Let's Stop Living A Lie! Fake Pedophilia Is Ruining America

in #law3 months ago (edited)

Schwerdhoefer is the author of this picture/Source:  Pixabay

1.  Fake Pedophilia Vs. Real Pedophilia

Some of you may be wondering what fake pedophilia is as opposed to real pedophilia. Fake pedophilia is when someone falsely accuses another person of being a pedophile and then tries to rewrite the facts to be different from what they really are in support of their mendacious accusation of pedophilia.

Consider this article here of mine to be a follow-up of my previous article titled "Responding To Femi-Nazi Attacks Against Me On Reddit." A good example of fake pedophilia is when Classic_Calendar_506 and the other femi-Nazi hags who made comments to her Reddit post falsely accused me of being a pedophile and then attacked me with conspiracy theories about my so-called intentions and alleged activities, all of which are untrue.

Through the years, I have acquired experience in dealing with femi-Nazi hags like the ones from Reddit on the Internet. They all have their same patterns and their same lame methods of insulting people. They think that anyone who disagrees with their narrow-minded dogma is a misogynist, when they don't really have a full understanding of what misogyny really involves.

For some reason or another, these femi-Nazi hags all gravitate to Reddit and spew their intellectually bankrupt propaganda there. They have this attitude of saying, "Who needs men?" Then again, they all appear to resent men for not paying attention to them and avoiding them altogether in the dating scene.

These same women are human garbage, and they like to make their own problems. Righteous people are the scum of the Earth, especially femi-Nazi hags.

In that same Reddit forum of Classic_Calendar_506, smalltittysoftgirl questioned whether or not I had a girlfriend. Oh, wow. As though she actually believes that I'm going to share that personal piece of information about me with her.

Well, let me make this one point. I would never want to have smalltittysoftgirl or any of her femi-Nazi hag cohorts as a girlfriend. In that event, a long life of loneliness would be a better option for any man than to be married or even as so much involved in a relationship with any of these harpies.

Probably most of these same women cannot hold down a relationship for more than a week at the most. None of them are marriage material, and I would pity any child who would have to suffer the indignities of being an offspring of any of them.

If smalltittysoftgirl is concerned that she may have hurt my feelings by alleging that I didn't have a girlfriend, she didn't. She only reminded me of the type of significant other that I would never want to have.

Smalltittysoftgirl and her femi-Nazi cohorts all actually appear to believe that if a man was not the class hunk back during his formative years and didn't marry his high-school sweetheart at age 19, then he must either be a perma-virgin or a sexual deviant or both if that would even be possible. Fact has it that such glittering prom kings who fit that same description can be the most despicable and deplorable people in the world.

It only goes to show you that these same femi-Nazi hags are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch whenever it comes to selecting the right man. They'll even knowingly go for the bad boys and then blame all the men of the world for their troubles once those relationships go sour.

In a nutshell, most American women simply don't make suitable wives or even suitable girlfriends. Also, you don't want them having custodial rights over your children, because they don't make very good mothers either. YouTuber Legion of Men sums it all up in his video below.

YouTuber Legion Of Men Warns Men Not To Seek Love In The United States But Rather Abroad

I don't know if Classic_Calendar_506 and her femi-Nazi cohorts are going to read my article here, but I really don't care. I'm sure that they will find their way to it if they want to do so badly enough.

In any event, after these femi-Nazi hags read this article here of mine, at least they will know that I am not going to take their libelous activities against me sitting down. I'll keep going back and forth with them on this matter if I have to do so. If they choose to fabricate further falsehoods about my writings, I will not remain silent about it.

I will not allow these femi-Nazi hags to shove their pedophile-panic propaganda down my throat or overpower me with their pedophile-panic agenda. I will be the mouthpiece of the silent majority.

Ladies and gentlemen? I must forewarn you that I will be using some graphic language herein, so brace yourselves. I have to do so to get my points across inasmuch as I am dealing with serious and sensitive subject matter.

2.  Interesting Points From A YouTube Influencer And His Fans

There is an American influencer on YouTube named Steven Robert Whitsett who currently lives in Germany. He posted a video on his YouTube channel about a 26-year-old teacher who was arrested for having sexual relations with a 15-year-old male student.

Although Mr. Whitsett and most of the YouTubers who posted in his video's comments section all agreed that this 26-year-old woman was in the wrong profession, most everyone also agreed that her scenario could not be equated to a situation in which a 71-year-old man kidnapped a 3-year-old toddler from a playground and then performed cunnilingus on her.

Both scenarios would be light years apart. Mr. Whitsett's video can be found below.

Steven Robert Whitsett Condemns The Misuse Of The Clinical Term "Pedophile" And Its Likes

Jason B Truth has also embedded this same video above in his article titled "Journalists And Shrinks Misconstrue Sex Scandals Involving Minors." Mainstream media journalists and greedy mental-health professionals are in complicity with one another to push this same false narrative of theirs that adults who are attracted to teenagers are pedophiles.

The title of Mr. Whitsett's YouTube video above is "180-Month-Old Infant Sexually Assaulted By Alleged Serial Pedophile: A Common Sense Reaction." I absolutely love the sarcasm in this same title.

