how American society is so permissive toward deadbeat teenage fathers and prison rapists; whereas somehow when two people love each other who each merely happen to be on the opposite sides of the legal age line, the police and every other busybody find a way to meddle into their lives needlessly. Then these same self-righteous know-it-alls hypocritically preach about how the world owes you nothing.

If more of these convictions from online sex-sting operations were acquitted as a result of jury nullification in the United States, overly ambitious law-enforcement officials and corrupt judges would eventually lose interest in these matters. If people would stop sending money to these predator catchers, the entire industry behind it would dry up and social-media platforms would be rid of these buffoons.

Critical thinking is the answer to this same issue rather than knee-jerk reactions and moral panics. People from other nations are starting to view Americans as being dead between the ears because of the hysteria behind these online sex-sting operations. We all need to put an end to this madness before it consumes our society.

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Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

When the powers that shouldn't be rule by force it teaches us all to just wait our turn to dish out the violence.
This 'justification' of using force to gain compliance from otherwise peaceful people is a cancer in our society.
Good luck getting the mind controlled majority to break their training.

No one rules where none obey.

I realize that it has been nearly a month since I last published an article here on the Hive platform. It feels good to be posting again.

We are definitely at a local low in usage.
It will come back with the bull market.

LOL! I'm just thankful whenever even one person posts in the comments section of any article of mine. In this event, two people have posted in it.

You have people reading you, some of the biggest accounts know you are here, but they only back speech that corporations find agreeable.
I try to support disagreeable speech just so that can't be said about me.
I don't find your speech disagreeable, but you can bet those with the power to give you meaningful rewards do.

Kind of like the way it is for me on HubPages. Other writers there on HubPages prefer that I write a human-interest story as opposed to a controversial one. The problem is that whenever I do post a human-interest story there, I hardly get any views or any clicks on the ads in my articles; whereas whenever I post something controversial there similar to my article above, everyone wants to read it.

For a while, I was posting articles on HubPages about my skepticism over extra-terrestrials. The editorial board there was happy with them. My followers were happy with them. I was happy with them. However, I subsequently started receiving pushback from people who claimed that they had experienced encounters with aliens. An Australian man sent me an e-mail expressing his outrage with me about an article I did about Pine Gap (Australia's answer to Area 51) in his nation, because he insisted that extra-terrestrials were visiting our planet quite frequently. After that, I gave the whole extra-terrestrial-skepticism thing of mine a rest.

A follower of mine on my HubPages channel told me that he didn't like my points of view, but he read my articles anyhow inasmuch as he liked reading about opinions that were opposite to his. At the same time, posting anything controversial on HubPages that is similar to my article above causes me to have to walk a white line, because there is a lot of censorship on that writing platform. Here on Hive, I know that nobody in this writing platform's hierarchy will delete my articles no matter how controversial they are.

What do you think needs to be changed to the age of consent laws? And do you agree that a teenagers brain is not fully developed, which makes them easier to be victims of manipulation etc?

Terrywayne? It's interesting that you should bring up the question of when the human brain fully develops, because there have been debates about it. According to Jason B Truth's article titled "Do Human Brains Really Take 25 Years To Reach Full Maturity?," there has been scientific pushback against the contention that the human brain is not fully developed until 25 years of age.

In Argentina, the statutory age of consent is 18. However, their laws pertaining to it also have a clause in them that sets special burden-of-proof requirements for their prosecution if the alleged “victim” of a carnal knowledge case is between 13 and 17 years old. That clause requires that the prosecution prove that the alleged “victim” suffered exploitation at the hands of their older partner or that their older partner corrupted them in some way during their sexual encounter. It is not based solely upon the math in view of the age of the defendant and the age of the alleged "victim." It is also based upon the case-by-case circumstances behind it all.

The United States at least needs to take their age-of-consent laws in that same direction as Argentina. When I first moved to California, the law there used to read that if a 14-year-old boy had sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old girl, he could be charged and arrested for statutory rape. I found it somewhat bizarre that someone could get arrested for statutory rape merely for having a consensual relationship with someone three years older than them. Eventually, California legislators revamped that law so that such nonsense could no longer occur in their criminal justice system.

The age-of-consent laws in New York are ridiculous. If someone commits a crime and they are 16 years of age, they will automatically be charged as an adult; whereas they are not legally capable of consenting to sexual relations until they are 17 years old in that same state. Both of these laws go into conflict with each other.

Not too long ago a 14-year-old Florida boy broke into the home of an elderly woman in her nineties and brutally raped her. In most state jurisdictions, a criminal defense attorney cannot use prior sexual conduct of a minor as a defense to a statutory-rape rap against his or her client. However, if a minor engaged in CRIMINAL sexual conduct previously that involved violence, I don't see how it is just and fair that it would be inadmissible as evidence in a statutory-rape case where the minor's parents are alleging the minor to have been a victim.