What made Mr. Whitsett's video above even more interesting was a number of comments that YouTubers posted in the comments section of it. Herein I will now quote those same comments and provide my feedback on them.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, there is one comment that is very powerful and hits these fanatical child advocates and pedophile-panic fanatics right where they live. This same YouTuber goes by the user name of mileskendziorski8000.

Therein this same YouTuber posted:

She’s just a cog of the system, funny how if it was a 15 year old girl kissing him, all the trauma would be nonexistent, but the moment that someone turns 18, now the younger person all of a sudden feels traumatized. I wonder what would happen if a really mature looking 16 yr felt up a 15 year old, but the 15 year old thinks that the 16 yr old is actually 23 because of her mature appearance, but after the encounter, the mature looking 16 yr old reveals to the 15 yr old that she’s not actually 23, she’s only 16, so does that mean that the 15 yr old was feeling traumatized during the encounter, but as soon as mature looking 16 yr old reveals that she is only 16, now is the 15 yr old gonna say, oh.. never mind, I thought you were 23 while we were making out, but now that I realize you’re only 16, I don’t feel traumatized anymore. I’m simply trying to show that I don’t believe any of this trauma nonsense, if both people agree to an encounter, then there is no trauma, it’s just the system trying to brainwash people.

YouTuber mileskendziorski8000 hits it all directly on the button in making a valid point. If you've ever watched Steve Wilkos on The Steve Wilkos Show, Mr. Wilkos will get into some of the most heated arguments with someone on his guest panel whenever that person states that age doesn't matter in relationships even when one partner is a teenager.

Mr. Wilkos will fire his mouth off on camera about how he only dated teenage girls below the statutory age of consent in his state jurisdiction back when he was below the legal age of majority. He will brag about how he would only have gotten involved with a 15-year-old girl back when he was 16 years old.

Nevertheless, here is some food for thought that I'd like to send Mr. Wilkos' way if it were possible. Back when Mr. Wilkos was 16 years old and first driving a car, he probably had the genetic gifts that most boys his age didn't have in order to attract a 14- or 15-year-old girl without fear of rejection. Not every man has been granted that same experience from Mother Nature.

Mr. Wilkos even had a 15-year-old girl on his talk show who complained that a seemingly underage boy she met on the Internet turned out to be much older than she had realized. All right. I'm not going to put goody two shoes on that man, but it was still really audacious of Mr. Wilkos to accuse him of being a pedophile when that man was clearly never attracted to pre-pubescent children.

In view of YouTuber mileskendziorski8000's above comment, how can anyone really substantiate that this same teenage girl was in some way traumatized from having sexual intercourse with an older man if she had believed that this man was the same age as her during the intercourse? It doesn't add up, and probably no self-proclaimed child advocate has the answer to that question inasmuch as they likely know that they're wrong.

At the end of the day, Mr. Wilkos is nothing but a dumb cop. Merely because he ran in the popular crowd during his formative years, it doesn't mean that he has ever had all the answers to the challenging questions in life despite that he walks around with a god complex.

I wouldn't doubt that Classic_Calendar_506 and her femi-Nazi cohorts on Reddit probably all watch The Steve Wilkos Show and worship him like some kind of legendary hero. That only goes to show you how dead between the ears they are.

We all must keep mileskendziorski8000's viewpoint in mind any time a self-proclaimed female predator catcher or predator hunter cries crocodile tears on camera to a suspect in an online sex-sting operation and gives him a bogus sob story about how a sexual encounter she had with an older man back when she was 13 or 14 years old psychologically traumatized her for life.

The truth is likely that she probably never got out of her house or socialized with anyone during her formative years. Either that or she is a temptress with a high body count who regrets having had her first sexual experience with the class stud in her school at a young age. These women are not genuine as they depict themselves to be.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber William-oq2uj posted:

I watched this twice and now hold the view that the stand in teacher crossed her professional line by engaging in a sexual encounter with the young man. I would never use the terms molestation or paedophile at all. A young man is not a child.

Bravo! YouTuber William-oq2uj is someone who actually gets it. He doesn't allow narrow-minded idiots like Classic_Calendar_506 and her femi-Nazi cohorts to mold his viewpoints regarding this subject matter. He probably would never date any of these witches either.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber ginliebhaberjman posted:

I watched a little of the actual video and read a bunch of the comments. America is so d--- brainwashed. This is a “terrible crime” simply because people say that it is and because generations of people have been raised to believe that it is!!

What ginliebhaberjman states makes perfect sense. You'll notice that if you have a conversation with someone from Generation X about this topic and your opinion doesn't coincide with that of the status quo, that person will give you a listening ear anyhow inasmuch as they've witnessed society and the law change its stance on this issue throughout the decades.

On the other hand, if you have this same conversation with someone from the Millennial Generation or younger, they'll question your school of thought, because many of them have never known any differently. How do you think that "To Catch A Predator" became such a popular show? It wasn't Generation X and the older generations that watched it regularly. It was the younger generations that did so.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber justinqualls4964 posted:

It's a sensational piece so they're pushing the fear element up to 11 with prepubescent children in the media, and verbiage to maximize the effect, perpetuating legislative hysteria when writing these laws. The fact is no young buck would touch her with a 10 foot pole, very few actually pay out of pocket to see these quacks, and without the state herding more "predators" in she might have to go out, and actually earn an honest living. We just live in a sad ass world.

I believe that the term that justinqualls4964 may be looking for to describe Dr. Shari Botwin in the video above is "spin doctor." In other words, she is a mental-health professional who places her greed before her professional ethics and cares nothing about the truth whenever she provides her patients with a so-called diagnosis.

This kind of disgraceful conduct is becoming more and more common in the mental-health profession. Shady shrinks engage in this behavior because they know that they can get away with it. Medical boards seldom ever do anything about it, and these shady shrinks know it.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber dakota-sessions posted:

You made a great point that the reason this shouldn't be allowed is because it interferes with school. Instead, we've told ourselves that there is some mystereous "trauma" that is caused by these acts. That was blown away with the famous Bruce Rind meta study. We don't need myths to protect minors. Logic is sufficient.

I'm glad that YouTuber dakota-sessions brought up the "famous Bruce Rind meta study," because Dr. Bruce Rind has always been brutally honest about topics that involve teenage sexuality. He has always steered clear of any sort of bias in his analyses of matters relating to teenage sexuality even when they were of a controversial nature.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber mrcleanisin posted:

Sherry is just doing her job working for the prosecutor; she knows the real definition of pedophilia. I'm sure she's read the DSM 5. First, there are different "ages of consent" for teachers vs boyfriend/girlfriend relations and there are also close in age exceptions. And I would disagree with your rating this teacher as attractive. On a 10 scale, she's more like a 7.5 or 8 at best. Maybe if she lost about 20 pounds, she might be a 9. The real victim here is her husband. I have more to say, but I am posting this now while there's only 22 comments.

I agree with YouTuber mrcleanisin. Dr. Botwin likely does know the true definition of pedophilia as laid out in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"). She's acting as a mouthpiece for the prosecutor in taking writer's license with the definition of pedophilia to give it a much broader interpretation than the DSM-5 allows. It doesn't make her actions right, of course.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber imsoretodddid9007 posted:

If they're old enough to be charged as an adult which implies that they have the capacity to understand what they're doing then they're old enough to have sex with someone older if they please.

You can't have it both ways.

My exact thoughts. It seems as though American law-enforcement officials are always looking for inventive ways to have their cake and eat it too, and this situation with teenagers and the law is no exception to the rule.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber Brandon-lh6fl posted:

It's amazing how many people don't know what pedophilia really is. This lady is one of many that thinks the exact same thing and are completely clueless. I don't really see a victim in this case. As a parent, I would be rather pissed at any teacher that did something like this. However, I wouldn't be calling the teacher a pedophile. The teacher crossed a line and shouldn't be doing this at school no matter how horny and persuasive the boy may be

YouTuber Brandon-lh6fl? Try explaining all of that to these femi-Nazi hags on Reddit. They don't care about the facts. They merely want to go on living in their cesspool of lies and stupidity. They're afraid of people like you, because unlike them, you actually have a brain.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, a YouTuber who goes by the user name of vincent4810 replied to YouTuber Brandon-lh6fl's comment and posted:

The education system is poor in this country.

That same comment is so very true. The illiteracy rate in the United States is currently in the double digits.

In the comments section of Mr. Whitsett's video above, YouTuber alexg3591 posted:

A critical look at the history of psychology--sexual therapists and all sorts of "experts" in human behavior--reveals that it has been used as a tool of oppression and power for most of its history. It is full of baseless claims and junk science.

YouTuber alexg3591? It doesn't take a genius to realize what you stated in your comment. One time I asked my co-workers at my place of employment if any of them had a friend who was a psychiatrist. All of them told me that none of them did. I wouldn't doubt that most people who ask their co-workers this same question would get the same answer as I did.

This one 60-year-old gentleman in my office told me that he thought that most psychiatrists were pompous asses. I wholeheartedly agreed with him.

Most of these mental-health professionals are social outcasts who place themselves high up on a pedestal without realizing exactly how much they have alienated themselves from society. They live in a state of denial only to line their own pockets and destroy the lives of their patients and of anyone who falls within their line of fire.

Alexas_Photos is the author of this picture/Source:  Pixabay

3.  Final Thoughts

Fake pedophilia is ruining the United States of America. We all need to educate ourselves on what paraphilias are and what they involve. We also need to educate ourselves on teenage sexuality and take an awareness that generally pedophilia has nothing to do with it

The United States is currently trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. We as Americans simply cannot afford for our elected officials and other public officials to squander away tax dollars on these puritanical missions as the one involving Dr. Shari Botwin. Most teenagers, even as young as 12 and 13 years old, likely don't want this kind of government intervention in their love lives.

Let teenage minors sort their differences out with their parents instead. I'm not saying that each and every parent should encourage their 14-year-old daughter to date a 25-year-old man; but if such a situation surfaces in their lives, it's better to keep the authorities out of the picture.

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