If that 14-year-old Florida boy gets a slap on the wrist for raping an elderly woman and he has an affair with a woman in her thirties a year later, I am skeptical to believe that he would be vulnerable to manipulation given the nature of his past. There are so many things wrong with the age-of-consent laws here in the United States that it is not even funny.

I strongly oppose a teenage minor being held in contempt of court for refusing to testify against his or her significant other in a frivolous and malicious statutory-rape case in a situation in which their age difference is further apart in years than what the minor's parents approve. If the authorities are insisting that the teenage minor is a victim, it is hypocritical for them to treat him or her as a criminal simply for refusing to go along with their witch hunt.

Back in 2013, there was this one married couple in their forties that Kamala Harris was persecuting because before they were married, the husband got arrested for having sexual intercourse with his wife back when he was 19 years old and she was 17 years old. He was charged with statutory rape back then merely because they each were on opposite sides of the legal line at the time. Part of the husband's sentence included lifetime registration as a sex offender. I've linked the article here so that you may read it.

And I'm not pinning the blame on any one political party for this sort of thing or telling anyone to vote a certain way in the upcoming election. I've seen this tyranny come from both sides of the political aisle. However, what I am saying is that we seem to be the only country in the world that has these kinds of problems with our lawmakers and elected officials.

You may or may not agree with me, but I've been finding that many of these people in our criminal justice system want to have their cake and eat it too. I simply cannot remain silent about it.

I honestly think a lot of these pedo vigilante hunters need to be investigated themselves. Quite often the ones that are so vocal about being anti-pedo, going around accusing others or luring "pedos", are either "pedos" themselves or have some kind of CP. I believe quite a few members of QAnon were exposed for possessing CP, despite many of them being so against adult-teen relationships. Majority of men (99%) find teens attractive. A large percentage of men also find 11-14 year old girls attractive too.

This is similar to homophobic people. Quite a few who are extremely homophobic are actually closeted homosexuals themselves. As well as those so against Loli images, calling it CP, often times have Loli images saved on their computers or on social media.

A lot of this is either virtue signalling, projecting, supressing what the person is deep down, etc.

The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines pedophilia as the sexual attraction that anyone, 16 years of age or older, has toward a pre-pubescent child under 13 years old (under 11 years old under certain circumstances) who is five or more years their junior. Because Elon Musk refused to adhere to the DSM-5 in that he used the term "pedophile" as a misnomer against someone, that individual turned around and sued him for defamation of character. Elon Musk had to part with a few million dollars and give it to that same person after settling the case. It wasn't too much money for him to give up inasmuch as he is one of the richest men in the world. Nonetheless, I'm sure that he still didn't like having to give that much money to anyone against his will.

I begin to question what makes these predator catchers here in the United States believe that the same thing that happened to Elon Musk could never happen to them. They're always taking writer's license with the definition of "pedophilia" and the likes in their videos. Predator catchers up in Canada have already had to face civil litigation because of their shenanigans against innocent civilians. The majority of these predator catchers have sketchy backgrounds that involve their presence on the wrong side of the law.

Yes, I'm aware of the actual definition of pedophilia, I'm just using the loose term of "pedo" most people use, which is finding anyone under 18 attractive.

That Elon Musk situation annoyed me but good thing is, most people called him out on it.

Pedo vigilante hunters annoy me a lot, they've killed innocent men, like in these cases:

"The majority of these predator catchers have sketchy backgrounds that involve their presence on the wrong side of the law."

Exactly. They're either abusers, drug addicts, sexual deviants, have CP (like with the QAnon case), etc.

Some comments I've read from others about vigilante hunters:
"They don't start with good intentions. Vigilantes can't be trusted. We had a guy at work who was always raging about paedos being killed, turned out he was beating his wife.

These are often violent people looking for an outlet. You can't put justice in the hands of a mob".

Even the "To Catch A Predator" series has shady ways:
"The group that worked on "To Catch A Predator" were proper dodgy, loads of those cases collapsed in court because the chatlogs had the so called "decoy" being the ones talking about sex."

"I’ve been listening to a podcast (Criminally Stupid) that covers the chat logs and outcomes of each case. You couldn’t be more right, in every one they’ve covered the decoy is always the one steering the conversation to sex (in an incredibly graphic way). A lot of the cases border on entrapment so it’s no surprise they never went anywhere."

Money and greed are what drive these predator catchers' outrageous actions too. They care more about lining their own pockets than they do about serving the so-called greater good.

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